Zgodba o levjem princu Simbi, nasledniku kralja živali, katerega zahrbtno umori njegov oportunistični brat. Medtem ko stric vlada z železno šapo, princ odrašča onkraj savane in živi po filozofiji »brez skrbi do konca svojih dni«. Toda ko ga njegova preteklost začne preganjati, se mora mladi princ odločiti o svoji usodi: ali bo ostal izobčenec ali pa se bo soočil s svojimi demoni in postal to, kar mora biti?

Tanjiro Kamado, joined with Inosuke Hashibira, a boy raised by boars who wears a boar's head, and Zenitsu Agatsuma, a scared boy who reveals his true power when he sleeps, boards the Infinity Train on a new mission with the Fire Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, to defeat a demon who has been tormenting the people and killing the demon slayers who oppose it!

Rascal. Joker. Dreamer. Genius... You've never met a college student quite like "Rancho." From the moment he arrives at India's most prestigious university, Rancho's outlandish schemes turn the campus upside down—along with the lives of his two newfound best friends. Together, they make life miserable for "Virus," the school’s uptight and heartless dean. But when Rancho catches the eye of the dean's daughter, Virus sets his sights on flunking out the "3 idiots" once and for all.

Zgodba v stilu srhljivega psihološkega trilerja pripoveduje o osemletnem dečku z imenom Cole Sears, ki ga preganja temačna skrivnost: obiskujejo ga duhovi umrlih. Cole je izredno občutljiv in krhek deček, razpet med grozo, ki jo doživlja ob vsakem obisku, in med strahom pred nerazumevanjem, ki bi ga dobil v odgovor, če bi svojo skrivnost komu zaupal. Končno se zaupa svojemu psihiatru, dr. Malcolmu Croweu. Njuna skupna pot do razumevanja neznanega in nadnaravnega ju vodi do spoznanja, ki ga ne eden ne drugi nista pričakovala in kar lahko razumeta in obvladata le s skupnimi močmi.

Ko nekega večera v njegov dom vdreta tatova, Hutch Mansell noče braniti sebe ali svoje družine, saj tako upa, da bo tako preprečil resno nasilje. Posledice incidenta se ujemajo s Hutchevim dolgotrajnim besom, ki bo sprožil instinkte in ga pognal na brutalno pot, ki bo razkrila temne skrivnosti in smrtonosne veščine. Med pestmi, streljanjem in cvilečimi pnevmatiki bo moral Hutch rešiti svojo družino pred nevarnim nasprotnikom, ter si zagotoviti, da ga nikoli več ne bodo podcenjevali.

A workman finds a singing frog in the cornerstone of an old building being demolished. But when he tries to cash in on his discovery, he finds the frog will sing only for him, and just croak for the talent agent and the audience in the theater he's spent his life savings on.

After his release from prison, bank robber Zequi sets off to recover the stolen money that was buried by his dizzy accomplice. He's horrified to learn that a high school gymnasium is now standing over the site where the loot is stashed. Needing to infiltrate the building, Zequi lands a job as a substitute teacher for a group of wild and unruly students. As the ex-con tries to lay down the law, he starts to realize that life in jail may have been easier than trying to deal with rebellious teens.

The Coyote chases the Road Runner through a maze of mine shafts.

Nadaljevanje filma Black Panther iz leta 2018 nas vrne v Wakando, kjer se pojavi nova grožnja s strani skritega podmorskega naroda Talokan. V filmu se kraljica Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoye in Dora Milaje borijo za zaščito svojega naroda pred posredovanjem svetovnih sil, ki so se mobilizirale po smrti kralja T'Challa. Medtem, ko se prebivalci Wakande trudijo sprejeti izgubo svojega ljubljenega voditelja, se morajo junaki združiti in s pomočjo Nakie in Everetta Rossa skovati nov načrt za kraljestvo Wakande.

Mickey, Minnie, and their famous friends Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto gather together to reminisce about the love, magic and surprises in three wonder-filled stories of Christmas past.

The wife of an Irish school teacher is branded a traitor when she falls for a British officer who is part of an occupying force in 1917 Ireland.

Tezuka Osamu's most famous work "Jungle Emperor Leo" has been made into an animated version a number of times. In this theater version, Tezuka Osamu was able for the first time to depict the theme that "All life is equal" through Leo's self-sacrifice.

1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called "Louis", is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way - much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later, he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval. The unconventional genius and French Revolution are sparking a fire in Louis' heart; he doesn't want to serve a master - only the arts. Facing times of family tragedies and unrequited love, he almost gives up. However, Louis makes it to Vienna to study under Haydn in 1792, and the rest is history. Who was this man, whose music has since touched countless hearts and minds? At the end of his life, the master is isolated by loss of loved ones and hearing. Surely though, he was way ahead of his times.

Rich knows a lot about accidents. So much so, he is scared to do anything that might endanger him, like riding his bike, or climbing into his treehouse. While in an old library, he is mystically transported into the unknown world of books, and he has to try and get home again.

Napeta kriminalka o dveh detektivih, ki poskušata izslediti serijskega morilca. Med forenzičnim opravkom v Los Angelesu se osramočeni bivši policist Joe Deacon – Deke pridruži naredniku Jimu Baxterju na lovu za blaznim serijskim morilcem, ki terorizira mesto. Dekeov občutek za malenkosti se izkaže za srhljivo natančnega, toda lov na zločinca kmalu razburka stare, davno zakopane skrivnosti iz njegove preteklosti.

Speed Racer is a young and brilliant racing driver. When corruption in the racing leagues costs his brother his life, Speed must team up with the police and the mysterious Racer X to bring an end to the corruption and criminal activities.

Aging publisher Will Randall is at the end of his rope when a younger co-worker snatches his job out from under his nose. But after being bitten by a wolf, Will suddenly finds himself full of youthful vigor. As he struggles to regain his position, he becomes enthralled with Laura Alden, his former boss's daughter. And, as increasingly animal-like urges begin to overwhelm him, Randall worries that he may be turning into the creature that bit him.

In the early hours of the night, young David Maclean sees a flying saucer land and disappear into the sand dunes just beyond his house. Slowly, all of the adults, including his once loving parents, begin to act strangely.

After losing his job, Leo is also losing his breath at his girlfriend's demands. In his closet, he finds a toy gun, so he looks for his good old friend DJ Canas, and proposes him the business of their lives: to become armed robbers. This is how they begin a journey full of funny adventures where Leo looks for money and DJ Canas seeks the adrenaline.

The evil Gen. Rancor has his sights set on world domination, and only one man can stop him: Dick Steele, also known as Agent WD-40. Rancor needs to obtain a computer circuit for the missile that he is planning to fire, so Steele teams up with Veronique Ukrinsky, a KGB agent whose father designed the chip. Together they try to locate the evil mastermind's headquarters, where Veronique's father and several other hostages are being held.