Little Miss Fate lives in a world driven by fate. When the opportunity arises, she slips into the role of the world leader. Unintentionally she creates a monster, which greedily wants to suck up all the love of the world. Overwhelmed by the rapid development, she loses control.

A Sherpa című dokumentumfilm az Everest igazi ismerőinek történetével foglalkozik. A hegyi vezetők között ma már komoly harc folyik; sokan a jobb megélhetésért vállalják a komoly próbatételt, hogy a világ legmagasabb pontja körül 'táncoljanak', segítve ezzel az odalátogató kalandorok és turisták életét. A film a 2014. áprilisában bekövetkezett legnagyobb sherpa-tragédiának állít emléket, amikor 16-an haltak meg közülük egy lavina által.

This harrowing tale of survival centers on Rose, a Masurian woman, whose German soldier husband was killed in the war, leaving her alone on their farm. A single woman had no defense against Russian soldiers who raped as a form of revenge, nor against plundering Poles who found themselves in desperate straits. Help arrives for Rose in the form of Tadeusz, a former officer in the Polish Home Army who deserted after he saw his wife raped and murdered by Russian troops and is attempting to hide his identity.

Describing herself as a 'street queen,' Johnson was a legendary fixture in New York City’s gay ghetto and a tireless voice for LGBT pride since the days of Stonewall, who along with fellow trans icon Sylvia Rivera, founded Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries (S.T.A.R.), a trans activist group based in the heart of NYC’s Greenwich Village. Her death in 1992 was declared a suicide by the NYPD, but friends never accepted that version of events. Structured as a whodunit, with activist Victoria Cruz cast as detective and audience surrogate, The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson celebrates the lasting political legacy of Johnson, while seeking to finally solve the mystery of her unexplained death.

Egy álmos amerikai kisvárosban dolgozik Adam autószerelőként. Szintén melós, kétkezi munkás haverjaival szinte elválaszthatatlanok, egészen addig, amíg elő nem bújik nekik. A hír nem csak őket sokkolja, hanem a családot és a konzervatív vidéki kisváros lakóit is. Az egyszerű embereknek fel kell dolgozniuk, és elfogadni, hogy ettől még Adam ugyanaz a rendes fickó maradt, mint akit eddig is szerettek.

Myles and Brody are best friends with two very different ways of finding love. Displeased with their current love lives, they make a pact to be together if neither finds love in ten year’s time. Now two months shy of their deadline, both friends set off to do whatever it takes to avoid ending up as each other’s last resort.

A 15 éves Tom elindul szüleivel és húgával, hogy újra eltöltsenek egy nyugodt nyarat együtt, a család vidéki házában. A sors úgy hozza, hogy az édesanyjuk régi barátnője meglátogatja őket a vakáció során, és viszi magával 17 éves fiát, Felix-et is. Bár Felix igazi nagymenő kamasz srác, hamar megbarátkozik a tőle két évvel fiatalabb Tom-mal és a közös programjaik során igazán közel kerülnek egymáshoz. A film két kamasz srác egymás iránti vonzalmát mutatja be, melynek során Tom felfedezi saját ébredő szexualitását Felix segítségével. Az érzelmek és cselekedetek egyszerre titkosak és izgalmasak, de vitathatatlanul tiszták.

The new film by French director Cédric Kahn focusses on Philippe Fournier, a man who lives with his 2 sons, having decided not to give them back to their mother after she won custody of the children. The children Okyesa and Tsali must grow up in the shadow, hunted by the police but always free and on the move.

Az előbújás-történetek mindig jók szoktak lenni. Nem képez kivételt ez a finn film sem, habár északi "rokonaink" legtöbbször vacak filmeket gyártanak. A Pihalla egy alig egynyári, kamaszos első meleg "megtapasztalásról", és alapvetően bátor, felelősségteljes döntésekről szól. Miután a félénk és naiv Miku fekete bárány bátyjával karöltve egy házibuliban taccsra vágják szüleik fővárosi lakását, az öccs leruccan a család nyaralójába, vidékre. Üzletasszony anyja és narkolepsziás, kigyúrt apja is vele tart. Az erdő széli környezetben megismeri a kb. egyidős Eliast, aki egészen más mentalitású, és amolyan "alfahím" benyomását kelti a fiú szemében. Kiderül vonzalmuk egymás számára, hisz a jóval tapasztaltabb helybéli hamar elcsavarja Miku fejét. Ám Elias és problémás életű anyja épp súlyos döntést készülnek megtenni, illetőleg Miku is előbújik családja szemében. Emlékezetes az anya reakciója, miután szembesül a gyanús internetelőzmények miértjének magyarázatával.

The Falls is a feature film about two missionaries that fall in love while on their mission. RJ travels to a small town in Oregon with Elder Merrill to serve their mission and teach the words of Joseph Smith. Living together and sharing the challenge of leaving home, the two men help each other discover their strengths. They share a passion for their faith and learn to express their feelings, risking the only community they have for a forbidden intimacy.

A routine trick propels a tall, dark, cynical hustler into a series of life-changing encounters in this drama. But this amicable and sexually efficient rent boy begins to look at himself differently when he finds himself lost in a maze-like apartment building. As he wanders through the building, he tricks with a variety of johns; sex is the commonality, but out of that commodity comes raw, unguarded emotions for all.

A dokumentumfilm a leszbikusok, homo- és biszexuálisok, valamint a transzneműek identitásának kérdését vizsgálja Amerikában. A tizenhat interjúalany változatos keresztmetszetét adja ezeknek a közösségeknek - van közöttük filmrendező, sportoló, politikus és mások -, akik elmondják, hogy a szexális irányultságuk miatt milyen problémákkal szembesülnek a hétköznapi életben a vallás, a kultúra a család és a politika területén. Megosztják személyes és szakmai történetüket.

When a struggling publisher discovers his only successful author is blocked, he knows he has to unblock her or he's finished. With her newfound success, she's become too happy and she can't write when she's happy. The only trouble is, the worse he makes her feel, the more he realizes he's in love with her.

In their youth, Eren and Reyhan, who grew up in Büyükada, had a great love. As soon as their families heard about this relationship, they separated them. Eren, the daughter of a wealthy family, returns to the island years later and finds Reyhan in an unexpected situation.

It's not easy being a teenager and Mike, a sixteen-year-old, has it espcially hard. He lives in the sticks with his mother, a non-stop nagger, in Faintville, a Canadian timber industry town. He has no father, no friends, not even a favorite meal. Basically, his sole wish is simply to vanish from the face of the earth. One day, Mike writes his own obituary and shoots himself. To his great disappointment he wakes up the in the local hospital. During a routine examination, the doctors discover a plum-sized tumor in his brain. Mike can scarcely believe his luck and keeps the illness to himself to avoid undergoing surgery that would save him. Staring death directly in the eyes, however, changes Mike's point of view and he re-evaluates his opinion of both enchanting and crazy Miranda. Somebody seems to understand him after all.

Documentary filmmaker Erik and closeted lawyer Paul meet through a casual encounter, but they find a deeper connection and become a couple. Individually and together, they are risk takers — compulsive, and fueled by drugs and sex. In an almost decade-long relationship defined by highs, lows, and dysfunctional patterns, Erik struggles to negotiate his own boundaries and dignity and to be true to himself.

A man leaves everything behind to travel aimlessly through France, letting himself be guided only by the people and landscapes he encounters: four days and four nights of wandering, during which his lover tries to locate him via Grindr, a smartphone dating app.

Passions re-ignite and secrets revealed when a graphic designer reconnects with the great, lost love of his life for a weekend tryst at a house in the desert near Joshua Tree.

When hot shot, Wall Street dealmaker Jai thinks of putting some pleasure into his 48 hour business trip to Mumbai, Sahil, his young, music-producer friend, drops everything, including his reckless boyfriend Alex, to help him execute the perfect getaway. Hiking the hills and canyons of Maharashtra, amidst half-attempted conversations and sudden silences, business calls and old jokes, the friends discover there is more than just time-zones keeping them apart. Things take another turn when Alex shows up with a new male-companion at his side, throwing up old conflicts and bringing unanswered questions to the fore.

Ask people, the world over, to name a great English novelist and chances are the name at the top of the list will be Charles Dickens, the author responsible for creating such all-time classics as "Oliver Twist", "Nicholas Nickleby", "Great Expectations" and the holiday classic, "A Christmas Carol". Even in the 21st Century, his novels are still proving inspirational. And when it comes to costume drama, with a touch of glamor, gritty realism and social conscience, Dickens has a message as resonant today. Follow in the footsteps of Dickens, back to an age of romance, sentimentality and Victorian sensibility. From humble beginnings in his birthplace in Portsmouth, to the luxurious elegance of Gad's Hill Place in Kent, experience a tour of the landscapes that truly inspired the great author.