Splash into action with seafaring sleuths Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collide with a mystery ship and try to uncover clues from a vanished crew in Hassle in the Castle! Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are then captured by Redbeard the Pirate in Go Away Ghost Ship. Zoinks! If the case isn’t solved soon, somebody’s going to walk the plank! And when Scooby and friends get lost in a swamp, they meet up with the Harlem Globetrotters and Redbeard the Pirate – again! – for a swashbuckling adventure worth a treasure chest full of Scooby Snax!

Norwegian Sci-Fi short based on William Tenn's short story "Time in Advance". In the far future a law is passed enabling citizens to serve out sentences for crimes they intend to commit, serving the full term, but with a 50% pre-criminal discount. Post-criminals and pre-criminals alike are sent to carry out hard-labour on hellishly perilous, far-flung Convict Planets. Few return. Those pre-criminals who are not killed, drop out before their terms are up, with nothing but scars and nightmares to show for their troubles. Two pre-criminals however manage against all the odds to serve out two full terms for murder, and return to Earth as minor celebrities, with the right to kill one person each.

A man facing some issues with his business gets the chance to see how a seemingly simple event from his childhood affected someone life's forever.

When college coed, Cindy, inherits the Old Dracovich Mansion, she gets a lot more than she bargained for. The victim of a violent death, Lady Dracovich, still haunts the house from beyond the grave, plotting to bring the dark forces of evil back to rule the Earth; but first, she needs to satisfy her age-old lust by possessing her new tenant!

Film Divná sešlost navazuje na nadšeně přijatou divadelní hru Tylera Perryho. Hlavní hrdinka Helena se po manželské krizi vydává načerpat nové síly ke své babiččce Madee na jihu USA. Ta právě získala do opatrovnictví vzdorovitou a neposednou Nikki. Navíc její dvě neteře Lisa s Vanessou zrovna prožívají problémy ve vztahu. A k tomu všemu je na Madee, aby uspořádala velkou rodinnou sešlost…

Po krvavé bitvě u Kurska se dalo německé velení na ústup. Průběh II. světové války se začíná obracet. Němečtí velitelé jsou zaskočeni silou Rudé armády. Vrchní velení sovětských vojsk se rozhodlo bez otálení provést rozhodující úder a nenechat tak nepříteli čas na regeneraci sil a zorganizování své obrany. Vedením této operace byl pověřen maršál Žukov. Ten rozhodl zatlačit nepřítele do bažin v Bělorusku a oslabit tak bojeschopnost německé armády. To se mu povedlo, a tak když se spojenci 6. června 1944 vylodili na plážích Normandie, ocitla se německá armád…

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

Disappointed that her mother has always disappeared at important times in her life, Alison Shaeffer, a successful book editor, decides to track down her mother on a remote island in an effort to patch things up. But family secrets unravel when Allison discovers that her mother is a CIA agent after she accidentally stumbles into one of her mom's covert operations.

Brent Weinbach is weird. In this show, Brent attempts to adjust his quirky personality so that he can fit in with the world around him, which would be valuable to his career as a comedian and entertainer. Through an absurd and abstract discourse, Brent explores the ways in which he can appeal to a broader, mainstream audience, so that ultimately, he can become successful in show business.

Pokračování pohádky o princezně Fantaghiro. Princeznu Fantaghiro na procházce s jejím věrným koníkem propadnou a na příkaz špatné Černé čarodějnice unesou. U ní se setká se záhadným neznámým, který sní o zemi, kde by neexistovalo zlo. Spolu s princeznou se nakonec opravdu i ocitnou na jistý čas v neznámé zemi, kde na ně čeká úplně jiný svět, plný záhad a překvapení ...

Jiro Sawada is a sophomore in high school when a false accusation drives him out his hometown: a small village in Fukushima Prefecture. The entire village is abandoned after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, but Jiro returns there to live. Before long, members of his family come and join him.

The famous five George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy the dog are spending holidays together. But when they are invited by Berhard, father of Julian, Dick and Anne, to visit an egyptian exhibition they see a burglar. They have a look at the mummy the burglar was tempering with to find a golden amulet. The famous five decide to visit Egypt to hand over the amulet. When arriving in Egypt Bernhard is arrested because he's asserted he stole the amulet and replaced it with a fake. Now its up to the young detectives to solve the case and prove their fathers innocence.

Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical Parade. Where else, but in The Main Street Electrical Parade, could you see an illuminated 40-foot-long fire-breathing dragon? And hear the energy of its legendary melody one last time? It's unforgettable after-dark magic that will glow in your heart long after the last float has disappeared.

Siddharth and Sonia are happily married until Anna walks into Siddharth's life. Things go from bad to worse, when Anna gets killed and Siddharth finds himself sinking in troubled waters.

Moshe Amar is a once poet and now a "businessman" who left his wife with their new born in Israel twenty years ago and spent them in the land of limitless possibilities trying to leave a mark of immortality but, up to that point, only got the marks that frantic debt collectors are more than happy to give. Tsach is the abandoned son who is now a skilled sniper in the Israeli Army. Tsach resents his father for both abandoning his mother for 21 years and not attending her funeral.

21st Century detective Jake Cardigan is arrested for murdering the husband of his ex-wife. It seems like a frame up, yet Cardigan refuses to let the authorities investigate further or even deny any involvement in the killing.

Z dílny autorů filmů Vřískot a Hellraiser pochází i poslední pokračování série Mimic 3: Sentinel. Když se obyvatelé bytového komplexu začnou ztrácet, zdráhá se Marvin uvěřit nemyslitelnému: mutant obrovského masožravého hmyzu, který už jednou trýznil společnost, je zpět a připraven znovu zahájit její likvidaci! Ačkoliv je Marvin uzavřen ve svém pokoji kvůli silnému astmatu, musí sebrat všechny síly, aby zneškodnil tuto hrůznou kreaturu dříve, než skončí jako její příští oběť! Tento thriller, plný akčních scén a neuvěřitelných speciálních efektů, je povinný pro všechny fanoušky maximální hrůzy!