A community must unite to fight injustice

Fight Club was a two-day professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event promoted by Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) that was held on October 8 and 9, 2022. Both nights of the event were held in Atlantic City, New Jersey; night 1 of the event took place at the Garden Pier at the Showboat while night 2 was held inside Showboat Hotel itself. The event aired on PPV via the FITE TV service.

Шекхар, приехав свататься к красавице Рупе, дочери заминдара Чоудхари, влюбился в нее в первого взгляда. Однако его родители потребовали у семьи невесты слишком большое приданное. Помолвка расторгнута, и мачеха Шекхара находит пасынку богатую невесту, однако тот уходит из дома. Вернувшись в деревню Рупы, он просит разрешение у ее отца на свадьбу, но тот отказывает. Молодые люди пытаются сбежать, но побег не удался. Оскорбленный Чоудхури решает выдать замуж опозоренную дочь за своего племянника Атмарама.

Со времени атомной бомбардировки минуло три года, а в сердце Мицуэ по-прежнему живы образы отца, друзей, многих других людей, погибших 6 августа 45-го. Как жить без них дальше? Имеет ли она право на семейное счастье? Мицуэ снова и снова задает себе эти вопросы, когда получает предложение руки и сердца от застенчивого молодого человека, который часто бывает в библиотеке, где она работает. Преодолеть душевную коллизию дочери помогает погибший отец. Его душа навещает Мицуэ и убеждает ее, что жизнь продолжается и она обязательно должна быть счастлива.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

A Swedish princess boards an ocean liner in Europe en route to an acting career in America and finds herself getting inconveniently attached to a bandleader returning home. To complicate matters, a blackmailer on board apparently knows she is not who she claims to be - and he has his sights set on other passengers with secrets of their own. In the meantime an escaped killer has stowed away under someone else's identity, and is killing again to cover his tracks; five international police detectives on board are heading the investigation to find him. When evidence points to the princess and bandleader, they must find the killer themselves - before he finds them.

A cult called Wakwak headed by Papa Mundo is ready to kill and be killed to fight for their beliefs. It is a religious battle for their leader, clad in priest's robes, who they believe has supernatural powers to extinguish life out of anyone. Outnumbered, Lt. Cary Altamonte's group fights for the safety of the civilians. The situation unfolds in a battle of faith.

George Smith's picture of the crowds out for a stroll on what I imagine is Brighton Pier.

A never-before-seen look at the incel community, an online subculture to which multiple mass murders and hate crimes against women have been attributed.

Nine women sign up for a class in striptease in order to enrich their lives.

Documentary tracing the history of the Jewish people from the destruction of the temple in AD 70 to the modern-day nation of Israel. Through scriptural and historical evidence, DNA, mathematics, and testimony from rabbis and pastors, it attempts to answer the question, "Who are God's chosen people?".

A dramatised documentary following the lives of three unconnected anonymous strangers as they tell their stories. Based on the concept of sonder - the realisation that everyone you pass in the street has a life just as complex as your own, in turn making you oblivious to this because of the vast amount of worries, problems and goals you face daily.

Kuruthipunal is a malayalam action drama short film based on events occurring on a crime syndicate and the conflict between the leader and other members happening on a single night....