1980s. Brazilian television exploding in color and auditorium programs not so politically correct. In the middle of this fervor, Augusto Mendes, a young rising actor, seeks his place in the sun. From porn studios to soap operas, he finally finds success and fame when he becomes "Bingo", a TV host clown from one of the audience leader TV shows for children. It turns out that behind the rice powder and red nose, nobody knows who he is.

In November 1918, a few days before the Armistice, when Lieutenant Pradelle orders a senseless attack, he causes a useless disaster; but his outrageous act also binds the lives of two soldiers who have nothing more in common than the battlefield: Édouard saves Albert, although at a high cost. They become companions in misfortune who will attempt to survive in a changing world. Pradelle, in his own way, does the same.

Maj 1940, druga svetovna vojna. Nacisti so zaokrožili francosko pristaniško mesto Dunkirk (Dunkerque), z letaki tamkajšnjim prebivalcem in vojakom napovedujejo njihov na videz brezupen položaj. Zaradi sovražne vojske na eni strani in morja na drugi strani, se zdi, kot da ni možnosti za preživetje. Toda v Veliki Britaniji pripravljajo drzno reševalno akcijo, v uspeh katere sprva verjame zelo malo posameznikov. Kljub temu pa se nekaj pogumnih moških poda v boj, da bi rešili svoje tovariše. Na plažah pred Dunkirkom namreč 400.000 mož čaka na njihovo pomoč. Christopher Nolan je film režiral po lastnem scenariju in ga tudi produciral skupaj z Emmo Thomas. Izvršni producent je Jake Myers.

Mlad voznik, ki je prisiljen delati za vodjo kriminalnega podzemlja, se znajde v brezizhodnem položaju, ko je soudeležen v ropu, obsojenem na propad.

Cory Lambert (Jeremy Renner) je izkušeni lovec, ki v indijanskem rezervatu Wind River lovi predvsem kojote in druge plenilce. V divjini kar naenkrat naleti na truplo posiljene in zmrznjene mladoletnice. Da bi čimprej našli storilca v rezervat pošljejo mlado FBI agentko Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen). Ker sama ni seznanjena z grobim terenom in težkimi tamkajšnjimi vremenskimi razmerami prosi Coryja za pomoč pri svojih preiskavah in skupaj se podata na temačno pot odkriti pravo resnico.

Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel. After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the Colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.

Novo grozljivko v režiji Andrésia Muschietitija (Mama) snemajo po nadvse priljubljenem istoimenskem romanu Stephena Kinga, ki že desetletja navdušuje (ali, bolje rečeno, ustrahuje) bralce po vsem svetu. Ko v kraju Derry v ameriški zvezni državi Maine začnejo izginjati otroci, se skupina otrok znajde iz oči v oči s svojim največjim strahom - spopadejo se z zlobnim in zloveščim klovnom Pennywisejem, ki že stoletja mori in ustrahuje ljudi. V čevlje strašnega klovna je stopil Bill Skarsgard, obkrožajo pa ga mladi nadarjeni igralci, med njimi Jaeden Lieberher, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Chosen Jacobs, Jack Dylan Grazer in Nicholas Hamilton.

Distopični znanstvenofantastični film Maxa Botkina in Kerry Williamson v režiji Tommyja Wirkola, v katerem imajo glavne vloge Noomi Rapace, Glenn Close in Willem Dafoe. V ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti je vlada zaradi preštevilčnega prebivalstva in lakote omejila družino na samo enega otroka. Sedem identičnih sester, ki so dobile imena po sedmih dnevih v tednu, živi skrito skrito življenje in vsak dan se lahko v zunanji svet vključi le ena od njih pod isto identiteto. Toda nekega dne se sestra, ki sme ven ob ponedeljkih, ne vrne, druge sestre pa gredo raziskat njeno izginotje.

Kingsman: Tajna služba nas vpelje v Kingsmanov svet – neodvisno mednarodno obveščevalno agencijo, katere glavni cilj je varovati svet. V tem novem nadaljevanju se naši junaki soočajo z novimi izzivi. Po uničenju njihovega sedeža jih bo pot popeljala do odkritja sorodne vohunske agencije v ZDA z imenom Statesman, ki izvira iz časov nastanka obeh agencij. V novi pustolovščini, ki preizkuša njihove meje in moči, se bosta morali elitni agenciji združiti, da bi premagali neusmiljenega skupnega sovražnika.

Genialna akcijska komedija, v kateri sta v glavnih vlogah izjemna Samuel L. Jackson in Ryan Reynolds. Jackson je najbolj iskani plačani morilec na svetu, vrhunski agent pa ima nalogo, da ga zaščiti. Seveda pa ne gre nič po načrtu. Jackson je namreč njegov zapriseženi nasprotnik. Leta sta se gledala prek svojih pištol, zdaj pa morata sodelovati, kar pripelje do neverjetne dirke z avtomobili, bizarne ladijske eskapade in srečanje z neusmiljenim krvi željnim vzhodnoevropskim diktatorjem.

After an American Navy base is annihilated by a secret weapon, Agent OSS 117 is sent to Japan to investigate the organization that's claiming responsibility, and threatening the US with another attack, if they don't pay.

Resnična zgodba o pilotu Barryju Sealu, ki je v osemdesetih prevažal tihotapsko blago za Cio in kartel Medellin.

Trying to reverse a family curse, brothers Jimmy and Clyde Logan set out to execute an elaborate robbery during the legendary Coca-Cola 600 race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway.

In the 28th century, Valerian and Laureline are special operatives charged with keeping order throughout the human territories. On assignment from the Minister of Defense, the two undertake a mission to Alpha, an ever-expanding metropolis where species from across the universe have converged over centuries to share knowledge, intelligence, and cultures. At the center of Alpha is a mysterious dark force which threatens the peaceful existence of the City of a Thousand Planets, and Valerian and Laureline must race to identify the menace and safeguard not just Alpha, but the future of the universe.

In 1981, an enthusiastic young adventurer follows his dreams into the Bolivian Amazon jungle with two friends and a guide with a mysterious past. Their journey quickly turns into a terrifying ordeal as the darkest elements of human nature and the deadliest threats of the wilderness lead to an all-out fight for survival.

Several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a doll maker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the doll maker's possessed creation—Annabelle.

Master car thieves square off against French gangsters in the South of France with money, women and lives all on the line.

Režiser akcijskega spektakla Sneguljčica in lovec predstavlja osupljivo zgodbo o morebitnem svetu prihodnosti, kjer se zabrišejo meje med človeštvom in umetno inteligenco. Postavna Major je hibrid med človekom in kiborgom, zaradi posebnih bojnih sposobnosti pa jo postavijo za vodjo enote Sekcije 9, ki se ukvarja z najnevarnejšimi zločinci. Njihova glavna tarča je ekstremist, ki goreče nasprotuje kibernetični tehnologiji. Toda v nasilnem svetu, kjer ne moreš nikomur zaupati, se resnica razkrije šele takrat, ko si drzneš odstraniti tančice svoje lastne preteklosti.

Beatriz, an immigrant from a poor town in Mexico, has drawn on her innate kindness to build a career as a health practitioner. Doug Strutt is a cutthroat, self-satisfied billionaire. When these two opposites meet at a dinner party, their worlds collide, and neither will ever be the same.

A boy haunted by visions of a parallel world aids its disillusioned guardian in preventing the destruction of the nexus of universes known as the Dark Tower.