Šiame filme Aragornas vadovaus armijai karių, kurie susirungs lemtingame mūšyje su tamsiosiomis Mordoro jėgomis. Tik po šio mūšio tarp gėrio ir blogio paaiškės, kas valdys Viduržemį. Gendalfui teks susigrumti su blogio valdovu Sarumanu. Semas irFrodas tęs netikėtumų kupiną kelionę kelionę per miškus, sniegynus, lygumas, upes, kalnus, kur kiekviename žingsnyje jų tykos pavojai. Jie stengsis nunešti Žiedą į Mordorą, vienintelę vietą, kur jis gali būti sunaikintas. Žiedas ir toliau silpnins Frodą, atimdamas iš jo protą ir dvasios stiprybę. Semui ir Frodui teks susidurti su milžinišku voru. Kovodami su juo bičiuliai išsiskirs, Semui atrodys, kad Frodo jis neteko amžiams. Iš tikrųjų, Frodas išliks gyvas, bet...orkų rankose.

The only son of wealthy widow Violet Venable dies while on vacation with his cousin Catherine. What the girl saw was so horrible that she went insane; now Mrs. Venable wants Catherine lobotomized to cover up the truth.

Mr. Money is holding another World Martial Arts Tournament and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Second silver screen adaption of the Finnish war book by Väinö Linna. The story is based on Linna's experiences as an infantry man in the Finnish army during the so called "Continuation War" (1941-1944).

Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide who would do this and why? Martin Beck and his team start following the step backwards in order to figure out what has happened. With good and intensive police work they find man side trails from the main path.

Dr. Gero's Androids #13, #14, and #15 are awakened by the laboratory computers and immediately head to the mall where Goku is shopping. After Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, #13 absorbs their inner computers and becomes a super being greater than the original three separately were. Now it is up to Goku to stop him.

An army major goes undercover as a college student. His mission is both professional and personal: to protect his general's daughter from a radical militant, and to find his estranged half-brother.

On the Caribbean island of Matul, white doctor David Menard is trying to stem the tide of cannibal zombies that are returning from the dead. Arriving on the island are Anne and reporter Peter West who are looking for Anne's missing father. The pair soon find themselves under attack from the zombies.

25 - erių Veslis (vaid. akt. James McAvoy) - labiausiai nepatenkintas, nusivylęs jaunuolis, kokį tik žinojo pasaulis. Viršininkas kas valandą jį išbara, mergina nuolatos ignoruoja... Visi buvo įsitikinę, kad šis tinginys niekada nieko nepasieks. Viskas, ką jam beliko daryti, tai nebent tik stumti dienas ir sunykti lėtoje, tiksinčioje rutinoje... Kol jis nesutiko moters, pramintos Lape (vaid. Akt. Angelina Jolie). Po to, kai nužudomas atsiskyrėlis Veslio tėvas, pavojinga ir seksuali Lapė įtraukia jį į Broliją - paslaptingą organizaciją - kurioje Veslis atskleisdamas savo nepažintas, nepanaudotas galias mokysis atkeršyti už tėvo mirtį. Kol Lapė moko jį fenomenalaus judrumo ir refleksų tobulinimo, vaikinas susipažįsta su Brolijos gyvenimu ir perpranta jų moto: atlikite mirtinus likimo skirtus nurodymus.

Arabų fanatikai pažadėjo didelę sumą garsiam teroristui, kad šis susprogdintų Kaliforniją. Teroro aktas numatytas per ,,Oskarų“ teikimo ceremoniją. Teroristą sustabdyti gali tik išėjęs į atsargą Drebinas. Užuot sprendęs savo pašlijusios santuokos reikalus, šaunusis Frenkas puola gelbėti kino žvaigždes.

Three macabre tales from the latest issue of a boy's favorite comic book, dealing with a vengeful wooden Native American, a monstrous blob in a lake, and an undying hitchhiker.

San Francisko policijos inspektoriaus “Purvinojo Hario” Kalahano sėkmingas darbas jam garantavo žvaigždės statusą. Situacija komplikuojasi, kai kažkas pradeda žudyti žvaigždes. Jei Purvinasis Haris nesuras serijinio žudiko prieš kitą jo smūgį, kita auka taps jis pats.

A friendly St. Bernard named "Cujo" contracts rabies and conducts a reign of terror on a small American town.

A rag-tag team of Reno cops are called in to save the day after a terrorist attack disrupts a national police convention in Miami Beach during spring break. Based on the Comedy Central series.

A routine mission ends up in a flaming inferno when a house suddenly explodes. It looks like a spectacular suicide attempt but the technical investigation reveals unexpected evidence. Beck and his men are soon on the tracks of a narcotic syndicate...

Stiflerio pusbrolis Erikas jau trejus metus draugauja su Treise, tačiau jis vis dar nekaltas. Tokio niekingo dalyko, kaip jaunas ir nekaltas vaikinas, Stiflerio giminėje negali būti. Mergina leidžia Erikui aplankyti pusbrolį...

Now that Santa and Mrs. Claus have the North Pole running smoothly, the Counsel of Legendary Figures has called an emergency meeting on Christmas Eve! The evil Jack Frost has been making trouble, looking to take over the holiday! So he launches a plan to sabotage the toy factory and compel Scott to invoke the little-known Escape Clause and wish he'd never become Santa.

The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren.

A gardener decides to exact revenge on the men he believes to be responsible for the death of his mentally disturbed wife.