Скуби Ду и неговата тайна банда пътешестват по целия свят, за да намерят заровено съкровище. Тайният път към него е закодиран в древни загадки, които се намират в Азия и Европа. Те се борят срещу могъщия Черен Самурай и армията му, която се опитва да вземе Мечът на съдбата, който притежава необикновени сили. По пътя Скуби Ду и Шаги срещат Мастора на меча, който ги научава на Бушидо и пътят на самурая. Техните способности бързо влизат в употреба против роботите - нинджи. И на края - нашите изморени герои намират това, което е Бушидо - лоялност, чест и храброст, които държат ключа към тайното съкровище, което те търсят.
A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.
The true story of how Israel used politics, espionage, blackmail, targeted assassinations and finally military power to destroy Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor and deny him the bomb.
Desperate for cash, the Straw Hat Pirates enter a secret race between pirate crews known as the Dead End Competition. There, they must battle against powerful people, including the bounty hunter who wants to kill Gasparde and a climatic battle with Marine-turned-pirate Captain Gasparde.
Джасмин е дете на разведени родители. Отраснала с дядо си, тя мечтае един ден да има собствена козметична компания. Дивия Рана цял живот е мечтала да бъде пилот на пътнически самолет. Бившата мис '98 г-жа Гита цял живот е работила, за да се оттегли един ден със собствен ресторант в Гоа. Трите работят като стюардеси в "Кохинор Еъруейс" и от 6 месеца не са получавали заплата. Когато не само мечтите им, но и животът им предстои да бъде разбит на парчета, се налага да вземат съдбата си в свои ръце.
A film about the substantial population of Koreans living in Japan, and the love affair between Kayako, a Japanese girl, and Im, a Korean.
Paramdham, Pedda, and Chinna are three spoilt brats who fall in love with the same girl. Later, they move to Vizag due to their reputation and help a girl overcome her troubles and move ahead in life.
One-man stage performance by English stage and screen actor Sir Ian McKellen. McKellen reprises roles over his career in the theatre (such as the works of William Shakespeare) and on film (such as Gandalf in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings film series), while discussing anecdotes throughout his life and career.
A home-alone little girl enters the melancholic darkness of the chosen one. Is it really a spirit or something else?
Гoдинaтa e 1974. Beйдa e вeчe нa 13 гoдини. Πpoyчвaнe зa yчилищнa зaдaчa oтвeждa мaлĸaтa Beйдa в Лoc Aнджeлиc пpи нeйния чичo Фил (Pичapд Macyp), нeгoвaтa милa пpиятeлĸa (Kpиcтин Eбъpcoл) и нeйният пpиpoднo нaдapeн cин, Hиĸ ( Ocтин O‘бpaйeн). Paзвeждaнa oт Hиĸ из Гpaдa нa Aнгeлитe в тъpceнe нa няĸaĸви ocтaнaли cлeди oт живoтa нa пoĸoйнaтa ѝ мaйĸa, Beйдa пpaви няĸoи нeoчaĸвaни oтĸpития зa cвoeтo минaлo и зa бъдeщaтa cи чacт oт poдocлoвнoтo дъpвo в cвoeтo ceмeйcтвo.
Ricardo, a young law student in his home town of Madrid, is a carefree playboy who loves nightclubs and courting pretty girls. His father hopes to instill a more serious attitude in his son by transferring him to a school in the rural town of Santiago. At Santiago, his father's old friend is to be his guardian. When Ricardo arrives at Santiago he joins a fraternity, and continues his carefree lifestyle while serenading and courting his guardian's daughter, Carmina.
Когато Бен се премества с родителите си в нов град, той се запознава с новия си съсед Милнър, който се оказва магьосникът Мерлин. От векове Моргана се опитва да вземе от Мерлин жезъл с кристал, който носи голяма сила. Бен се оказва в битката между Мерлин и Моргана и трябва да избере страна.
Ng Kau Sau was once Queen in badminton, she gave up herself after being expelled from the sport. One day she met a brunch of terrible weirdoes: the Drunken Master who was lying on the ground, one-armed Lam Chiu, visually-impaired Ma Kun, and the scar-faced boss Lau Dan who suffered from loss of hearing. They were the most notorious robbers 10 years ago, but they decided to be good men after they got out from jail and formed the "Lau Dan Badminton Club". Sau was impressed by them and decided to join Dan and practice seriously and go to the competition together.
A young man happens upon a strange, isolated village which is oppressively ruled by foreign soldiers. When he tries to inquire into what is going on, he is forced to flee to an island where a renegade medical doctor tries to force him into submission.
What do a nymphomaniac, a hipster, a stoner and a businessman have in common? They're all waiting in line.