An urban office worker finds that paper airplanes are instrumental in meeting a girl in ways he never expected.

A seagull is caught by the black tide of a sinking petrol ship. She manages to fly inland and falls down in a garden by a cat. Moribund, she asks the cat to fulfill three promises: that when she lays her egg he must not eat it; that he must take care of it until it hatches; that he would teach the newborn how to fly.

When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

The story of the life and career of the baseball hall of famer, Lou Gehrig.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

Manny, Diego i Sid iz ledenog doba, kreću na najveću avanturu nakon što kataklizma odvoji cijeli kontinent. Razdvojeni od ostatka krda, plove na ledenoj santi koja ih odnese na epsko putovanje morem. Manny i ekipa suočeni su s dosad neviđenim izazovima da postanu junaci i izvedu nemoguće, dok susreću egzotična morska stvorenja, istražuju vrli novi svijet i bore se s okrutnim gusarima. Scratov ponovni susret s njegovim ljubljenim, ali ukletim, žirom katapultira ga onamo gdje nijedna prapovijesna vjeverica dosad nije kročila.

Nakon radosnog vjenčanja Williama Rikera i Deanne Troi Picard dobije još jedan razlog za slavlje: Romulanci žele mir, a kapetan će biti izaslanik Federacije. No dok Enterprise putuje prema Romulu, ondje ih očekuje genijalni zlikovac koji skriva pakleni plan uništenja te nezamislivu tajnu koja će Picardu pružiti najstrašniji izazov. Shinzon, remanski klon Picarda, želi ni manje ni više nego pokoriti Romulansko carstvo, potpuno razoriti Zemlju te usmrtiti kapetana Picarda.

Frank Martin se upušta u ludu vožnju od Marseillesa do Odese na Crnom moru kako bi izručio Valentinu, otetu kćerku uglednog Ukrajinskog državnika, Leonida Vasileva. Na tom ga putu očekuju brojne zapreke te ljudi koji žele spriječiti izručivanje prelijepe Valentine. Frank će dati sve od sebe kako bi, unatoč osjećajima, uspješno izvršio dosad najopasniju misiju. Nakon golemog uspjeha prve dvije Transporterove pustolovine – više od 1.5 milijuna gledatelja u Francuskoj, te sa svjetskom zaradom od preko 50 milijuna dolara – treći nastavak podigao je akcijske scene na dosad neviđeni nivo.

When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. With several suspects on her list, Molly unexpectedly discovers that not everyone is who they appear to be, including herself.

It's 1649: Mazarin hires the impoverished D'Artagnan to find the other musketeers: Cromwell has overthrown the English king, so Mazarin fears revolt, particularly from the popular Beaufort. Porthos, bored with riches and wanting a title, signs on, but Aramis, an abbé, and Athos, a brawler raising an intellectual son, assist Beaufort in secret. When they fail to halt Beaufort's escape from prison, the musketeers are expendable, and Mazarin sends them to London to rescue Charles I. They are also pursued by Justine, the avenging daughter of Milady de Winter, their enemy 20 years ago. They must escape England, avoid Justine, serve the Queen, and secure Beauford's political reforms.

Na prijelazu 19. i 20. stoljeća lord Rathbone i njegovi kineski pomagači provaljuju u Zabranjeni grad te kradu carski pečat, a njegova čuvara ubiju. Kći čuvara carskog pečata Chon Lin mlada je i privlačna sestra iskusnog Chon Wana, koji je još uvijek u Americi, na Divljem zapadu. Lin obavijesti Chona što se dogodilo, i on s američkim prijateljem Royom O'Bannonom odlazi u London. U Londonu je i Lin, gdje saznaju da je lord Rathbone član kraljevske obitelji i Parlamenta, te da je povezan s kineskim ustanicima - bokserima...

Third-grader Judy Moody sets out to have the most thrilling summer of her life.

Ronal is a young barbarian with low self-esteem, the polar opposite of all the muscular barbarians in his village. He's a real wuss. However, as fate would have it, responsibility for the tribe's survival falls on Ronal's scrawny shoulders, when the evil Lord Volcazar raids the village and abducts every living barbarian with the exception of Ronal, who is forced to go on a perilous quest to save his enslaved clan and thwart Volcazar’s plot to rule the world.

Van Wilder has been attending college for far too many years and is scared to graduate, but Van’s father eventually realizes what is going on. When he stops paying his son's tuition fees, Van must come up with the money if he wants to stay in college, so he and his friends come up with a great fund-raising idea – throwing parties. However, when the college magazine finds out and reporter, Gwen is sent to do a story on Van Wilder, things get a little complicated.

When Earth astronaut Capt. Chuck Baker arrives on Planet 51 -- a world reminiscent of American suburbia circa 1950 -- he tries to avoid capture, recover his spaceship and make it home safely, all with the help of an empathetic little green being.

Murphy u filmu igra Charliea Hintona, marketinškog eksperta koji radi loše odrađenog posla ostaje na ulici zajedno sa njaboljim prijateljem Philom. Njegova supruga Kim radi kao advokat, a Charlie ostaje kući sa sinom Benom i iznenada dobija ideju da otvori Centar za dnevnu brigu o djeci pošto više jednostavno ne može priuštiti moderni vrtić koga u susjedstvu vodi čelična direktorica, Miss Harridan. Nova škola odmah postiže veliki uspjeh i u školi Miss Harridan počinju se pojavljivati prazna mjesta. Ubrzo partneri unajmljuju asistenta Marvina koji ima sumnjivu prošlost. Tada Miss Harridan lansira protunapad a Charlieu ostaje borba za očuvanje svog novog posla putem kojeg ostvaruje vezu sa vlastitim sinom...

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

The beautiful world of Gaya is home to two similar humanoid species: Zeldons who are the furry majority residents, and Snurks, who are goblin-like outcasts. But suddenly all Gayans are facing imminent danger when a magic stone which protects their world, "the Dalamite", is beamed away by a mysterious force. Three Snurks immediately go after it, hoping to be the heroes for once. They are shortly followed by some standout Zeldons: Zino the trouble-prone popular guy & his sidekick, clever but somewhat cowardly inventor Boo, as well as rebel princess Alanta. Their journey ends up leading them all on a dangerous interdimensional quest to find the stone, while they must also figure out a way to get back to Gaya.

Nakon bijega iz najstrože kontroliranog zatvora, odmetnik John Brennick (Christopher Lambert) i njegova obitelj u stalnom su bijegu od divovske korporacije Men-Tel. Međutim, Brennick je uskoro uhvaćen i poslan u najmoderniji zatvor, u orbitu, 26 tisuća milja nad Zemljom. U tom neobičnom okruženju najopasniji su kriminalci prisiljeni obavljati zastrašujuće poslove usred brojnih meteorskih kiša i drugih opasnih svemirskih nepogoda. Brennickova je ćelija osigurana vrhunskom tehnologijom, a složeni sistem nadzora uključuje čak i kameru u njegovom tijelu. Želi li Brennick opet vidjeti svoju obitelj, pred njim je gotovo nemoguća misija - pronaći način za bijeg iz, naizgled, neprobojne utvrde.