Alison is left home alone on Halloween night, but while chatting with her best friend Jenna over Skype, something terrifying happens to Jenna, leaving Alison helpless on the other side of the computer screen, watching in horror.

Two young girls find themselves alone in the forest but for a gaggle of goblins with mischevious intent. Adapted from the Christina Rossetti poem, The Goblin Market is a tale of two girls, their relationship and how it is affected by temptation and the pull of the woods. Keeping Rossetti's characters but altering their relationship slightly, Daisy Adders creates a film full of whimsy and woodland joy with a dark, mystical side to it.

Krishnan, who has been living away from his family and friends in Mumbai, gets a call from his friend Ganga in Kerala, out of the blue. He senses danger, and leaves for Kammattipadam, where both of them grew up.

Woody meets a crazy professor who makes monsters by shooting them with a machine ray. On the second shot, they return to normal.

Взбалмошная, упрямая и избалованная миллионерша Эпифания унаследовала от отца состояние в 30 млн. фунтов. Своему жениху она должна была дать 150 фунтов, чтобы за полгода он сделал из них 50 тысяч. Только в этом случае она могла выйти за него замуж. Ее жених прошел это испытание, но надежд в браке не оправдал, хотя был высоким красивым мужчиной и спортсменом. Он не вынес жуткого характера своей жены, а та изо всех сил старалась испортить жизнь ему и его любовнице. Случайно она встречает врача из Египта, которому мама в свое время тоже поставила условие: невеста должна полгода прожить на деньги, заработанные ею самой...

When Spike tries to bury a bone he finds a belligerent gopher.

Depicts the love story between an idle author and a provincial geisha.

The story of Khai Nui, a hot young Nora who is about to enter the Nora regional competition. But he had an accident, swapping bodies with Namwan, a rival girl who could not dance with Nora. Just adjusting to the new body is already difficult. This still had to come and teach his original body to dance Nora again. And like this, how will his Nora champion dream come out? must come together to win.

For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.

De_Riria_Subasutaimu is a surreal and abstract short film about grief.

A young woman is fired by her lover from her job in a bookstore and meets a trafficker she falls in love with. She becomes a heroin and prostitutes to buy the drug. The trafficker is arrested and she surrenders to the supplier in exchange for drugs. He pretends to care for a cemetery and demands money from him. She desperately kills him. When the trafficker leaves, he decides to rebuild his life and goes as a doctor to the mountains with the young woman. She also wants to quit the drug and succeeds with her help, but when boarding a vehicle they are killed by four gunmen. Source:

In order for the revolution to live up to its promise, might love be the missing ingredient? Artist Dora García delves into the archives and finds in the searing writings of Alexandra Kollontaï, an early-20th-century revolutionary, a precious ally of queer and feminist movements in Latin America and elsewhere. A joyfully militant political film."

A plastic surgeon performs strange body experiments on his victims. A woman then goes to the plastic surgeon to seek out the perfect body. Through the surgery the women does receive the perfect body but also must now live out two separate lives.

Some prostitutes and their pimp meet at the end of the day to share stories of their clients as a large family.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.

Valerie Graves, a misanthropic, disillusioned woman in her mid-twenties, is haunted by sadistic urges that she has struggled to repress since childhood.