Godinu dana nakon događaja iz prošlog nastavka, Batman, poručnik James Gordon i novi okružni tužitelj Harvey Dent uspješno dovode kriminalce iza rešetaka, sve dok se u gradu ne pojavi misteriozni sadistički kriminalac zvan Joker, koji počne stvarati novi val kaosa u Gothamu. Batmanova borba protiv Jokera veoma brzo prijeđe na osobnu razinu, što će Batmana prisiliti na velike kompromise kako bi ga uspio zaustaviti.

A bumbling tramp desires to build a home with a young woman, yet is thwarted time and time again by his lack of experience and habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time..

Adaptacija istoimene autobiografije Solomona Northupa iz 1853., o otmici slobodnog Afroamerikanca u Washingtonu 1841. i prodaji u ropstvo u kojem je proveo 12 godina radeći na plantaži.

Valentine, a student model in Geneva, struggles with a possessive boyfriend and a troubled family. When she runs over a dog, she discovers that its owner, a retired judge, is illegally wiretapping and eavesdropping on his neighbors' phone calls. Although Valentine is outraged, she develops a strange bond with the judge – and as the two become closer, she finds herself caught in the middle of events that could change her life.

Swedish thriller based on Stieg Larsson's novel about a male journalist and a young female hacker. In the opening of the movie, Mikael Blomkvist, a middle-aged publisher for the magazine Millennium, loses a libel case brought by corrupt Swedish industrialist Hans-Erik Wennerström. Nevertheless, he is hired by Henrik Vanger in order to solve a cold case, the disappearance of Vanger's niece

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

William Parrish, media tycoon and loving father, is about to celebrate his 65th birthday. One morning, he is contacted by the inevitable, by hallucination, as he thinks. Later, Death enters his home and his life, personified in human form as Joe Black. His intention was to take William with him, but accidentally, Joe and William's beautiful daughter Susan have already met. Joe begins to develop certain interest in life on Earth, as well as in Susan, who has no clue with whom she's flirting.

Working-class British housewife Myra Savage reinvents herself as a medium, holding seances in the sitting room of her home with the hidden assistance of her under-employed, asthmatic husband, Billy. In an attempt to enhance her credibility as a psychic, Myra hatches an elaborate, ill-conceived plot to kidnap a wealthy couple's young daughter so that she can then help the police "find" the missing girl.

Nakon što je njegov prijatelj iz djetinjstva ubijen u Detroitu, buntovni detektiv Axel Foley prelazi cijelu zemlju kako bi pronašao ubojicu na Beverly Hillsu.

Morton Schmidt i Greg Jenko misija ih vodi na fakultet gdje će pokušati stati na kraj tajanstvenom narko bossu.

John Rambo je pušten iz zatvora zbog strogo tajne misije i šalju ga na posljednje mjesto na Zemlji u koje bi se želio vratiti - vijetnamske džungle.

Lovac na blago Benjamin Franklin Gates posvetio je svoj život pronalaženju legendarnog blaga vitezova templara, za kojega se tvrdi da je najnevjerojatniji vuč svih vremena i skrivenog negdje u Americi. Sedam generacija članovi obitelji Gates tražili su tragove koje su ostavili osnivači Amerike i putovali su u sve krajeve zemlje u potrazi za blagom. Sada je prevarant Ben napokon otkrio konačni trag koji će ga odvesti do blaga: mapu skrivenu na poleđini Deklaracije o neovisnosti. Postojanje mape upozorava na Gatesovog velikog konkurenta, Ian Howea, a Ben se suočava s teškom dilemom: Ili je on prvi koji je ukrao najvažniji američki dokument, koji je zaštićen najsofisticiranijim svjetskim sigurnosnim sustavom, ili on pustit će da padne u izuzetno opasne ruke.

Experienced shipyard worker Shimazaki gets an offer of free lodging from his employer in the company seaside rest house if he agrees to see to its running. After moving in, Shimazaki finds out that this will also mean taking care of a flock of youngsters, and he soon becomes their none-too-successful warden. At work the boys are disciplined, as soon as they return to their dormitory however they turn into an unmanageable mob.

A prequel to the first two Underworld films, this fantasy explains the origins of the feud between the Vampires and the Lycans. Aided by his secret love, Sonja, courageous Lucian leads the Lycans in battle against brutal Vampire king Viktor. Determined to break the king's enslavement of his people, Lucian faces off against the Death Dealer army in a bid for Lycan independence.

U samom srcu Pariza nalazi se smrtonosna tajna. Na drugoj polovici svijeta, u Los Angelesu, veleposlanik Han (Tzi Ma) sprema se razotkriti je. Došao je u posjed eksplozivnih novih dokaza o djelovanju trijada - najmoćnije i najzloglasnije zločinačke organizacije na svijetu. Veleposlanik je doznao identitet vođe velikoga zločinačkog kruga i sprema se razotkriti ga Svjetskom sudu za zločince, no tad je ubijen. Trijade neće prezati ni od čega kako bi njihove tajne ostale skrivene i postoji samo jedna mogućnost da ih se zaustavi. Losandželeski detektiv Carter (Chris Tucker) i kineski inspektor Lee (Jackie Chan) vraćaju se u akciju kamo ne pripadaju. Neobični dvojac odlazi u Grad Svjetlosti da zaustave globalnu zločinačku urotu i spase život stare prijateljice, sad odrasle kćerke veleopslanika Hana, Soo Yung .

After being set-up and betrayed by the man who hired him to assassinate a Texas Senator, an ex-Federale launches a brutal rampage of revenge against his former boss.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

U sunčanoj južnoj Kaliforniji i na tragu dvojice ubojica, Axel Foley ponovno se udružuje s policajcem iz LA-a Billyjem Rosewoodom. Ubrzo otkrivaju da se zabavni park koristi kao paravan masivnog prstena za krivotvorenje - a njime upravlja ista banda koja je pucala u Billyjeva šefa.

The Umbrella Corporation’s deadly T-virus continues to ravage the Earth, transforming the global population into legions of the flesh eating Undead. The human race’s last and only hope, Alice, awakens in the heart of Umbrella’s most clandestine operations facility and unveils more of her mysterious past as she delves further into the complex. Without a safe haven, Alice continues to hunt those responsible for the outbreak; a chase that takes her from Tokyo to New York, Washington, D.C. and Moscow, culminating in a mind-blowing revelation that will force her to rethink everything that she once thought to be true. Aided by new found allies and familiar friends, Alice must fight to survive long enough to escape a hostile world on the brink of oblivion. The countdown has begun.

A tragic love story involving the 5th Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty and a woman who became one of his concubines.