1998年,在Jump Super Anime Tour '98上映的试作OVA,是全职猎人动画系列试播集。

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

Fight Club was a two-day professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event promoted by Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) that was held on October 8 and 9, 2022. Both nights of the event were held in Atlantic City, New Jersey; night 1 of the event took place at the Garden Pier at the Showboat while night 2 was held inside Showboat Hotel itself. The event aired on PPV via the FITE TV service.

A former race car driver who has retired and is the owner of a Mexican resort hotel gets mixed up in a robbery involving $2 million by one of his former girl friends.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

Naples, 18th century. Salvatore "Totò" Sapore, an unemployed minstrel, always manages to cheer up the hungry with his songs about good food, always upsetting Vesuvia, a magma witch who lives inside the Vesuvius.

This Robert Benchley 'How To' comedy short attempts to teach us how to profile criminals by physical characteristics.

Alice预见了Volturi即将到了,大家猜到一是因为Renesmme,二是因为Volturi不满Cullen家族的壮大,他们想维护自己的权威与声望。Volturi的首领Aro一直都很想把Alice和Edward收归旗下,Alice和Ed的叛逆已经让Aro心存不满。Bella心烦意乱,Cullen家族也很紧张。Bella头一次看到一贯平静优雅的Charlisle出现担忧的神情,对于Volturi那段恐怖的在Bella还是human的时候的那段记忆让Bella更加恐惧,她担心Renesmme早于不测。但没有人能估到Volturi什么时候来。Edward和charlisle商量着对策,而这时候Bella和Jacob带着Renesmme去hunting,却与Tanya三姐妹中的Irina不期而遇。Irina是Tanya三姐妹中的一员,虽然没有直接服务于Volturi,但对这个有几千年历史的V氏家族一贯衷心,Irina没有等Bella解释,便认定Cullens创造了一个baby vampire,疾速感到意大利Volturi家族报告。这一刻开始,Bella知道,一场毁灭性的灾难将要来临……

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

暑假即将到来,米奇(黛米·洛瓦托 Demi Lovato 饰)怀揣着兴奋与期望,期待着和朋友肖恩(乔·乔纳斯 Joe Jonas 饰)、奈特(尼克·乔纳斯 Nick Jonas 饰)和杰森(凯文·乔纳斯 Kevin Jonas 饰)等人一起度过一段美好的夏利营时光,共同谱写音乐的梦想。   然而,令米奇没有想到的是,一个名为“夏令营之星”的新兴夏利营冉冉升起,吸引了大部分人的目光,就连夏利营女王苔丝(梅甘·洁特·马丁 Meaghan Jette Martin 饰)都被吸引了过去,这可怎么办是好?与此同时,奈特爱上了名为丹娜(克洛伊·布里吉斯 Chloe Bridges 饰)的美丽女孩,而丹娜所属的阵营,正是夏利营之星。为了决定去留,米奇等人只得和夏利营之星的成员们站上了擂台,等待着他们的,是一场充满了激情和挑战的精彩比赛。

In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!

在電影版【小查與寇弟的頂級冒險】當中,Cody 想趁春假加入實驗專案實習,以利於之後申請大學,沒想到卻和女友 Bailey 因誤會而吵架,心情整個低落到谷底,加上實習機會也被 Zack 搞破壞,原本的計畫全部泡湯了,雙胞胎之間也因此吵得不可開交,甚至說出決裂的話。這時有個專門研究雙胞胎的科學計畫找上了他們,他們在沒有選擇的餘地下加入了此一研究,居然發現他們之間首次出現雙胞胎的心電感應,這項新感應讓這對雙胞胎首次能夠彼此感同身受,也因此更了解對方,但沒想到他們也意外發現此一研究背後原來另有陰謀,雙胞胎要如何大顯神通度過危機呢?


卡然和基尚是多年的朋友,但他们却朝着完全不同的方向发展卡然是乡下的穷苦机修工,基尚是城里有钱的大老板卡然准备到异地工作,想赚更多钱,他希望基尚能照顾他的女儿,让她住在基尚家里基尚无法拒绝这个老朋友的要求,于是卡然的女儿——苏曼,住进了基尚的家里 基尚的儿子——普瑞姆,和苏曼建立了纯真的友谊.普瑞姆带苏曼参加朋友的聚会.却遭到了恶人的诽谤,并指控苏曼是想嫁给普瑞姆以谋取他家的财产.于是苏曼带着眼泪离开,并开始和普瑞姆保持距离而普瑞姆突然发现自己已经爱上了苏曼,在母亲和朋友的帮助下,普瑞姆赢得了苏曼的心可是后来,基尚听信了奸人的谗言,认为卡然故意将女儿安排在这,想谋夺他的财产他要将苏曼赶走,而卡然正好在这个时候回来了,当他看到老朋友这样污蔑自己后,伤心的带着女儿回到乡下普瑞姆不能忍受这种分离,公然反抗自己的父亲,并离开家,到乡下去找苏曼,希望能够和苏曼结婚,但却遭到了卡然的拒绝…..最终普瑞姆能不能和苏曼在一起呢? 故事又将如何发展 …


This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.

'Hey' is a short film by Gonçalo Oliveira and Leonor Cunha Ferreira

Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude towards them. Through the seven “wandering” characters that we follow at different ages, from birth to old age, we witness their dignified struggle for survival. At the cemetery, in an abandoned factory, in an asylum, in a landfill, in places full of sorrow, our heroes search for love and togetherness. By combining documentary material, animation and acting interpretation of the thoughts of our heroes, we get to know lives between disappointment and hope, quite similar to ours.