No 1945. gada līdz 1955. gadam — izdomātas itāļu izcelsmes amerikāņu Korleones noziedznieku ģimenes hronika. Kad organizētās noziedzības ģimenes patriarhs Vito Korleone tik tikko izdzīvo mēģinājumu nogalināt savu dzīvību, viņa jaunākais dēls Maikls iesaistās, lai rūpētos par potenciālajiem slepkavām, uzsākot asiņainas atriebības kampaņu.

Forests Gamps, nevainīgs un labsirdīgs zēns no Alabamas, gandrīz visu savu dzīvi ir piedzīvojis citu cilvēku nelaipnību. Uzaudzis kopā ar skaisto Dženiju, savu vienīgo draugu, Forests vēlas uzzināt visu par pasauli un uzsāk misiju, lai atrastu savu patieso dzīves mērķi.

Zemes resursi nav neizsmeļami - pienācis laiks, kad mūsu dienas uz šīs planētas ir skaitītas. Vai cilvēku suga varētu turpināties kaut kur citur zvaigžņotajā izplatījumā? Lai to noskaidrotu, pētnieku komanda dodas nozīmīgākajā misijā cilvēces vēsturē - ceļojumā ārpus mūsu galaktikas robežām. Ceļotāju vidū ir arī inženieris Kūpers - divu bērnu tēvs, atraitnis, kurš augstāku mērķu vārdā gatavs upurēt savu ģimenes dzīvi.

In the year 180, the death of emperor Marcus Aurelius throws the Roman Empire into chaos. Maximus is one of the Roman army's most capable and trusted generals and a key advisor to the emperor. As Marcus' devious son Commodus ascends to the throne, Maximus is set to be executed. He escapes, but is captured by slave traders. Renamed Spaniard and forced to become a gladiator, Maximus must battle to the death with other men for the amusement of paying audiences.

The Man With No Name enters the Mexican village of San Miguel in the midst of a power struggle among the three Rojo brothers and sheriff John Baxter. When a regiment of Mexican soldiers bearing gold intended to pay for new weapons is waylaid by the Rojo brothers, the stranger inserts himself into the middle of the long-simmering battle, selling false information to both sides for his own benefit.

Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

Džons Viks uzzina par iespēju sakaut Augsto Galdu. Bet, lai gūtu iespēju nopelnīt savu brīvību, Vikam jāstājas pretī jaunam ienaidniekam, kam ir spēcīgi sabiedrotie visā pasaulē un kas pārvērtis ienaidniekos viņa senos draugus.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

Private Investigator Philip Marlowe is hired by wealthy General Sternwood regarding a matter involving his youngest daughter Carmen. Before the complex case is over, Marlowe sees murder, blackmail, deception, and what might be love.

Whilst on a short weekend getaway, Louise shoots a man who had tried to rape Thelma. Due to the incriminating circumstances, they make a run for it and thus a cross country chase ensues for the two fugitives. Along the way, both women rediscover the strength of their friendship and surprising aspects of their personalities and self-strengths in the trying times.

A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he attempts to persuade a girl to run away to Italy with him.

A quiet, neglected girl is sent away from her dysfunctional family to live with relatives for the summer. She blossoms in their care, but in this house where there are meant to be no secrets, she discovers one.

20. gs. mijā nafta atnesa bagātību oseidžu ciltij, kuri vienā naktī kļuva par bagātākajiem cilvēkiem pasaulē. Tas piesaistīja balto cilvēku uzmanību, kuri ieradās oseidžu zemē, nozaga, cik spēja, pirms ķērās pie slepkavībām. “Ziedu mēness slepkavas” pamatā ir patiess stāsts, kura centrā ir Ernesta un Mollijas attiecības. Mārtina Skorsēzes episkajā vesterna kriminālsāgā mīlestības ceļi krustojas ar neizmērojamu nežēlību.

Postapokaliptiska šausmu filma par ģimeni, kura dzīvo noslēgtu dzīvi pilnīgā klusumā - nāves bailēs no kāda nezināma ļaunuma, kas uzglūn tiem un uzbrūk pie mazākās skaņas.

A shy high schooler in Kyoto meets a man claiming to be his future self, who tells him he’s hacked into the past to save their first love.

Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list girl clique at her new school, until she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.

An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner.

Fresh off an almost career-ending accident, stuntman Colt Seavers has to track down a missing movie star, solve a conspiracy and try to win back the love of his life while still doing his day job.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

When a virus leaks from a top-secret facility, turning all resident researchers into ravenous zombies and their lab animals into mutated hounds from hell, the government sends in an elite military task force to contain the outbreak.