La timida Nian sta cercando di prepararsi al meglio per il difficile esame che le consentirà l'ingresso all'università ma il bullismo dei compagni di classe non l'aiuta molto. Il mondo di bei invece è la strada, con tutti i suoi angoli bui. Una notte, le strade dei due giovani di incrociano e nulla sarà più lo stesso: quando la nemesi di Nian a scuola viene rinvenuta morta, i due sono i primi a essere sospettati.

Shin-chan is approached by his time-traveling future bride-to-be Tamiko, who asks him to help save his adult self from the ruler of Neo Tokio.

Due sconosciuti s'incontrano in treno e iniziano un rapporto che si evolve nel corso degli anni. Dopo una separazione, si ritrovano e riflettono sul loro amore.

Until Forever: The Michael Boyum Story is a powerful, true account of one young man's courageous battle with leukemia and his journey of faith.

Mexico City, or "Chilangolandia," is a chaotic metropolis where millions of stories take place every day. Some of them are part of this fun comedy full of familiar characters and others that defy stereotypes. Ramiro is a taxi driver who hopes his problems will end when his nephew "El Chulo" becomes a national soccer star. On the other hand, Carmen and Miguel are couple who unexpectedly receive a suitcase with a large sum of money, just what they need to get out of their financial situation. But when the true owners of the cash realize that it fell into the wrong hands, endless adventures and misunderstandings break out within this complex city.

Brash boxer Cassius Clay burst into the American consciousness in the early 1960s, just ahead of the Civil Rights movement. His transformation into the spiritually enlightened heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali is legendary, but this religious awakening also led to a bitter legal battle with the U.S. government after he refused to serve in the Vietnam War. This film reveals the perfect storm of race, religion and politics that shaped one of the most recognizable figures in sports history.

Alcune mostruose creature attaccano un piccolo villaggio e un bambino per salvarsi scappa verso le vicine montagne. Inconsapevolmente, il piccolo libera il Re Scimmia, creatura onnipotente che da cinquecento anni era imprigionato in una gabbia di ghiaccio per volere degli dei. Con l'aiuto del Re Scimmia, il bimbo ora rappresenta l'unica speranza per il suo villaggio.

A middle-aged loser travels back in time to his high scool years to put his life on the right track.

The four constables Emotionless, Iron Hands , Life Snatcher and ColdBlood are specially skilled in their own individual super powers. When the four constables of the Divine Constabulary investigate a murder in the suburbs, they unexpectedly stumble on clues to the murder of Emotionless's family 15 years ago.

In un mondo fantastico, dove umani e mostri si trovano a convivere, il tenero e piccolo mostriciattolo Wuba, nato per diventare re, è l'unica speranza per porre fine a una guerra civile nata tra i mostri. Ma il perfido sovrano dei mostri ha messo una taglia su Wuba, promettendo una ricompensa molto generosa per chi riesce a catturarlo. Per sfuggire ai cacciatori di mostri, Wuba si troverà ad affrontare un viaggio avventuroso pieno di azione, divertimento e sorprese inaspettate. Ad aiutarlo ci saranno non solo tanti nuovi amici, ma anche i suoi genitori umani.

A paralegal is sent on a undercover mission to inspect the young owner of a stunning beach resort for illegal practices. The pair bicker and fight, but the rules of attraction says otherwise...

A story of Lin Rilang, a father and husband whose son is diagnosed with an enlarged heart, gives all his efforts to collect money for his son's operation.

A man and woman from feuding families each pretend to fall in love, as part of a revenge plot. Chaos ensues when their fake romance becomes a reality.

Inghilterra. Medioevo. Il malvagio mago Pendragon tenta di conquistare il trono del reame di Cornovaglia, e si serve di un gigante per rapire la principessa Elaine. Il tentativo è, però, sventato all'ultimo istante da Jack, un povero agricoltore, che riesce ad uccidere il gigante e liberare la principessa. Il re Mark, per riconoscenza verso l'eroe, lo nomina cavaliere e protettore della principessa. Sapendo, comunque, che il perfido Pendragon non si arrenderà tanto facilmente e temendo un nuovo agguato, il re decide di mandare segretamente Elaine in un convento in Normandia fino a quando la minaccia cesserà definitivamente.

When Jiajia, a young woman in Beijing who lives a luxurious life provided by her wealthy boyfriend, gets pregnant, she goes to the United States, hoping that the baby will be born an American citizen. There she meets Frank who offers help and makes her think twice about who her Mr. Right really is.

Following the breakdown of his marriage, a self-involved man begins to embrace fatherhood.

Recently cuckolded and reeling from a messy divorce, a hapless former singer hits the road - and the bar - with his all-too-helpful best bud, in this hilarious romantic comedy.

Luokkakokous is a story about three men that travel back to their hometown to attend their high school class reunion.

The six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. Luckily, there is a mysterious entity that is happy to help. See, he has some monsters of his own and they are just dying to test out their skills.. One house. Six kids. Seven monsters. Who will be left standing? It's time for a showdown.. it's Kids Vs Monsters!