Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

Karna from a small town has joined this engineering college and he gangs up with his hostel mates Loki, Alexander, Manja and others to fuel a lot of mischief in the college.

One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.

Crime-solving librarian Aurora Teagarden leaps headfirst into Lawrenceton’s latest murder investigation when her nephew Phillip and his college roommate go missing after the roommate’s girlfriend is found dead. Enlisting the help of her Real Murders pals, and the handsome college professor Nick Miller who just moved in across the street from her, Roe uncovers a kidnapping plot gone awry.

Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

Re is a Kannada comedy drama starring Ramesh Aravind and Anant Nag. A rich man arrives at an old palatial house to find that his ancestors are cursed to an afterlife in the house. Now it becomes his responsibility to undo the curse.

Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.

The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.

Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love story with style and lyricism, with black and brown youth at the heart of it all.

Деб никога не се е срамувала, че е лошото момиче в семейството. Ражда дъщеря си Бриджет млада, Бриджет също ражда сина си Джеси млада и тримата живеят що-годе щастливо в малко градче в Пенсилвания. Една вечер Бриджет излиза с бившия си – бащата на Джеси – и никога не се връща. Майката и сестрата на Деб се присъединяват към цялата общност, която щателно издирва момичето, но без резултат. Минава време, болката малко по малко започва да отшумява и Деб продължава напред, отглеждайки внука си сама.

A group of Soul Hunters come to Babylon 5 demanding the return of something that was stolen from them.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

Двойка лесбийки, наскоро женени, отиват до отдалечена горска хижа за да прекарат време заедно. За съжаление, едната от тях се оказва безчувствен социопат и сериен убиец, искайки да преследва новата си емоционална съпруга и да я измъчва брутално физически и психически до смърт, както е направила и с предишната си съпруга. Дали историята ще се повтори?

An erotic horror tale about a vixen vampiress seducing and killing women to appease her insatiable thirst for female blood.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

Сюжетът на "Meeting Evil" разказва за депресирания агент по недвижими имоти Джон Фелтън (Люк Уилсън), който наскоро е бил уволнен от фирмата в която е работил в продължение на години. След като по случайност се среща с мистериозен непознат, наричащ себе си Ричи (Самюел Джаксън), Джон попада във въртележка от тежки престъпления и мъчения, които бавно, но сигурно го превръщат в безмилостен човек, наслаждаващ се на чуждата болка.

Самотната майка Мадисън и нейните деца са непрестанно тормозени от необяснима паранормална сила в дома си.

Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research. A prototype robot intended for crime combat escapes from the development lab and goes on a killing rampage.