In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own.

In June 2013, Laura Poitras and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with Edward Snowden. She brought her camera with her.

In 200,000 years of existence, man has upset the balance on which the Earth had lived for 4 billion years. Global warming, resource depletion, species extinction: man has endangered his own home. But it is too late to be pessimistic: humanity has barely ten years left to reverse the trend, become aware of its excessive exploitation of the Earth's riches, and change its consumption pattern.

An ambitious young man struggles to achieve his dream of becoming an employee in a Munich luxury hotel despite being strongly visually impaired.

Arriving in Helsinki, a nameless man is beaten within an inch of his life by thugs, miraculously recovering only to find that he has completely lost his memory. Back on the streets, he attempts to begin again from zero, befriending a moody dog and becoming besotted with a Salvation Army volunteer.

16 წლის მოსწავლე წერს თავისუფალ თემას თავისი თანაკლასელის ოჯახზე, რომლის ოჯახსაც იგი ხშირად ადევნებს თვალს. ფრანგულის მასწავლებელი აღმოაჩენს მის წერის და თვალთვალის ნიჭს.

When Isabelle and Theo invite Matthew to stay with them, what begins as a casual friendship ripens into a sensual voyage of discovery and desire in which nothing is off limits and everything is possible.

This experimental short consists of eight unedited rolls of super-8 film, each of which profiles an individual woman in real time. The women engage in everyday behaviour, such as playing pinball or reading a letter aloud.

ლიტერატურათმცოდნე გიორგი ფოსტით იღებს ყუთს. ის ხსნის მას და აღმოაჩენს ვიდეოჩანაწერებს, რომლებიც შეიცავს მისი და მისი ოჯახის ცხოვრების ფრაგმენტებს. თანდათან ეს კადრები გიორგის მიჰყავს იმ აზრამდე, რომ უცნაური ამანათის გამგზავნი მას კარგად იცნობს. ის იწყებს შეშფოთებას. მაგრამ პოლიცია უარს ამბობს მოქმედებაზე, სანამ გიორგის საფრთხე არ ემუქრება. ვინ არის ამანათის გამგზავნი და რა არის მისი მიზანი?

A film of the life of the renowned musical composer, playwright, actor, dancer and singer George M. Cohan.

ერთი მოკლული მამაკაცი და რვა ქალი - თითოეული მკვლელობის საკუთარი მოტივით. თოვლიანი ქარბუქის გამო ისინი მოკლულის სახლში არიან გამომწყვდეულები და მკვლელის გამოაშკარავებას ცდილობენ.

"To Have and to Hold" centers on Alice who still can't believe her high school crush, the dashing, wealthy and successful Joe Chambers, would choose to marry her and willingly allows him to mold her into his ideal socialite wife. Despite Alice's best efforts to be the woman of Joe's dreams, he can't help but be unfaithful to her. When Joe's indiscretions impact his career, Alice's life is further turned upside down. Alice unexpectedly finds herself falling for her best friend's boyfriend and begins to wonder if her fairy tale ending could exist after all.

Alejandro is an aspiring toy designer from El Salvador, struggling to bring his unusual ideas to life in New York City. As time on his work visa runs out, a job assisting an erratic art-world outcast becomes his only hope to stay in the country and realize his dream.

ფრანცი შემთხვევით ქუჩაში ლეოპოლდს გაიცნობს. ლეოპოლდი წარმატებული ბიზნესმენი და მასზე საკმაოდ უფროსია. ფრანცი მისგან შეთავაზებას მიიღებს, რომ საცხოვრებლად მასთან გაავიდეს. წინადადება მიღებულია. მათ შორის ვნებიანი ურთიერობები იწყება.

A psychotic killer is on the prowl, who continues to slaughter young women while an innocent man is wrongly accused and sentenced for crimes he could never have committed. A determined detective arrives on the scene and soon becomes obsessed with the case while under pressure from the prosecutor to see a man hang.

An English chef with a chic restaurant on Bondi Beach trying to put his life and his relationship with his son back on track while surrounded by women.

An English bon-vivant osteopath is enchanted with a young exotic dancer and invites her to live with him. He serves as friend and mentor, and through his contacts and parties she and her friend meet and date members of the Conservative Party. Eventually a scandal occurs when her affair with the Minister of War goes public, threatening their lifestyles and their freedom.

A French corporation goes head-to-head with an American web media company for the rights to a 3-D manga pornography studio, resulting in a power struggle that culminates in violence and espionage.

This dialog-free film, originally presented as 33 short films, is an experimental, bizarre set of meditations and flashbacks of the grotesque.

Igor is ready for anything for the sake of Polina’s happiness, and in order to compensate for the loss of her son, the couple opens up to a new child. But instead of an ordinary boy from a shelter, a mystical creature that can recreate the memories gets into their family ... There has not yet been found a recipe for centuries of suffering, but perhaps the key to salvation in selfless love for each other ... Open your heart! Let her in ...