Orsono Welleso „Pilietis Keinas“ neretai laikomas geriausiu Holivude sukurtu filmu. Tai istorija apie grupelę reporterių, mėginančių iššifruoti paskutinį leidybos magnato Čarlzo Fosterio Keino žodį. Norėdami išsiaiškinti to žodžio prasmę, reporteriai susitinka su žmonėmis, gyvenusiais ir dirbusiais su Keinu. Jų papasakotos istorijos – tai žvilgsnis į praeitį ir mėginimas suprasti, kas buvo pilietis Keinas.

Gary Grantas vaidina Manhatano reklamos agentūros vadovą, įsivėlusį į žvalgo ir kontržvalgės istoriją, pilną apgavysčių, mirčių ir lenktynių. Tai ketvirtas, paskutinis ir geriausias bendras A. Hitchcocko ir G. Granto darbas.

Per Nacių okupaciją Lenkijoje, aktorių trupė įpainiojama į kariškių lenkų misiją susekti vieną vokiečių šnipą.

In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews and are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy.

A documentary following Christy Turlington and other models during spring fashion week in Milan, Paris and New York.

„Oskaro“, „Auksinio gaublio“, BAFTA, JAV aktorių gildijos premijomis ir daugybe kitų prizų apdovanota Julianne Moore vaidina lingvistikos profesorę Elis Houland, kuriai diagnozuojama Alzheimerio liga. Moteris turi nustabų protą ir atmintį, tad ji puikiai supranta, kokios jos laukia pasekmės. Iš pradžių Elis ištinka atmetimo reakcija, tačiau palaipsniui jai reikia vis labiau atsiremti į savo šeimą, o didžiausiu ramsčiu tampa jaunėlė dukra Lidija. Ji yra motinos išklausytoja, palydovė ir lieka vienintele gija, siejančia su praeitimi. Filmas paremtas neuromokslininkės Lisos Genovos bestseleriu. Režisieriai sugebėjo sukurti jautrų sergančios moters portretą, kuri lemtį pasitinka ramiai ir oriai.

Purehearted teen Lazzaro is content living as a sharecropper in rural Italy, but an unlikely friendship with the marquise’s son will change his world.

Told in flashback form, the film traces the rise and fall of a tough, ambitious Hollywood producer, Jonathan Shields, as seen through the eyes of various acquaintances, including a writer, James Lee Bartlow; a star, Georgia Lorrison; and a director, Fred Amiel. He is a hard-driving, ambitious man who ruthlessly uses everyone on the way to becoming one of Hollywood's top movie makers.

In the slums of the upper West Side of Manhattan, New York, a gang of Polish-American teenagers called the Jets compete with a rival gang of recently immigrated Puerto Ricans, the Sharks, to "own" the neighborhood streets. Tensions are high between the gangs but two romantics, one from each gang, fall in love leading to tragedy.

One-armed war veteran John J. Macreedy steps off a train at the sleepy little town of Black Rock. Once there, he begins to unravel a web of lies, secrecy, and murder.

As the Large Hadron Collider is about to be launched for the first time, physicists are on the cusp of the greatest scientific discovery of all time - or perhaps their greatest failure.

The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and company has tragic consequences for the idealist and the republic.

In a small Japanese village at the end of the 19th century, a rickshaw driver's wife takes on a much younger lover and the two conspire to murder him.

Sir Philip Ashlow (Stewart Granger), his neglected wife, Lady Ashlow (Ava Gardner) and his best friend Henry Brittingham-Brett (David Niven) are shipwrecked on a desert island. This potential ménage à trois where the two men compete for the lady's attention is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a fourth inhabitant of the island.

Kino juostos „Asteroidų miestas“ veiksmas vyksta išgalvotame JAV dykumos miestelyje apie 1955 m., kuriame Jaunųjų žvaigždžių stebėtojų / Kosmoso kadetų suvažiavimą įspūdingai sutrikdo įvykiai amžinai pakeisiantys mūsų planetą.

Danny Ocean and his gang attempt to rob the five biggest casinos in Las Vegas in one night.

In New York City, bright but naive New Englander Anne Welles becomes a secretary at a theatrical law firm, where she falls in love with attorney Lyon Burke. Anne befriends up-and-coming singer Neely O'Hara, whose dynamic talent threatens aging star Helen Lawson and beautiful but talentless actress Jennifer North. The women experience success and failure in love and work, leading to heartbreak, addiction and tragedy.

Drunken, has-been rock star John Norman Howard falls in love with unknown singer Esther Hoffman after seeing her perform at a club. He lets her sing a few songs at one of his shows and she becomes the talk of the music industry. Esther's star begins to rise, while John's continues to fall. She tries desperately to get John to sober up and focus on his music, but it may be too late to save him.

A nomadic 16th century warrior, condemned to hell for his brutal past, seeks redemption by renouncing violence, but finds some things are worth burning for as he fights to free a young Puritan woman from the grip of evil.

Writer Harry Street reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection while on safari in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro.