أنطونيو ، وهو رجل عاطل عن العمل في اقتصاد ما بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية المكتئب في إيطاليا ، يجد أخيرًا وظيفة جيدة يعلق الملصقات ، والشرط الوحيد هو أن يكون لديه دراجته الخاصة. عندما تُسرق دراجة أنطونيو ، يضطر هو وابنه للسير في شوارع روما بحثًا عنها ، وإلا سيواجهون الدمار.

Nine years later, Jesse travels across Europe giving readings from a book he wrote about the night he spent in Vienna with Celine. After his reading in Paris, Celine finds him, and they spend part of the day together before Jesse has to again leave for a flight. They are both in relationships now, and Jesse has a son, but as their strong feelings for each other start to return, both confess a longing for more.

Private Investigator Philip Marlowe is hired by wealthy General Sternwood regarding a matter involving his youngest daughter Carmen. Before the complex case is over, Marlowe sees murder, blackmail, deception, and what might be love.

An undertaker gets married to an old executioner's daughter and, although he doesn't like it, must continue the profession of his father-in-law after his retirement.

شاشة عريضة ، طبعة تكنيكولور بواسطة هيتشكوك لفيلمه عام 1934 الذي يحمل نفس العنوان. زوجان يقضيان عطلتهما في المغرب مع ابنهما الصغير يتعثران بطريق الخطأ في مؤامرة اغتيال. عندما يتم اختطاف الطفل لضمان صمته ، عليهم أن يأخذوا الأمور بأيديهم لإنقاذه.

A wealthy, self-absorbed Rome socialite is racked by guilt over the death of her young son. As a way of dealing with her grief and finding meaning in her life, she decides to devote her time and money to the city’s poor and sick. Her newfound, single-minded activism leads to conflicts with her husband and questions about her sanity.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

French top secret agent, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, is sent to Rio to buy microfilms from a running nazi. To do so, he has to team up with Mossad secret services.

يعود العميل 007 في الجزء الثاني من سلسلة جيمس بوند ، وهذه المرة تقاتل منظمة إجرامية سرية تُعرف باسم سبكتر. الروسي روزا كليب و كرونستين في طريقهما لانتزاع جهاز فك تشفير يعرف باسم ليكتور، باستخدام تاتيانا الساحرة لإغراء بوند لمساعدتهم. يسافر بوند عن طيب خاطر للقاء تاتيانا في اسطنبول ، حيث يجب عليه الاعتماد على ذكائه للهروب بحياته في سلسلة من المواجهات المميتة مع العدو

A family battles against the odds to stay together when small lies grow into an extravagant cover-up. In order to avoid hardship and responsibilities that would otherwise be impossible to endure, the family chooses to ignore the truth, not to see, hear or talk about it. But does playing “Three Monkeys” invalidate the truth of its existence?

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

CW Briggs is a veteran insurance investigator, with many successes. Betty Ann Fitzgerald is a new employee in the company he works for, with the task of reorganizing the office. They don't like each other - or at least that's what they think. During a night out with the rest of the office employees, they go to watch Voltan, a magician who secretly hypnotizes both of them.

A mysterious spacecraft captures Russian and American space capsules and brings the two superpowers to the brink of war. James Bond investigates the case in Japan and comes face to face with his archenemy Blofeld.

Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.

Five high school students plans to steal University Entrance Exam booklets.

تتم مكافأة المفتش (جاك كلوزو) بعد نجاحه في حل لغز إخفاء ماسة النمر الوردي، يقوم رئيسه الغاضب منه دائما (درايفوس) بمحاولة إبعاده في مجموعة من القضايا البسيطة، لكن لسوء الحظ تسرق الماسة النادرة مرة أخرى مع مجموعة من التحف حول العالم، يقوم (الإنتربول) بتشكيل فريق من عمالقة المحققين حول العالم من أجل استرجاع تلك الأشياء، ويكون (كلوزو) المثير للفوضى من بينهم بالطبع.

Boog, Elliot, and their forest friends return with an all-new adventure, this time in a Big Top Circus! The comedy begins when Boog's pals choose their family obligations over the annual guy's trip, and a disappointed Boog decides to take a trip of his own, which leads him right into the middle of a circus ring...literally. When he switches places with a devious look-a-like circus grizzly and falls for an alluring Russian troupe member, he'll come to realize that maybe you don't have to choose between family and friendship after all.

A new batch of recruits arrives at Police Academy, this time a group of civilian volunteers who have joined Commandant Lassard's new Citizens on Patrol program. Although the community relations project has strong governmental support, a disgusted Captain Harris is determined to see it fail.

يقيم الفتى (كيفين) مع والدته بعد انفصالها عن والده، قرر (كيفين) قضاء عيد الميلاد بصحبة والده بيتر بقصر حبيبته الثرية ناتالي واعدا والده بعدم الفوضي، إلا أن (كيفين) اكتشف بأن خصمه مارف وزوجته يخططان لسرقة المنزل وخطف أحد الضيوف من العائلة المالكة، مما يجعله ينوي التصدي لهما بكل الطرق.