Batman has not been seen for ten years. A new breed of criminal ravages Gotham City, forcing fifty-five-year-old Bruce Wayne back into the cape and cowl, but does he still have what it takes to fight crime in a new era?

Pēc tam, kad ir likvidēti daži no bandas locekļiem, kuri mēģināja viņu nogalināt viņas kāzu dienā, "Mamba Negra" turpina atriebties un mēģina pabeigt visu pārējo bandu, it īpaši viņas bijušo priekšnieku Bilu, kurš viņu atstāja mirušu, atstājot viņu komā.

"Nakts reportieris" ir asinis stindzinoša krimināla rakstura drāma, kuras darbība risinās mūsdienu Losandželosas naksnīgajās ielās. Lū Blūms ir jauns, motivēts vīrietis, kurš, izmisīgi meklējot darbu, uzduras Losandželosas pagrīdes kriminālžurnālistikai un visām ar to saistītajām rūpēm, problēmām un azartam. Atradis grupiņu ārštata operatoru, kuri filmē auto avārijas, ugunsgrēkus, slepkavības un citas ārkārtas situācijas, Lū izkonkurē citus nakts reportierus un iegūst labi apmaksātu darbu prestižā Losandželosas televīzijā. Saņemot palīdzību no TV kanāla direktores Ninas, Lū ātri kļūst par vienu no pazīstamākajiem nakts reportieriem ne tikai Losandželosā, bet visā Kalifornijā un pat aiz štata robežām. Meklējot kārtējo sensacionālo stāstu, Lū pats kļūst par jaunākās sensācijas galveno varoni.

Atgriezies Asgardā, lai atrastu noslēpumaino ienaidnieku, kurš meklē Bezgalības Akmeņus, Tors uzzina, ka viņa brāļa Loki rīcība ir pietuvinājusi karaļvalsti briesmīgam notikumam - Ragnarjokam. Leģenda vēsta, ka tas nozīmē pēdējo kauju, pēc kuras Asgarda tiks iznīcināta. Toram nāk palīgā Halks un viņiem abiem būs lemts sastapties aci pret aci ar visu deviņu pasauļu ļaunāko ienaidnieku.

The world is under attack by an alien armada led by the powerful Apokoliptian, Darkseid. A group of superheroes consisting of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Shazam must set aside their differences and gather together to defend Earth.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

Filmu triloģijas par Austrijas imperatores Sisī dzīvi trešā un noslēdzošā daļa. Dzīve Vīnes galmā joprojām šķiet nomācoša jaunajai imperatorei, tādēļ viņa daudz laika pavada Ungārijā, pamatojot to ar faktu, ka tagad viņa ir arī Ungārijas karaliene un viņas mērķis ir samierināt dumpinieciskos Ungārijas aristokrātus ar Austrijas impēriju. Tomēr Ungārijā Sisī uzzina noslēpumu, kura dēļ viņa nekavējoties atgriežas Vīnē. Liktenis nav žēlīgs pret jauno valdnieci, un smagas slimības diagnoze liek viņai pamest gan viņas mīļoto Franci Jozefu, gan savu bērnu. Vai Sisī izveseļosies, atgūs savu ģimeni un spēs novērst kara draudus impērijai?

Biogrāfisku drāmu triloģijas par Austrijas ķeizarienes Sisī dzīvi 2. daļa. Sisī un Francis ir tik tikko nosvinējuši kāzas, bet stingrais galma protokols jaunajai ķeizarienei nav saprotams. Tomēr ir arī priecīgas ziņas – gaidāms bērniņš! Vīramātes rīcība liedz jaunajai māmiņai būt laimīgai. Vēl draud karš ar Ungāriju. Vai Sisī spēs atgūt savas ģimenes laimi un glābt Austriju no kara?

After a lightning bolt zaps a robot named Number 5, the lovable machine starts to think he's human and escapes the lab. Hot on his trail is his designer, Newton, who hopes to get to Number 5 before the military does. In the meantime, a spunky animal lover mistakes the robot for an alien and takes him in, teaching her new guest about life on Earth.

Searching for his brother, Ryota stows away on a boat belonging to a criminal alongside two other teenagers. The group shipwrecks on Letchi island and discover the Infant Island natives have been enslaved by a terrorist organization controlling a crustacean monster. Finding a sleeping Godzilla, they decide to awaken him to defeat the terrorists and liberate the natives.

After Gordon Bombay's hockey comeback is cut short he is named coach of Team USA Hockey for the Junior Goodwill Games. Bombay reunites the Mighty Ducks and introduces a few new players, however, he finds himself distracted by his newfound fame and must regather if the Ducks are to defeat tournament favourites Iceland.

In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombie-have to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors.

Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack.

After a successful deployment of the RoboCop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the RoboCop 2 project, a living God.

Gotham City is under siege by a series of bizarre crimes and only the world's greatest detective, Batman, can unravel the mystery! The trail leads to none other than the Penguin and his Animilitia, an animal-inspired squad of villains including Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and the monstrous Man-Bat.

French filmmaker Eric Lartigau directs the anarchic buddy comedy Bullit and Riper, originally released as Mais qui a tue Pamela Rose? French comedic television stars Kad Merad and Olivier Barroux are both the protagonists and the screenwriters. As a parody of Hollywood cop films, the story is set somewhere in the American Midwest as fabricated by the French. After losing his regular partner, FBI agent Richard Bullit (Merad) gets assigned to the book-learned cop Riper (Barroux) to investigate the death of a stripper. American movie stereotypes abound, such as shock jock Phil Canon (Gérard Darmon) and sheriff Steve Marley (Jean-Paul Rouve).

Izmantojot citplanētiešu tehnoloģijas, kuras bija iegūtas pēc pirmā iebrukuma, tika radīta īpaša sistēma planētas aizsardzībai. Taču šo laiku izmantoja arī viņi un Zemes iedzīvotājus gaida vēl nebijis pārbaudījums - tehnoloģiski modernizētāka, vēl postošāka un masveidīgāka citplanētiešu invāzija. Cilvēku cerība ir tikai daži varoņi, kuri vienīgie spēj izglābt mūsu pasauli no pilnīgas iznīcības.

An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by children's educational ABC books, the film comprises 26 individual chapters, each helmed by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors were then given free reign in choosing a word to create a story involving death.

The new installment of the Sharknado franchise takes place 5 years after Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! There have been no Sharknados in the intervening years, but now they’re appearing again in unexpected ways.