A woman and her child are kidnapped by her lover and plans revenge on him.

Odoriko performances are intense, sometimes acrobatic choreographies, performed in sumptuous costumes—at least, until the costumes come off, because these dancers practice the Japanese form of striptease theater. The art was once popular, but is now seen only in a few clubs in the country. Filming on mini-DV tape, as if he is not actually in the room, director Yoichiro Okutani observes the unusual, traditional profession of the odoriko and the contrast with the modern, everyday questions the women struggle with.

'הכלה' היא מתנקשת לשעבר בארגון של רוצחים שכירים, שאנשיו טבחו באכזריות במשתתפי החתונה והותירו אותה להתבסס בדמה, על אף העובדה שהייתה בשלבי היריון מתקדם. למרבה ההפתעה, היא שורדת את האירוע, וחמש שנים אחרי, היא מתעוררת מתרדמת ממושכת, כשהיא כועסת במיוחד, ויוצאת לנקום בעמיתיה הבוגדניים, כשבראשם עומד ביל. היא עולה במעלה שרשרת הפיקוד של הארגון בדרכה אל ביל עצמו. הפעם, העניינים מסתבכים ונעשים אישיים עוד יותר, כאשר 'הכלה' מגלה שהבת שלה, איתה הייתה בהיריון בשעת ההתנקשות, נמצאת בחיים, למרות שחשבה שמתה בטבח.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

After witnessing the murder of his father as a child, Ibrahim is drawn into the criminal underworld of Egypt. While making a name for himself with his best friend Ashri, he finds his high school sweetheart Houria and manages to rekindle their love, but paths intertwine with Abdel Malik Zarzor, the city's crime lord, who is connected somehow to Houria.

Giovanni used to be a humble, mild-mannered government clerk whose life was turned upside down when he met Giulio, a notorious forger who at once set about manipulating the over-confident man. Giovanni did what he should never have done: he associated himself with the crook. Giulio soon laid hands on Giovanni's money, ruined his career and manhandled him into marrying his own mistress, the beautiful Ginevra. It was of course an unhappy marriage but Giovanni found a little solace when his son Ciro was born. Seven years later though, Wanzer resurfaced...

טוני סטארק ניצב מול טרוריסט מסוכן שמאיים על שלום העולם. המשימה מסתבכת כשביתו מופצץ, החליפה של איירון מן נפגעת והוא נאלץ להימלט.

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.

A renegade USAF general, Lawrence Dell, escapes from a military prison and takes over an ICBM silo near Montana and threatens to provoke World War 3 unless the President reveals details of a secret meeting held just after the start of the Vietnam War between Dell and the then President's most trusted advisors.

סרט קצר מתוך 4 הסרטים הקצרים של מארוול שמסתתרים בתוך התוספות של תקליטורי הבלו-ריי השונים של סרטי מארוול. הסרטים הקצרים, גם הם, כמו הסרטים הרגילים באורך מלא, שייכים למה שמארוול קוראת לו "היקום הקולנועי של מארוול", הם כולם שייכים לאותו יקום קולנועי שנוצר בשביל עלילת הנוקמים כאשר עלילות הסרטים מתנגשות זו בזו. הסרטים הקצרים מוסיפים פרטים קטנים ומשעשעים לעלילות הקטנות של הסרטים וכמובן גם ולעלילה הגדולה של "הנוקמים".

What do we do when the Federal Government steps outside of its constitutional limits? Do we ask federal judges in black robes to enforce the limits of federal power? Do we "vote the bums out" in the hopes that new bums will surrender their power? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison didn't think so, and neither should we. The rightful remedy to federal tyranny rests in the hands of the people and the States that created the federal government in the first place. It's called nullification, and it's an idea whose time has come.

A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder.

Someone from another planet crashed on Earth and evil is chasing him, and then love appears, and it defeats evil through an amulet.

Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun So What'Cha Want Netty's Girl hake Your Rump Egg Raid On Mojo Shadrach (Mosh Version) Holy Snappers Hey Ladies Slow And Low (Live) Pass The Mic Ask For Janice, Pt.II Shadrach (Abstract Impressionist Version)

Based on a song by the same name. It was the Genre Popularizer for the Rillumarei film and live entertainment genre that drew from the musical couplet genre of light, cleverly written, often satirical songs. Many of these films were based on an existing song, or a song was specifically written to be the foundation of a film.