Mivel nem akar karácsonyig várni, hogy a Mikulásnak írjon, Sam úgy dönt, helyette Drakulának ír, Mindenszentekre. Nagy meglepetésére Drakula személyesen válaszol, amikor felbukkan házuk ajtajában és fenekestül felforgatja az életét.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

40 év múlva Bruce Wayne egy visszavonultan élő öregember, aki egy középiskolásnak adta át a köpenyt és az azzal járó felelősséget. Ám az évtizedek óta halottnak hitt Joker látszólag visszatér, és újra őrült ámokfutásba kezd. Miközben az új Batman próbálja útját állni, felsejlik a múlt, és megtudjuk, milyen tragikus események vezettek a Joker halálához, és Robin megőrüléséhez...

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

A doomed love affair blooms against the beautiful and exotic backdrop of the deserts of India in this romantic drama. Samantha Hartley (Kelli Garner) is a woman in her early twenties who travels to Rajapur in India to visit a resort where her mother stayed years ago. While tracing the steps of her mother, Sara (Lynn Collins), Samantha learns the true story about her mother's stormy marriage to Jeremy (Justin Theroux), a charming but moody alcoholic. Only a few days after their wedding, Sara began to wonder if marrying Jeremy was a mistake, and while visiting India on their honeymoon, Sara met Jai Singh (Manoj Bajpai), a handsome and sensitive widower living in Rajapur. Jai Singh, who speaks fluent English, soon strikes up a friendship with Sara that quickly grows into a romance, but both are aware of the transgressive nature of their love, and their affair takes a tragic turn, leaving its scars on all parties involved.

Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

BIFA-nominated psychological thriller. “Everyone’s got a secret, something they hide…” When a small time criminal returns to London he unravels a catastrophic secret about the murder of his brother. Twisting and turning, this dizzying journey into the mind of a criminal at his darkest hour keeps the viewer guessing until the final frame. An intense and mind-bending crime noir shot on 35mm.

A király visszatérben, a Hobbitok azt a küldetést igyekeznek teljesiteni, hogy legyőzzék a gonosz varázslót Sauront. Frodó, unokaöccse Zsákos Bilbó, megesküszik, hogy elpusztítsa még akkor is, ha ez neki a saját életébe kerül is.Aragon, aki tudja nem lesz képes, hogy elkerülje a végzetes találkozást Sauronnal,maga igyekszik a rettegett földjére,de nem nyugszanak a gonosz hatalmak...

A divorcée leaves New York to visit her grandfather's farm and recover in the Midwest, where she unexpectedly falls in love with a married farmer.

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?

A szexi csapat különös feladat előtt áll: vissza kell szerezniük azt a titkos lemezt, amely az elrejtett kincs lelőhelyét tartalmazza. Csakhogy a titokra mások is pályáznak, olyan mindenre elszánt csirkefogók, akik nem ijednek meg néhány fegyvertől. Ám arra nem számítanak, hogy ellenfeleik ezúttal nemcsak pisztollyal támadnak. A szexi csapat elképesztő testi adottságokkal, észbontó külsővel és óriási mellbőséggel ártalmatlanítja a kincsrablókat.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Little Creek egy vidéki kisváros Új-Mexikóban. Az idegenek megpróbálnak kapcsolatot teremteni két kisgyermekkel, Jennifer-rel, és egy őrülttel, aki egész életét az aranykeresésnek szentelte. A város lakói készek elhinni az UFO történetet, kivéve egy különös, vörösen izzó üzenetet, amit kristály formában hagytak náluk és megfejthetetlen. Az élet visszatérni látszik a normális mederbe, mígnem 25 évvel később a Dr. Kramer vezette SSR, privát tulajdonú tudományos intézet műholdjai felfedeznek egy misztérikus fekete lyukat Little Creek-ben…

A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.

A year to the day after Dorothy and the people of the Emerald City defeated Urfin Jus, the villain is trying to exact his revenge. To command the army of Carraci, however, Urfin needs not only the magic book, but also Dorothy’s silver slippers. The slippers are safely hidden away in Dorothy’s house. Unfortunately, Dorothy’s guest, Tim, is overcome by curiosity and picks up the shoes, accidentally transporting himself, Dorothy and the slippers to the Land of Oz. The Emerald City and its citizens are in danger once again.

Hannah Martin a szülőanyját keresi. Útközben felvesz egy sötét idegent, minek következtében különös dolgok kezdenek történni. Hannah nem is sejti, hogy utazása segíthet beteljesíteni Isaac, az eredeti vezér 19 évvel ezelőtti jóslatait.