Fugui și Jiazhen îndură evenimentele tumultuoase din China, în timp ce averile lor personale trec de la proprietatea bogată la țărănime. Dependent de jocuri de noroc, Fugui pierde totul. În anii următori, el este presat atât de ​​armatele naționaliste, cât și de cele comuniste, în timp ce Jiazhen este forțat să facă o muncă ușoară.

Amid a tense political climate, the opposition leader of an unnamed Cold War-era country is killed in what looks like an accident. When a prosecutor finds evidence of a government cover-up, witnesses start to get targeted... A thinly veiled account of the 1963 assassination of Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis and its aftermath, Z captures the outrage about the US-backed military junta that ruled Greece at the time of its release.

At her first audition, a young woman is asked by the casting director to talk about what is inside her handbag.

Anders își va termina în curând tratamentul într-un centru de reabilitare izolat. Unul din pașii din program este să meargă în oraș pentru un interviu legat de obținerea unui loc de muncă. Dar Anders profită de ocazie și rămâne în oraș, rătăcind pe străzi și întâlnindu-se cu prieteni vechi. La 34 de ani, Anders este deștept, frumos și de familie bună, dar bântuit de toate oportunitățile pe care le-a irosit. E încă tânăr, dar simte că din multe puncte de vedere viața i s-a terminat. Până la sfârșitul zilei și târziu în noapte, fantomele greșelilor din trecut se vor lupta cu șansa dragostei și posibilitatea unei noi vieți.

A tale of revenge, honor and disgrace, centering on a poverty-stricken samurai who discovers the fate of his ronin son-in-law, setting in motion a tense showdown of vengeance against the house of a feudal lord.

In the Swedish city of Lethe, people from different walks of life take part in a series of short, deadpan vignettes that rush past. Some are just seconds long, none longer than a couple of minutes. A young woman (Jessica Lundberg) remembers a fantasy honeymoon with a rock guitarist. A man awakes from a dream about bomber planes. A businessman boasts about success while being robbed by a pickpocket and so on. The absurdist collection is accompanied by Dixieland jazz and similar music.

On a trip across Western Europe to promote her newest release, filmmaker Anna encounters several individuals—familiar and otherwise—and attends to their discontents.

An absurdist, surrealistic and shocking pitch-black comedy, which moves freely from nightmare to fantasy to hilariously deadpan humour as it muses on man’s perpetual inhumanity to man.

While holidaying in the French Alps, a Swedish family deals with acts of cowardliness as an avalanche breaks out.

După o ședere în închisoare pentru crimă, înapoi în satul natal, un bărbat își găsește de lucru la un atelier mecanic condus de tatăl unei tinere pe care tocmai a cunoscut-o. Dacă, la început, Josh Hutton este recunoscut pentru abilitățile sale mecanice, șeful nu întârzie mult să ia o privire vagă asupra oricui cochetează cu fiica lui...

Young artist Kyoko wreaks havoc on everyone that she encounters when Japan's oldest major movie studio asks a batch of venerable filmmakers to revive its high-brow soft-core Roman Porno series.

The Martians have landed and they're not to be feared! Or at least that's what TV personality Iron Idem has been telling people. Soon after their arrival, his apartment is ransacked and his wife kidnapped. He's tagged like a wild animal and his nightly scripts are being changed. What Idem's eyes are seeing no longer matches what he tells audiences night after night.

During the First Lebanon War in 1982, a lone tank and a paratroopers platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town.

Russia 2017. The world could be on the verge of a great war. People are anxious that things could fall apart. Evolving around an unfinished building, a diverse group of outsiders struggle to find their place in this rapidly changing society, making up the mosaic of existence that is life itself…

Monroe Stahr, a successful movie producer, pursues a beautiful and elusive young woman — all the while working himself to death.

By the year 2056, an epidemic of organ failures has devastated the planet. The megacorporation GeneCo provides organ transplants on a payment plan - and those who can’t fulfill their plans have their organs repossessed. In the midst of this, a sickly teenager discovers a shocking secret about herself, her father, and their connection to GeneCo.

An all-female rock group finds fame, love, and drama when they move to LA in order to claim the lead singer’s inheritance.

After his first date at age 15 ended with the girl making out with another man at a party, aspiring writer Lester Grimm has treated all his girlfriends with jealousy and suspicion. While dating Ramona Ray, paranoia gets the best of him when he discovers that her most recent ex is successful novelist Dashiell Frank. Lester begins attending the same group therapy sessions as Dashiell to learn about Ramona's past with him.

Inspired by Neil Simon's early career experience as a junior writer for Your Show of Shows, the play focuses on Sid Caesar/Jackie Gleason-like Max Prince, the star of a weekly comedy-variety show circa 1953, and his staff, including Simon's alter-ego Lucas Brickman, who maintains a running commentary on the writing, fighting, and wacky antics which take place in the writers' room

When his wife is killed in a seemingly random incident, Harry, prompted by mysterious visions, journeys to discover the true circumstances surrounding her murder.