The setting is on a floating platform where a group of evenly and carefully placed men live. Each man is aware that the platform is not stable and in order not to fall to their deaths, they maintain a careful balance of weight to prevent the platform from tipping too far and cause them all to fall.

Penny works at a supermarket and Phil is a gentle taxi-driver. Penny’s love for Phil has run dry and they lead joyless lives with their two children, Rachel, a cleaner, and Rory, who is unemployed and aggressive.

The arrival of an attractive young teacher in a small town in the Po valley disturbs the drowsy life of the place, leading eventually to a murder.

In a moment of madness a middle-aged, married and respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. Unable to take in what he has done, he flees from the scene of the crime and behaves as if nothing has happened. Eventually her boyfriend is charged with the crime and, in a strange twist of fate, the killer finds himself serving on the jury.

A man gets stuck in an empty high rise without food, water or electricity.

Em 1904, um terremoto de magnitude 5,4 na escala Richter sacudiu Oslo, com epicentro no "Oslo Graben", que funciona sob a capital norueguesa. Agora há sinais que indicam que podemos esperar um grande terremoto futuro em Oslo.

Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, becomes a writer on a popular soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise - until the soldier and the show's financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.

After a road accident in Hungary, the American honeymooners Joan and Peter and the enigmatic Dr. Werdegast find refuge in the house of the famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig, who shares a dark past with the doctor.

Um jovem homem palestino (Riz Ahmed) decide tentar a sorte no mundo dos negócios em Wall Street. Contra sua vontade, ele é envolvido em um conflito diplomático envolvendo reféns, ao mesmo tempo em que sua família implora para que ele volte à Palestina. Aos poucos, seu sonho americano desmorona.

José Aldo (José Loreto), forte rapaz de família pobre, marcada pela violência doméstica, deixa o Amazonas e parte para o Rio de Janeiro em busca de uma chance como atleta. Para vencer os oponentes no octógono, porém, ele terá antes que acertar suas contas com o passado e superar velhos traumas. Cinebiografia do lutador amazonense que se tornou o primeiro campeão peso-pena do UFC.

Uma introdução aos ataques terroristas nos Estados Unidos em 11 de setembro de 2001 foi apresentada a um público jovem.

Afonso é um professor universitário separado, que vive com o filho Benedito. Um dia, eles resolvem fazer uma viagem juntos, mas enfrentam problemas quando o carro deles quebra. Eles são ajudados por quatro operadoras de telemarketing muito bonitas, que os levam de volta a São Paulo. Só que Afonso acaba se apaixonando pela líder delas.

Vincent was born near Paris, but has cut off every link with his roots. Maria, fifteen years younger, grew up in Ostia, but no longer sees her family. Together they form a couple that does not seem to need anyone. They lead a secluded life in contemporary Rome, indolent and distracted. Furthermore, Vincent and Maria are good at blending in with their environment. When they return home, they make love with the passion of young lovers in a suburban apartment that she has carefully furnished. Yet, on closer inspection, their everyday life betrays what lies behind their seemingly normal appearance: a project carried out by him with a clear determination and accepted by her only by virtue of unconditional love. A plan to help couples who cannot have children. Maria decides that it is time to create a real family. This choice has an inevitable consequence: the rebellion against Vincent, the man of her life.

Ava is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she must attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group to figure out what happened. Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back.

Filmmaker Nicky offers to track down the son that Mamie gave up for adoption nearly two decades before. Meanwhile, Mamie's stepbrother (and the father of her child), Charley, along with his boyfriend, Gil, try to find out what became of the sperm Gil donated to a lesbian couple. Finally, singer Jude becomes entangled in a love triangle with androgynous drummer Otis and his conservative father.

A delightfully dark, Frankenstein-themed horror comedy about a re-animated corpse, made from the stitched together body parts of three murdered young women, that decides to go on a bloody quest to find their killer and avenge their deaths!

Tentando mudar o modo de vida de sua irmã mais nova (Rose McGowan), uma médica (Joanna Going) a leva para Snowfield, Colorado, uma pequena cidade que no inverno tem 400 habitantes e no verão atinge 4000 por causa dos turistas. Mas quando as duas chegam na localidade não encontram viva alma e só acham alguns corpos, que parecem terem tido uma morte misteriosa. As duas obviamente ficam apavoradas e só se tranqüilizam um pouco quando o xerife (Ben Affleck) do local e seus dois assistentes aparecem. Enquanto investigam vêem escrito em um espelho uma mensagem que faz uma referência a “Timothy Flyte”. Eles conseguem pedir ajuda de forças federais, que antes de rumarem encontram Flyte (Peter O’Toole) e o levam para o local.

She’s the most beautiful, most short-sighted, most sentimental, most perplexing, most obstinate, most untrustworthy and most troubling of heroines. The lady in the car has never seen the sea. On the run from the police, she keeps telling herself that she’s not crazy… Only...

Kayla and Meriç seeks to find love inbetween purposeless teenagers who wants to fight Meriç without any reason.