A shy maths graduate takes a holiday in Dinard before starting his first job. He hopes his sort-of girlfriend will join him, but soon strikes up a friendship with another girl working in town. She in turn introduces him to a further young lady who fancies him. Thus the quiet young lad finds he is having to do some tricky juggling in territory new to him.

The gang find themselves in a tinsel-town twist! While on a VIP tour of the legendary Brickton Studios, Scooby and friends get a first-hand experience of the rumored hauntings when classic movie monsters drop in for a creepy casting call.

Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?

The story of a loving couple who struggles to keep its relationship alive against the inescapable passing of time, told in a nonlinear way over the course of ten years in their lives.

A contemporary musical version of the classic Cinderella story in which the servant step daughter hope to compete in a musical competition for a famous pop star.

17-metė Misūrio paauglė, Veronica, sužino, kad pastojo, o tai gali nutraukti jos svajones studijuoti Ivy lygos koledže ir tolesnę karjerą.

A group of 12 teenagers from various backgrounds enroll at the American Ballet Academy in New York to make it as ballet dancers and each one deals with the problems and stress of training and getting ahead in the world of dance.

Lorenzo, Blue and Antonio have a lot in common: they are sixteen, attending the same class in the same school in a small town in the northeast, each have a family that loves them. And all three, though for different reasons, have come to be isolated from other peers. Their new friendship helps them to resist, until the mechanical attraction and fear the judgment of others do not grasp them unprepared.

Since Charlie is no longer there, the lives of Boris, Elie, and Maxime have been torn apart. These three men, who have nothing in common, all shared one thing: their love for Charlie. One loved her like a sister, one loved her like the woman of his dreams, one loved her like a friend. Except that Charlie is dead and none of them - not Boris, an accomplished businessman, not Elie, a night owl scriptwriter, and not Maxime, still living at home with his mother - know how to deal with it. But because she asked them to do so, they abruptly decide to undertake a journey together, heading for Corsica and the house that Charlie loved so much. Except that here they are stuck in a car together for over 500 miles. It's going to be a long journey. Boris, Elie and Maxime, three men, three generations, no affinity. But by the time they arrive at their destination, they will have realized one majorly important thing: Charlie has changed their lives forever.

Filme pasakojama apie paauglę Viką, jos šeimą ir pirmąją meilę. Prasidėjus mokslo metams, Vika pradeda eiti į naują mokyklą, kur greitai susidraugauja su klasės drauge Penelope. Merginoms norisi linksmintis, megzti pažintis su vaikinais, tačiau tėvai į tokius šėliojimus žiūri nepalankiai. Vikai atrodo, kad jos niekas nesupranta, nes palaikymo sulaukia tik iš savo senelės Popetės, kuri padeda jai vakare išsprukti iš namų, kad galėtų dalyvauti rengiamame vakarėlyje. Čia ji susipažįsta su Etjenu, kurį įsimyli.

A rebellious teenager must travel the country with his sick grandpa to get to his basketball game.

A light hearted romantic-road comedy produced by Big Band Story in association with the French TV network TF1. The film had its world premiere in Festival de la Fiction TV, La Rochelle. The film stars popular French TV stars Rayane Bensetti, Lucie Lucas, Cécile Rebboah & Xavier Robic.

When Santa and his new best friend, Paws, discover that the boys and girls of the world have lost the spirit of the season, they take a trip to New York City. But after Santa loses his memory, it's up to Paws, a faithful orphan named Quinn, her new friend Will, and a wonderful group of magical talking dogs to save St. Nick and show the world what Christmas is really all about.

When nerdy high schooler Dani finally attracts the interest of her longtime crush, she lands in the cross hairs of his ex, a social media celebrity.

Rose, a rebellious half-vampire/half-human guardian-in-training and her best friend, Lissa -- a mortal, royal vampire Princess - have been on the run when they are captured and returned to St. Vladamirs Academy, the very place where they believe their lives may be in most jeopardy. Rose will sacrifice everything to protect Lissa from those who intend to exploit her from within the Academy walls and the Strigoi (immortal, evil vampires) who hunt her kind from outside its sanctuary.

Lucinda Price is sent to a reform academy under the assumption that she has killed a boy. There, she meets two mysterious boys, Cam and Daniel, to whom she feels drawn to both. But as the love triangle unfurls, it is Daniel that Luce cannot keep herself away from, and things begin to take a darker turn when she finds out his true identity.

A 29-year-old lawyer and her lesbian best friend experience a dramatic shift in their longtime bond after one enters a serious relationship.

At 40, Stephanie loses her job and is forced to move back in with her mother. She is welcomed with open arms to the joys of overheated apartment, Francis Cabrel playing on loop, Scrabble games and precious motherly advice on how to behave at the table and live her life.

Seserys Meriketė ir Konstancija bei ligotas jų dėdė Džiulijanas yra vieninteliai Blekvudų šeimos nariai, išgyvenę siaubingą tragediją: prieš penkerius metus kažkas išnuodijo visą jų šeimą. Šalia Blekvudų vilos esančio miestelio žmonės įsitikinę, kad tragedijos kaltininkė yra viena iš seserų ir nevengia kiekviena proga demonstruoti savo neapykantos. Tad nenuostabu, kad giminės name tebegyvenančios seserys vengia žmonių. Vieną dieną į Blekvudų vilos vartus pasibeldžia stulbinančiai į žuvusį seserų tėvą panašus jaunuolis – keliolika metų nematytas pusbrolis Čarlzas Blekvudas. Energingas ir veiklus vyras netrukus tampa tikra paspirtimi tvarkantis namuose, o jo žavesys pakeri Konstanciją. Tuo tarpu Meriketė niekaip negali atsikratyti įtarumo Čarlzo atžvilgiu. Kuomet pusbrolis ima teirautis apie seserų finansinę padėtį ir šeimos nuosavybės teises, merginos įtarumas dar labiau sustiprėja. Tarp Meriketės ir Čarlzo tvyranti įtampa ima vis labiau augti.

The story centers on a group of gossipy, high-society women who spend their days at the beauty salon and haunting fashion shows. The sweet, happily-wedded Mary Haines finds her marriage in trouble when shop girl Crystal Allen gets her hooks into Mary's man.