
A spoiled girl is sent to her family's ranch to work during summer vacations.

In a moment of madness a middle-aged, married and respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. Unable to take in what he has done, he flees from the scene of the crime and behaves as if nothing has happened. Eventually her boyfriend is charged with the crime and, in a strange twist of fate, the killer finds himself serving on the jury.

  2年前,科幻小说家大卫·戈登(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)遭受了丧妻之痛,时间并未抚平他心中的伤口,反倒令其愈感空虚。为了排遣心中的孤独,大卫决定收养一个小孩,当然这个决定遭到周围亲友的质疑和反对。不顾他人的意见,大卫领养了名叫丹尼斯(鲍比·科尔曼 Bobby Coleman 饰)的小男孩。丹尼斯虽然清秀可爱,性格却非常古怪。他自称来自火星,终日躲在纸盒子里,不与其他小朋友玩耍,喜欢用没有胶卷的相机拍照。丹尼斯的到来为大卫的生活注入活力,也为他带来久违的爱情。而随着生活的继续,大卫却发现与火星男孩的相处实非易事……

该片是为了纪念奥斯维辛集中营解放70周年而拍摄的90分钟的电视电影,讲述1961年对纳粹高官阿道夫·艾希曼的世纪审判电视转播。这个被称为“世纪审判”的事件曾在37个国家电视播出,也是世界首次通过现场直播听到受害者讲述死亡集中营的恐怖。此次审判成了世上首次全球性的电视新闻重大事件,收视率极高。《世纪审判》这部电视电影讲述的就是电视直播背后的幕后制作团队如何克服种种障碍,记录纳粹的证词。马丁·弗瑞曼则饰演此次事件中善于剑走偏锋的电视制作人Milton Fruchtman,他请来导演Leo Hurwitz (安东尼·拉帕格利亚饰)负责指导审判播出。

1941年12月7日,日本对美国太平洋主要基地珍珠港发动了突然袭击,美国陆海军及其航空力量损失惨重,太平洋战争爆发。但是令日本海军深感不安的,是美太平洋舰队的三艘航空母舰,全部未受损失。日本联合舰队司令山本五十六大将,坚持要打中途岛大战,企图一举围歼对方的海空力量。于是军事史上一场以航母和空中力量决定胜负的最大战役打响了。 到了1942年4月,日本侵略者已在中国大陆和太平洋占领了大片地区,掠夺了数不清的财富和自然资源,包括东南亚丰富的石油,这为他们进行更大规模的海陆征战创造了条件。 在日本领导人物中,至少有一个人没有沉溺在独霸天下的幻想里,此人便是日本帝国海军联合舰队司令山本五十六大将。偷袭珍珠港的胜利,虽然是他的杰作,但他并没有被一时的胜利冲昏头脑。因为他对美国和美国人,比其它所有日本人了解得更清楚。 山本曾任日本驻华府的海军武官多年,在此期间,他曾在美国广泛游历,并深刻地研究了美国的军事潜力。他看到美国巨大的生产能力,了解一旦这个国家完全纳入战争轨道,日本就很少有获胜的希望。所以他希望在这种情形出现之前就迅速结束太平洋战争。 美国海军上将尼米兹在珍珠港事变后临危受命,接任太平洋舰队的司令。鉴于该舰队在珍珠港被炸得支离破碎,几个月来他一直避免和山本强大的舰队正面交锋。这也是可以理解的。因此,山本首先得引诱美国人出战。他坚信,进攻位于珍珠港西北的美军中途岛基地,将能实现这一诱敌计划。 中途岛是夏威夷群岛的一部分,距离珍珠港1828公里,由沙岛和东岛两个环礁小岛组成。面积不到5平方公里。美军把它扩建为海军巡逻机的前进基地,在岛上修建了机场跑道。它对保卫珍珠港起着重要作用。如果作为前方空中观察基地的中途岛失守,美军就无法派遣侦察机进行远程搜索,不能掌握日军舰队动向,珍珠港将无法固守,太平洋也会随之沦入日军之手,一旦如此,美国的西海岸也就门户大开了。

安德鲁(里德·戴蒙德 Reed Diamond 饰)和妻子贝斯(克里斯汀·戴维斯 Kristin Davis 饰)结婚已经十年之久了,漫长的世间早已经磨平了两人之间的激情。还有三天就是圣诞节了,安德鲁和女秘书金伯利(Danielle Brett 饰)要出差去见一个作者。入夜,金伯利接到了贝斯打来的电话,贝斯的直觉告诉她,丈夫和这个女人之间的关系并不简单。   当安德鲁回到家时,贝斯刚刚打算离开,在追逐之间,贝斯不慎被汽车撞倒,撒手人寰。悲痛的安德鲁回到家中,却发现自己的钥匙坏了,于是在一家神秘的钥匙铺里,安德鲁遇见了天使,天使给了安德鲁一次从新来过的机会,如果他能够证明自己对贝斯是真爱,那么贝斯就会复活。

José María Zavala returns to directing to produce the sequel to the feature film The Mystery of Padre Pío. On this occasion he will once again address the life of Saint Pio de Pieltrecina, a priest known for his miraculous gifts, both in life and post mortem. However, this second part is more focused on testimonials and more specific cases. Zavala will delve into the experience of 24 people, who, like him, were blessed by the religious, and who, according to what they say, as a result of that moment, their lives changed completely.


Noreno, a half-Roman, is entrusted with the mission of crossing the snowy mountains of Armenia, swarming with Parthian patrols, to seek help for his slowly dying men.

A multi-layered, touching comedy about a group of friends whose relationships - in the face of life adversities - are exposed to more than one test. Filip risks his face and career for the whim of a crazy collector of Jadźka buttons. The sedate professor refuses his friend's indecent request, but he secretly kidnaps himself in a virtually reckless way. Meanwhile, a close-knit group of friends go to the mountains every year. There they discover a mystery that will change their lives forever. What will they choose? Loyalty or money? Friendship or love? Truth or lie? Own or other luck? Every choice for the heroes of the comedy "Just friendship" means trouble. Who will help them? We know: friends. Because friendship, like no other investment, always pays off.


Sanne (Hanna Obbeek) loves stories about ghosts and other mysterious things. Her father Lucas, is a famous ghost hunter. During a holiday Lucas is asked to chase ghosts of the former cruise ship 'Rotterdam'. Sanne is very happy to hear she and her little brother Thomas can come along. On the ship she meets ghost Bobby (Nils Verkooijen), a boy of her age, who has been wandering the ship since the sixties. Sanne decides to help Bobby.


Kayla and Meriç seeks to find love inbetween purposeless teenagers who wants to fight Meriç without any reason.

Meteor Bay-Leder 7 struck earth on October 18th, 2012. Causing earthquakes, tidal waves, and a dust cloud that soon covered most of the Northern hemisphere, it changed the face of our planet forever.

Spoof of the "Taken" franchise. An ex-CIA agent who is now a mall security guard discovers that things are being taken from him. He must team up with his mom, also an ex-CIA agent, to defeat his rival and save his family.

Marie returns to live in La Rochelle, the city of her childhood, with her husband Marc, a policeman, and meets Nadia. The two young women scour the city's stores, looking for a red sofa. They soon discover one in the store of Maxime, a second-hand dealer. A few days later, Nadia seems tormented when Marie mentions the sofa. During a visit, Marie discovers Nadia's lifeless body.

After a somewhat involuntary "vacation" in one of the capitals more drafty establishment Ali has had enough, and has a plan that can not go wrong, he will become law-abiding.