Хари и Тyрон су два пријатеља, ситни криминалци и зависници, који се на све начине сналазе да би дошли до дроге. Харијева девојка Мерион чак пристаје на проституцију због дроге. Истовремено, Харијева мајка зависна је о ТВ рекламама и све би учинила да дође на телевизију. У покушају да смршави посегне за пилулама и постаје зависна о њима.

Неједнакост, неправда и захтеви света у коме живимо узрокују стрес и депресију код многих људи. Неки од њих пуцају. Рањиви у судару с реалношћу која се стално мења и изненада бива непредвидива, ликови филма прелазе ону танку линију која цивилизацију дели од варварства. Издаја љубавника, повратак у тешку прошлост и насиље уплетени у свакодневне сусрете, терају јунаке у лудило док они попуштају и апсолутно уживају у сопственом, величанственом и отрежњујућем губитку контроле.

Хирајама је задовољан својим животом чистача тоалета у Токију. Изван своје структуриране рутине, негује музику на касетама, књигама и фотографисање дрвећа. Кроз неочекиване сусрете размишља о проналажењу лепоте у свету.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

In the carefree days before World War I, introverted Austrian author Jules strikes up a friendship with the exuberant Frenchman Jim and both men fall for the impulsive and beautiful Catherine.

In 1920s Chicago, Italian immigrant and notorious thug, Antonio 'Tony' Camonte, aka Scarface, shoots his way to the top of the mobs while trying to protect his sister from the criminal life.

Када се један од њених ученика сумњичи за крађу, учитељица Карла Новак одлучује да дође до дна ствари. Ухваћена између својих идеала и школског система, последице њених поступака прете да је сломе.

Composer Gustav von Aschenbach travels to Venice for health reasons. There, he becomes obsessed with the stunning beauty of an adolescent Polish boy named Tadzio who is staying with his family at the same Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido as Aschenbach.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

Jim Jefferies: I Swear to God: The easily offended might do best to avoid Jim Jefferies’ raunchy, rude humor (or at least imbibe the two-drink minimum beforehand), but the Australian-born comedian provides plenty of laughs for everyone else in this HBO special. In I Swear to God, Jefferies continues his patented brand of comedy that once got him punched by an audience member, discussing the idiocy of no-smoking signs, sluts vs. studs, and his father’s Holocaust jokes.

Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans.

Internationally acclaimed comedian Trevor Noah challenges the status quo through his unique perspective, breaking down cultural flaws on all sides and finding our mutual connections with laughter. Born a mixed-race child in South Africa under Apartheid, 'Trevor Noah: African American' is Noah¿s search for identity in a world obsessed with labels.

Mute Hee-Jin is working as a clerk in a fishing resort in the Korean wilderness; selling baits, food and occasionally her body to the fishing tourists. One day she falls in love with Hyun-Shik, who is on the run from the police, and rescues him with a fish hook when he tries to commit suicide.

Млада песникиња Роуз Елиот купује књигу у локалној антикварници, на латинском, дневник архитекта, Е. Варели. Учи о “Три мајке”, и почиње да верује да зграда у којој она живи је једна од његових кућа. Она моли свог брата Марка, који студира Музичку академију у Риму, да дође, јер је јако уплашена. Маркова другарица Сара, случајно прочита писмо које је Марк добио од Роуз, које је он случајно заборавио у учионици, сазнаје да је школа вођена на основу Мајке Лакримарум, и убијена због тога сазнања. Кућа Мајке Суспириорум је већ уништена, док Марк дође до Њујорка, сазнаје да му је сестра већ убијена...

After getting into a serious car accident, a TV director discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims, and he begins to use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.

In this modern take on Edmond Rostand's classic play "Cyrano de Bergerac," C. D. Bales is the witty, intelligent, and brave fire chief of a small Pacific Northwest town who, due to the size of his enormous nose, declines to pursue the girl of his dreams, lovely Roxanne Kowalski. Instead, when his shy underling Chris McConnell becomes smitten with Roxanne, C.D. feeds the handsome young man the words of love to win her heart.

A successful businessman falls in love with the girl of his dreams. There's one big complication though; he's fallen hook, line and sinker for a mermaid.

In the follow-up to his first EPIX comedy special Please Be Offended, caustic comedian Jim Norton continues to push every hot button he can find... all in the name of a good laugh, of course. With his trademark self-deprecating brand of humor, Norton outrageously covers a wide range of topics that somehow all lead back to sex.

Before being extradited to Africa to stand trial, a notorious Belgian criminal is entrusted to the Marseilles police department for less than 24 hours. But the wily crook convinces bumbling policeman Emilien he's a lowly Belgian embassy employee who got railroaded by the brilliant master criminal.

Gérard Lanvin has an important role in a new blockbuster! Filming is about to begin in the South of France. On site, he meets Momo Zapareto, the pool boy at the house he is renting for the duration or the shoot. But Momo is a fan, a big fan… an uberfan! He has seen all his films and is soon doing all he can to make himself indispensable to his idol and the technical crew. For Gérard, the nightmare has just begun…