A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.
这是一部关于街拍鼻祖比尔·坎宁安(Bill Cunningham)的纪录片。已入耄耋之年的比尔依然是纽约时报的一名摄影师,拥有自己的板面专栏“On the Street”以及“Evening Hours”。他从六十年代起便一直沉迷街拍,并享受工作。在比尔的镜头下,不管你是上流名人、普通工人甚至是下城居民,只要你着装出位有个性,比尔都乐于捕捉你的美。几乎所有的时尚界人士都认识并尊重这位摄影顽童,就连著名时尚杂志Vogue的女主编安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)也说:“我们都为比尔着盛装。”然而,这样一位几乎把一生都献给了时尚且功不可没的老人,依然住在狭小工作室里,每天骑着自行车上街拍照,不过老人家却觉得这样最好,对他来说,拍照以外的任何事都无关紧要,能够自由地捕捉新鲜,才是他的追求。
电影放映机修理员布鲁诺(鲁迪格·福格勒 Rüdiger Vogler 饰)开着大卡车在德国乡间四处漫游,为乡间放映厅打些零工,期待着能找到一份工作,并能遇见生命中的女人。儿童语言学研究专家罗伯特(汉斯·齐施勒 Hanns Zischler 饰)与妻子分手后,开着车独自奔驰在路上,途中车子被驶入河中,他似乎在企图自杀。路过的布鲁诺正巧遇见,帮助他脱离困境。之后,罗伯特心有默契地搭着布雷诺的卡车行驶在德国乡间,一同为电影院放映电影。他们共同见证了美国文化对德国电影业的侵袭而致使德国电影的衰败,一同体会着沿途的孤寂与疏离。正当他们的友情更加亲近时,早已习惯孤独的两人又不得不面对着背道而驰的分离。
描述纽约时报驻柬埔寨的战地记者Sydney Schanberg与当地翻译Dith Pran的友情血泪故事。美国自柬埔寨撤军后,当地情势更为险恶,Sydney仍坚守在那,而多亏在当地人Dith Pran的帮忙,才能多次化险为夷度过鬼门关卡。没想到就在一次美国人士必须全面撤离柬埔寨的关键,Sydney的错估情势,让本来可以逃亡的Pran被红色高棉掳走,开始过着生不如死的生活……
Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...
“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.
Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.
幕府歌剧是一位怀孕女人的笔记,它是关于巴黎一条优美小街叫幕府达(Mouffetard)的故事,Varda昵称它为–幕府(La Mouffe)。那里到处都是传统的市集、咖啡厅和面包店…。1958年Bruxelles的万国博览会有一项实验电影的展览,主办单位希望Varda能有视频参加,这给了她一个拍片的动机。带着一张铁制的折叠椅,和一台借来的Paillard付有三个镜头之转盘的十六厘米摄像机,外加一个照相用的脚架,Varda独自一个人便拍了起来。当时怀孕的她于是决定以很个人化的眼光去拍这条她很熟悉的街道。流浪汉已经是一个导演所观注的主题,观众也一定很快就会发现,片中Varda对人的关注远胜于风景。在她的眼中,所有这些路上的老人和流浪汉都曾经是婴儿。本片的片名来自Pabst改编Brecht的《四便士歌剧》。如今这条悠美的街道早已成为巴黎著名的观光圣地,1993年又再度出现在Kieslowski〔奇士劳士基〕的《蓝色情挑》里,但景致已经截然不同。
This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.
Mildly successful comedian, Hannibal Buress, performs his second stand-up special in Chicago based on his wild night with the police.
This documentary examines a selection of real life serial killers and compares them to the fictional Hannibal Lecter.
Eight men, eight stories about the morning after party...
It would seem that the life of Lena - girls from the provinces - was a success. She did everything to become a famous TV presenter in her incomplete 30 years. She has a beautiful wealthy husband, she is valued and respected. But behind this prosperous facade lies a deeply unhappy person. Because you can not be happy by abandoning true love and your own child for the sake of career and fame. And now, in order to find herself the same, she needs to go back, win her beloved again and become a real mother. And she will have to find out the truth that has been hidden from her for so many years ...
Hannibal is a nice and polite boy, but Father and Mother think he hangs too much in front of the television. They therefore give him the dog Jerry, whom he is very pleased with. It turns out that Jerry, as the dog is called, is not an ordinary dog, because it can not bark, but on the other hand it can speak. The crafty toy maker Uncle Grandfather and his henchman Uncle Harry would like to grab Jerry, and it involves various conflicts involving a cheeky dog trader, an unlucky glazier and a distinct police cops.