Join us as BTS and ARMY become one once again with music and dance in this unmissable live concert experience broadcast from Seoul to cinemas around the world! 'BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE' is the latest world tour series headlined by 21st century pop icons BTS, featuring powerful performances and the greatest hit songs from throughout their incredible career.

Kad nespretno razbije drevni sarkofag, Tad probudi osvetoljubivog duha i s prijateljima mora prijeći cijeli svijet kako bi poništio kletvu.

To defend their kingdom against a sudden invasion, a mighty general returns to the battlefield alongside a war orphan, now grown up, who dreams of glory.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

Pushpa Raj is a coolie who rises in the world of red sandalwood smuggling. Along the way, he doesn’t shy from making an enemy or two.

Mir i spokoj su uspostavljeni u Belogorie. Zlo je poraženo i Ivan sada uživa u svojoj zasluženoj slavi. Okružen je porodicom, prijateljima i malim čudima iz modernog svijeta koja mu pomažu da vodi lagodan život. Ali kada se drevno zlo uzdigne i postojanje čarobnog svijeta bude ugroženo, Ivan se mora udružiti sa svojim starim prijateljima i novim rivalima. Krenuće na dugo putovanje izvan poznatog svijeta kako bi pronašli način da poraze neprijatelje i vrate mir u Belogorie.

To mark the anniversary of his father's death, Sean takes his friends on a road trip to his surfer dad's favorite beach. But Sean's drug-dealing friend forces him to do one last favor – steal a heroin shipment from a local mobster.

U ovom nastavku prvog dugometražnog filma braća Elric bore se protiv najtežeg protivnika s kojim su se dosad susreli: serijskog ubojice s velikim ožiljkom na čelu.

Vojni dobavljač unajmljen da pronađe oružje koje pretvara ljude u divlje ubojice odluči potražiti osvetu nakon što njegov brat postane žrtva tog uređaja.

Laurina i Massimova veza visi o koncu dok pokušavaju riješiti probleme s povjerenjem, a uporni ih Nacho nastoji razdvojiti.

Sayen follows a lead to the picturesque desolation of the Atacama Desert. There, she reluctantly teams up with a young Atacameño girl, Quimal, looking to clear her father’s name and save her town from becoming an arid wasteland due to Acteon’s exploitative water usage.

Detektiv Bob Hightower doznaje da su njegovu bivšu ženu ubili, a kćerku oteli članovi sotonističkog kulta. Službena istraga je spora i besmislena pa Bob daje otkaz u policiji, tetovira se i infiltrira u kult kako bi ušao u trag njihovom vođi, Cyrusu, uz pomoć jedine žrtve koja je uspjela pobjeći, Case Hardin.

Kada misteriozni virus počne ubijati sve odrasle, društvo je prepušteno na upravljanje djeci. Nakon što je odrasla populacija izbrisana, suparnička djeca se bore za kontrolu nad napuštenim tematskim parkom. Opasnost vreba iza svakog ugla i moraju učiniti sve što je potrebno da prežive svoj pakleni Neverland.

In this French crime film, set during the time of the Gulf War, an elderly German tourist is murdered in Paris by junk dealer Joseph Katz (Pinkas Braun), a friend of Paris detective Sam Bellamy (singer Patrick Bruel). Romantically involved with the victim's daughter Emma Guter (Isabella Ferrari), Bellamy covers up the crime he witnessed. Joseph then mysteriously vanishes, and Bellamy heads for Berlin where the victim's possessions are auctioned. After Bellamy finds the source of the well-hidden traffic in art stolen by Nazis from French Jews, he discovers a Nazi war criminal is blackmailing past associates. Incorporating background from journalist Hector Feliciano's Lost Museum, the film is adapted from Guy Konopnicki's novel, Pas de Kaddish pour Sylberstein (No Kaddish for Sylberstein).

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

Dan, a budding street artist, supports himself with smash-and-grab heists. But his father's return from jail reignites his demons and pushes him to flee.

U orbiti Marsa otkrivena je misteriozna crna sfera. Ahilej je poslan da istraži. Umorna šestočlana posada se nakon osam mjeseci probudi iz hibernacije, a sfera šalje jednu jedinu riječ razumljivu na svim jezicima na Zemlji - Deus.

Kada Jason Dyson odbije natjerati svog cijenjenog borca da se bori u MMA meču, ozloglašeni mafijaš naplati svoj dug ubivši borca ​​i otmicom Jasonove kćeri. Sada mora obučiti zatvorenika da izdrži pet uzastopnih podzemnih borbi kako bi spasio svoju kćerku.