Nathan, 16, lives alone with his father Stephane. A newcomer in high school, he is invited to a party and falls in love with Louis, a boy in his class. They find themselves out of sight and kiss each other, but someone takes a picture of them. Soon, the photo is published on Facebook and a storm overtakes their lives as they face bullying and rejection.

Obitelj Arpel živi vrlo suvremeno: njihova kuća opremljena je najmodernijim pokućstvom i najboljim kućanskim aparatima, a sve je besprijekorno čisto. No, njihov sinčić znatno više vremena provodi kod gospodina Hulota, svog neobičnog ujaka koji živi u staroj pariškoj četvrti u kojoj se djeca još uvijek igraju na ulici, a ulični prodavači prodaju kriške kruha namazane toplom čokoladom. Nezadovoljni Arpelovi pokušavaju maknuti ujaka iz života njihova djeteta pa će najprije Hulotu pokušati naći posao, a zatim i ženu...

A meek bank clerk who oversees the shipments of bullion joins with an eccentric neighbor to steal gold bars and smuggle them out of the country.

A woman adjusting to life after a loss contends with a feisty bird that's taken over her garden — and a husband who's struggling to find a way forward.

Minnie Mouse knits a sweater for Pluto. When she puts it on him, Pluto does whatever he can to try to get it off, eventually shrinking it to the perfect size for Figaro.

When the plans for the future change, new bonds are created between Danilo, Lucas and Marcos. in between video-games and milk cups, pain and disappointment, they need to learn how to live together.

An adopted eight-year-old Peruvian boy wants to look like his typically Dutch father; however, an encounter with a band of Peruvian-Indian street musicians will inspire him to find his roots.

Intimna, intenzivna i ljubavna priča ZAROBLJENA NADA prati Grace (Annette Bening), šokiranu saznanjem da je suprug (Bill Nighy) ostavlja zbog druge nakon 29 godina braka te rastavom uzrokovan emocionalni krah njihova odrasla sina jedinca (Josh O'Connor). Rastrojena Grace osjeća da ne pripada u svoj mali primorski gradić, ali u konačnici opet pronalazi uporište i otkriva nov, snažan glas.

Film opisuje napad na SAD od strane komunističkih snaga iz Rusije i Kube, početkom osamdesetih i pokušaj male grupe iz gradića na srednjem zapadu da se odupre invaziji. Sovjetske i Kubanske trupe započinju iskrcavanje na nogometno igralište u srednjoj školi Colorado. U sekundi, trupe zauzimaju školu i pošalju grupu tinejdžera u planinu. Naoružani samo lovačkim puškama, pištoljima, strijelama i lukovima, tinejdžeri se bore da prežive, a KGB patrole pokušavaju ih uhvatiti.

Crunch Calhoun, a third-rate motorcycle daredevil and part-time art thief, teams up with his snaky brother to steal one of the most valuable books in the world. But it's not just about the book for Crunch — he's keen to rewrite some chapters of his own past as well.

A thief and a priest end up magically transported in the year 0's Palestine, where they'll have to make sure that the Nativity will follow its course.

Havana početkom 90-ih. Kubanski pilot Rene Gonzalez otima avion i bježi s Kube, ostavljajući za sobom voljenu ženu i kćer. Novi život počinje u Miamiju. Njegov primjer slijede i drugi kubanski kriminalci koji stvaraju vlastitu obavještajnu mrežu. Njihova je misija infiltrirati se u nasilne organizacije koje su protiv Fidela Castra i koje su odgovorne za terorističke napade na otoku.

An American drifter comes to a remote Polynesian island controlled by a Puritanical missionary and turns the social life of the island upside-down.

A freelance illustrator in New York suffers a quarter-life crisis and leaves his home for the west coast.

The suicide of a prominent wine producer unleashes a series of mysterious murders.

The body of Nathalie, who disappeared 25 years ago, is found on the Deridder family estate. The event reveals a long-hidden crime, and when secrets are brought forth, the present is overshadowed by the past.

Pravi užas leži ispod površine. Grupa starih srednjoškolskih prijatelja za vikend odlaze na krstarenje luksuznom jahtom, no stvari ubrzo pođu po zlu kada zaborave spustiti ljestve prije no što su odlučili osvježenje od vrućine potražiti u oceanu. Uskoro shvate da je bez njih nemoguće ponovo se uspeti u brod, a da sve bude još gore, jedna od žena, Amy, se mora boriti sa svojim velikim strahom od vode i užasnom spoznajom da je njezina nejaka beba Sara još uvijek sama na jahti. Uskoro će umor zbog nastojanja da se održe na površini uzeti svoj danak, a okupljanje koje je počelo kao radostan susret starih prijatelja pretvorit će se u borbu za opstanak!

A young operative is sent on a mission to follow an older agent who's behavior has come into question.

Seven years after the events of the first film, Samantha Darko finds herself stranded in a small desert town after her car breaks down where she is plagued by bizarre visions telling of the universe's end. As a result, she must face her own demons, and in doing so, save the world and herself.