Fight Club Rush 12 takes place Saturday, May 7, 2022 with 9 fights at Vasteras Arena in Västerås, Sweden.

The fact that Rudolph Moshammer is a dazzling figure and the most prominent fashion designer in Munich is no longer enough for his silent partners and financiers. So it happens that he is looking for a seductive woman to sell and - to the horror of his mother - brings on the young pedicurist Evi from Augsburg, of all places. With Evi's help, Mosahmmer wins the hearts and purses of the truly rich - if it weren't for his mother, who is scheming in the background. A fictional story that tells of beauty and money, but also of the friendship of two outsiders in Munich in 1983.

The biggest problem of the 19-year-old high school student Jana is the relentless everyday-life and time. She don't want to think about the remaining time until the next event. For her own interests, she prefer to use the time as she would like. But she becomes the victim of her own strategies..

A futuristic short set in a future around the corner, where contact lenses have replaced computers and smartphones.

The ruthless dictator Teodoro Obiang has ruled Equatorial Guinea with an iron hand since 1979. Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is the most translated Equatoguinean writer, but he had to flee the country in 2011, after starting a hunger strike denouncing the crimes of the dictatorship. Since then, he has lived in Spain, feeling that, despite the risks, he must return and fight the monster with words.

Although Chicken does not make an appearance, Chan Ho Nam finds a new love interest in the form of Mei Ling. Meanwhile, Tung Sing returns to cause trouble again for Hung Hing, in the form of new leader Szeto Ho Nam.

Fantaghiro hercegnő és Romualdo herceg esküvőjét megzavarja egy hírnök, aki rossz üzenettel érkezik: a gonosz Fekete Királynő, az ellenséges királyság uralkodója, elrabolta a hercegnő édesapját. Romualdo a király megmentésére indul. Útját megpróbáltatások, veszélyes kalandok és csapdák nehezítik. Találkozik az elfek királynőjével, akit meg kell győznie jó szándékáról, hogy folytathassa küldetését. Miután megszerzi az uralkodónő bizalmát, továbbáll, ám a Fekete Királynő kelepcébe csalja őt. Varázslat segítségével felveszi Fantaghíro alakját és hatalmába keríti a mit sem sejtő Romualdo herceget. Kétségbeesett menyasszonyának nem marad más választása, mint harcba szállni szíve választottjáért és a veszélyben lévő királyságért.

This film reconstructs the life of famed marine biologist and environmental pioneer Jacques Cousteau using a fascinating mix of wildlife footage, archive material and elaborate re-enactments.

A young widow and a wealthy man who charters a yacht and wants to take a trip at sea, but at the same time she hates men due to her previous marriage at the same time.

Ray Keene, az özvegyen maradt tornatanár, szeretné helyreállítani a felesége halála óta megromlott kapcsolatát kamaszfiával, Chris-szel. Kettesben embert próbáló, többnapos túrára indulnak a vadonba. Útjuk azonban keresztezi egy veszedelmes bűnözőét, Frank Carden-ét, aki éppen úton volt, hogy legutóbbi szerződése értelmében meggyilkoljon egy fontos embert, ám az FBI sikerrel lekapcsolta. A bérgyilkos emberei azonban közbelépnek, és a foglyot szállító autó a folyóba zuhan. Ray segít kimenteni a megbilincselt gyilkost, de feltett szándéka, hogy az igazságszolgáltatás kezébe adja.

Zeliha is back: Crazy and candid as ever, and she still gets herself into all sorts of trouble. Seeking love in the first film, Zeliha is now after a career in the sequel, as she dreams of becoming a cook and starts working in a luxury restaurant. Will Zeliha's dreams finally come true, or will the real world break her heart and leave her in disappointment? With heartwarming characters and an entertaining story by Gupse Özay, writer of the films Deliha and Görümce, Deliha 2 will once again leave audiences in laughter. The film also marks Özay's directorial debut.

Three inept firemen try to avoid being fired by their increasingly exasperated chief.

The lives of Alma (Araceli Gonzalez) and Leo (Pablo Echarri) did not seem destined to cross. She, a baker in the mouth, with her ​​family and her boyfriend Mario since adolescence. The, an architect with secure wedding date with Valeria. One night, fate brought them together and this unexpected encounter will not go unnoticed. Both Alma and Leo not be fidgety to what happens between them.

An eight-year-old girl finds a way to bring her warrior comic book heroine Xanadu Hellfire from the future to the present. Xanadu's evil sister follows, and stuff gets crazy. Inspired by everything from Conan to Thor, Mad Max, and Clerks.

The complex relationship between master and servant is explored in director João Botelho's adaptation of Denis Diderot's popular novel Jacques le Fataliste et Son Maître. As Tiago (Rogério Samora) drives his master (André Gomes) through the Portuguese countryside to an unspecified destination, the traveling pair embark on a series of highly philosophical discussions. Flowing with tales of his life in the military and previous sexual escapades, Tiago trades a series of tales with his rapt passenger, including the story of a vengeful spurned lover who plots revenge on the nobleman who rejected her by transforming a prostitute into a society lady and convincing him to marry the tainted bride.