For twenty years, Bruno and Malik have lived in a different world—the world of autistic children and teens. In charge of two separate nonprofit organizations (The Hatch & The Shelter), they train young people from underprivileged areas to be caregivers for extreme cases that have been refused by all other institutions. It’s an exceptional partnership, outside of traditional settings, for some quite extraordinary characters.

One day a young woman named Blanca is saved by Xuan, a snake catcher from a nearby village. She has lost her memory, and together they go on a journey to discover her real identity, developing deeper feelings for one another along the way. But as they learn more about her past, they uncover a darker plot of supernatural forces vying for power, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

Timeworn Joe Collins and his fellow inmates live under the heavy thumb of the sadistic, power-tripping guard Captain Munsey. Only Collins' dreams of escape keep him going, but how can he possibly bust out of Munsey's chains?

Beautiful violin virtuoso Camille has two obsessions: the music of Ravel, and a friend of her husband's who crafts violins. But his heart seems to be as cold as her playing is passionate.

Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.

Livet er ingen lek for maurene på Maurøya! Hver sommer invaderer en gjeng grådige gresshopper kolonien, og tvinger maurene til å fylle gresshoppenes matforråd for vinteren, men denne gangen har den oppfinnsomme mauren Flik tenkt å sette en stopper for dette. Han begir seg i vei for å skaffe hjelp, og vender stolt tilbake med en tropp krigere. Men det viser seg snart at det ikke er riktige krigere han har fått med seg, men en gjeng arbeidsløse loppesirkus-insekter, bl.a. den fyldige sommerfugl-larven Heimlich og marihønen Francis.

South Georgia - alone in a vast ocean. 900 miles from Antarctica, and a mere 100 miles long. A wild rugged landscape with mountain ranges, vast glaciers, windblown plains half buried beneath snow and ice. Three years ago, the Penguin King left home. Now he is returning to the place where he was born and raised: Penguin City. One of the most densely-packed, sought-after pieces of real estate in the entire southern hemisphere and somehow he must establish his own place in it. He must find a mate.

Når moren til sønnen hans kommer på kant med Paris' kriminelle underverden, tar en superbikefører ekstrajobb som narkotikasmugler for å betale gjelden hennes.

In order to protect the reputation of the American space program, a team of NASA administrators turn the first Mars mission into a phony Mars landing. Under threat of harm to their families the astronauts play their part in the deception on a staged set in a deserted military base. But once the real ship returns to Earth and burns up on re-entry, the astronauts become liabilities. Now, with the help of a crusading reporter, they must battle a sinister conspiracy that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden.

After an elaborate application process, Empress Elisabeth of Austria hires Countess Irma as her new lady-in-waiting and takes her to her summer residence on Corfu. As the two women become closer there, this soon leads to tensions back in Vienna.

At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.

Cleve Marshall, an assistant district attorney, falls for Thelma Jordon, a mysterious woman with a troubled past. When Thelma becomes a suspect in her aunt's murder, Cleve tries to clear her name.

Sexy and bright friend's sister's special service! Whose service should I get tonight? My parents returned to farm and told Minwoo, who lives with her sisters Youngju and Sangmi. One day, my friend Jeongsu from college comes to play. I think it was good to come to see Sang-mi and Yeong-ju, who greet Jeong-su. Yeong-ju, who guided the city on holidays. When I came home and guided me, I tempted Jeongsu to repay him. Sang-mi saw that. Although she is still a virgin, she was interested in men. I like Jeongsu and decide to have sex with a man this opportunity. On the night when Jeongsu was sleeping, Sangmi secretly went into the room and lies next to him. After waking up, Sue seduces her to have sex. Sangmi didn't have good sex with men as much as she thought. Jeongsu is leaving after a few days later to be sent off by her friends' sisters...​

A tale of the three funerals for the ashes of Italian writer Luigi Pirandello intertwined with a murder committed by a young Sicilian immigrant boy in 1930s Brooklyn for what is described as a surreal, grotesque, complex narrative.

Den mest farlige tidligere CIA-agenten blir tvunget ut av skjul for å avdekke gjemte sannheter om hans fortid.

In 1945, as World War Two comes to a close, five small time crooks unite to form a gang. After several bold robberies they become notorious as "the front-wheel drive gang". The police attempt to stop their crime spree with little success, but how long will their luck last?

En spirituell oppfølger til skrekkfilmen 'Candyman' fra 1992, som returnerer til dagens nabolag hvor legenden oppstod. Så lenge man kan huske har nabolaget Cabrini Green i Chicago blitt terrorisert av legenden om en overnaturlig drapsmann, med en krok istedenfor hånd, som dukker opp når de som tørr det sier navnet hans fem ganger inn i et speil. I dag, et tiår etter de gamle høyblokkene i Cabrini ble revet, flytter et ektepar inn i en luksusleilighet i det gamle nabolaget, som nå er ugjenkjennelig. I søken for å opprettholde sin status som kunstner begynner ektemannen å utforske de makabre detaljene rundt Candymanlegenden og ender opp med å åpne en dør til fortiden, som burde forblitt lukket...

A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.

Two soldiers of fortune are hired by an inventor to protect him and his invention, a radar-like machine that is capable of controlling armies and forcing them to fight.

Experiencing something of a mid-life crisis after his beloved son marries and moves out, a factory worker makes some drastic changes in his life, moves in with the boy and his wife, and sets them all on the path to a communal lifestyle.