Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.

Rozprávačom je David Attenborough. Doposiaľ nezverejnené zábery ukazujú, ako život v lockdowne otvoril prírode cestu k zotaveniu a rozkvetu. Keď sme sa zastavili, Zem našla rytmus v moriach, na oblohe a na súši.

This autobiography of Hector Delgado runs from his childhood to become one of the greatest exponents of the urban genre, but the results of that life did not please him and led him to try to take his life .After being victim of a firefight at a service station in Aguada, a city hall in Puerto Rico, he stopped earning at least two hundred American dollars for presentation and being "devout of Jesus"

Je apríl 1945 a do úplnej porážky nacistického Nemecka ostáva už len niekoľko dní. Hitler však vo svojom berlínskom bunkri aj naďalej požaduje od svojich generálov boj do posledného muža. Film, detailne popisujúci, ako prebiehali posledné dni Tretej ríše v Hitlerovom berlínskom bunkri, vznikol na motívy knihy Hitlerovej osobnej sekretárky Traudl Jungeovej, ktorá s ním bola v bunkri až do úplného konca.

To, čo bolo v roku 1968 zamýšľané ako pokojný protest proti zjazde demokratov, sa zmenilo vo vlnu násilia a stretov s políciou. Organizátori protestov, vrátane Abbieho Hoffmana, Jerryho Rubina, Toma Haydena a Bobbyho Sealea, boli obvinení z podnecovania nepokojov a súdny proces, ktorý nasledoval, je jedným z najznámejších vôbec.

Louise Sawyerová (Susan Sarandon) pracuje ako servírka vo fastfoode a doslova trpí vzťahom so svojim partnerom. Ten je ako hudobník neustále na cestách a Louise si svojou samotou môže akurát tak písať denník. Alebo rovnako tak sa môže stretávať so svojou najlepšou priateľkou Thelmou Dickinsovou (Geena Davis). Tá má pre zmenu opačný problém. Jej násilnícky muž by bol najradšej, aby jeho poslušná manželka sedela neustále v kuchyni, zatiaľ čo on otvára jedno pivo za druhým počas nekonečných hodín sledovania futbalu. Niet sa preto čomu čudovať, keď pohár trpezlivosti raz pretečie. A tak sa Thelma a Louise ocitnú v aute na úteku pred svojimi stereotypnými životmi a nevšímavými partnermi. Ich dobrodružný výlet však pretne konflikt, po ktorom sa o Thelmu a Louise zaujíma aj polícia. Ich cieľom je Mexiko...

Hanzi is a documentary exploring international design, visual culture, and identity through the lens of modern Chinese typography. The film covers a variety of topics such as how languages shape identity, and what role handwriting plays in the digital age.

Film sleduje osud rodiny, ktorú vedie dobre mienený, ale panovačný otec, keď prechádza láskou, odpustením a stretávaním sa po strate.

A rich man learns about a guru who can see without using his eyes. He sets out to master the skill in order to cheat at gambling.

This documentary recounts the experiences of people on the ground in the earliest days of the novel coronavirus and the way two countries dealt with its initial spread, from the first days of the outbreak in Wuhan to its rampage across the United States.

At Christmastime in Bikini Bottom, everyone's excited except Plankton, who always gets a lump of coal from Santa. But he vows this year he'll finally get his wish – the Krabby Patty formula! And it won't be by being good. He's gonna make everyone in Bikini Bottom bad!

The PlayStation Revolution is an independent documentary feature film that uncovers the incredible story behind the creation of the Sony PlayStation. It is an essential watch for anyone interested in video games and the history of the biggest entertainment industry on earth. The film investigates why Sony decided to enter the video games business, when it was already dominated by both Nintendo and Sega, who not only produced their own hardware but made and published fantastic games. To compete, Sony would not only have to design and build a new piece of hardware, but they would have to find a way to persuade the game development industry to take a chance and develop games for it long before it even came out!

Frank Cross is a wildly successful television executive whose cold ambition and curmudgeonly nature has driven away the love of his life. But after firing a staff member on Christmas Eve, Frank is visited by a series of ghosts who give him a chance to re-evaluate his actions and right the wrongs of his past.

An overview of the life of the most shocking, vile, and notorious of punk rock legends.

After dying from a strange illness that she suffered for three years, a mother returns home to pick up her children.

In the near future, a popular uprising in Mexico City interrupts a wedding held at the home of a wealthy family. After the riots have been quashed, they discover the bride has gone missing and plea with the military to help locate her.

Čo keď váš úspech závisí od fantázie vašej dcéry? Ambiciózny finančník nečakane zistí, že jeho profesionálne impérium sa mu rúti k zemi. Pomoc nájde u svojej sedem ročnej dcérky, ktorá ho pozve do sveta imaginárnych princezien. Spolu sa tak vydajú na vzrušujúcu cestu, behom ktorej zistia, že niekedy nie je treba nič len veľa lásky...

Set in a small politically unstable Latin American country, the story follows the half English and half Latino Dr. Eduardo Plarr, who left his home to find a better life. Along the way he meets an array of people, including British Consul Charley Fortnum, a representative in Latin America who is trying to keep Revolution from occurring. He is also a remorseful alcoholic. Another person the doctor meets is Clara, whom he immediately falls in love with, but there is a problem: Clara is Charley's wife.

A village man living in the Turkmen Sahra of Iran makes the periodic trip to his aging parent's house, bringing them food and checking on them. They reside alone in the region's barren hinterland, where they have refused to move into town with him. From there, one witnesses a day in their daily life together. English subtitles are included.