Joseph, favored son of Jacob and great-grandson of Abraham, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Rising to become prime minister of Egypt. Joseph governed the country during a seven year famine, during which his brothers visit Egypt seeking grain, only to encounter their brother, presumed long dead.

Annie Garret is a young woman who moves with her irresponsible husband Ross and their seven-year-old daughter Taylor from Colorado to a ranch in northern California where Ross abandons them after he fails to land a job. With no money and no friends, and Taylor and Annie's prized racehorse, Tolo, to look after, Annie lands a job at a ranch hand and stable person at a stud farm owned by the stern Mary Lou O'Brien who is hiding some person demons of her own. Despite Annie's own setbacks in life, she decides to find an outing by entering her horse in a high-stakes riding competition. But when her horse goes blind from a race illness, Annie must struggle with her hardships to put the impossible to the test.

Two men answer the call of the ocean in this romantic fantasy-adventure. Jacques and Enzo are a pair of friends who have been close since childhood, and who share a passion for the dangerous sport of free diving. Professional diver Jacques opted to follow in the footsteps of his father, who died at sea when Jacques was a boy; to the bewilderment of scientists, Jacques harbors a remarkable ability to adjust his heart rate and breathing pattern in the water, so that his vital signs more closely resemble that of dolphins than men. As Enzo persuades a reluctant Jacques to compete against him in a free diving contest -- determining who can dive deeper and longer without scuba gear -- Jacques meets Johana, a beautiful insurance investigator from America, and he finds that he must choose between his love for her and his love of the sea.

Whether we’re young or forever young at heart, the Hundred Acre Wood calls to that place in each of us that still believes in magic. Join pals Pooh, Piglet, Kanga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit, Tigger and Christopher Robin as they enjoy their days together and sing their way through adventures.

Even though Sam Wheat, the successful investment counsellor, still finds it difficult to express his deeper feelings for her after all these years, his young potter girlfriend, Molly Jensen, is the love of his life. However, a curious case of a systematic discrepancy will prepare the ground for a hideous urban homicide in one of Manhattan's dark alleys, trapping, seemingly forever, the unfortunate deceased's immortal soul in the realm of the mortals. With the condemned spirit unable to interact with the physical world--and as Molly's life, too, is in grave danger--Sam will have to turn to the spiritual medium, Oda Mae Brown, to warn and protect her. Can Oda and the ghost settle the unfinished business in time?

Identične blizanke Annie i Hallie, razdvojene pri rođenju i odrasle svaka s jednim biološkim roditeljem, prvi put saznaju jedna za drugu u ljetnom kampu i skuju plan kako bi ponovno spojile svoje roditelje.

After an extensive immersion work on abandoned childhood, Ciro Durán presents, from his point of view, the life of street children, who have broken all family ties and have regrouped to survive in the concrete jungle.

The stooges are castaways from a garbage scow who land on Dead Man's Island where everyone is living in olden times. To escape from the governor, they disguise Curly as a Maharaja and win permission to journey to their own country to fetch presents. The governor is fooled, but the boys run into more trouble in the den of Black Louie the pirate where Curly is forced into a knife throwing contest with Larry as the target. Things look bad until a mis-thrown knife cuts the rope that holds the chandelier and it crashes down on Black Louie's men. With the pirates defeated, Moe decides to take over as ruler of the island.

Space Pirate Captain Harlock and his fearless crew face off against the space invaders who seek to conquer the planet Earth.

Gangster i plaćenik Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson) ima jednu noć da shvati komu je odan: svom otuđenom sinu, Mikeu, čiji je život u opasnosti, ili dugogodišnjem prijatelju, mafijaškom šefu Shawnu Maguireu koji želi da Mike plati za smrt njegova sina. Kada Jimmyjev otuđeni sin Mike (Joel Kinnaman) postane meta, Jimmy se mora odlučiti između kriminalne obitelji koju je odabrao i prave obitelji koju je davno napustio. Dok je Mike u bijegu, Jimmy će se iskupiti za minule pogreške jedino ako sačuva sina od iste sudbine s kojom će se i sam zasigurno suočiti... Pred krivom stranom revolverske cijevi. Sada kad se nikomu ne može obratiti za pomoć, Jimmy ima samo jednu noć da shvati komu je točno odan i vidi može li napokon ispraviti stvari.

Accident prone teenager, Percy discovers he's actually a demi-God, the son of Poseidon, and he is needed when Zeus' lightning is stolen. Percy must master his new found skills in order to prevent a war between the Gods that could devastate the entire world.

"Moj prijatelj Willy" priča je o čarobnom prijateljstvu dvanaestogodišnjega gradskog dječaka i tri tone teškog kita ubojice. Radi se o avanturi koju nikad nećete zaboraviti.

U mirnome gradu Timberlineu grizli Boog uživa sve povlastice i komfor zahvaljujući svojoj surogat-majci, Beth, lovočuvarici koja ga je spasila dok je bio malen. Boog uživa plodove slave kao zvijezda Bethina prirodoslovnog showa u gradskome amfiteatru, a u Bethinoj garaži Boog gleda omiljene TV-emisije, jede osam obilnih obroka na dan i svake se večeri ušuška u udoban krevet sa svojim plišanim medvjedićem, Dinkelmanom. Da, Boog ima savršen život - dok se ne pojavi Elliot. Elliot je tanašan jelen koji brzo govori i koji se u gradu nađe u nesvijesti te shvati da mu nedostaje jedan rog i da je svezan na krovu kamioneta fanatičnoga lovca Shawa. Kada se Elliot probudi, on zamoli Booga da ga oslobodi. Boog ne može ignorirati Eliottove grozničave molbe i oslobodi nesretnoga jelena. Ipak, pokaže se da nijedno dobro djelo ne prolazi nekažnjeno - Elliot slijedi Booga u njegov dom i namami ga da provedu ludu noć u gradu - zbog čega obojica završe u šumi.

Intrepid teenage private eye Nancy Drew heads to Tinseltown with her father to investigate the unsolved murder of a movie star in this old-fashioned whodunit based on Carolyn Keene's popular series of books for young adults. But can the small-town girl cut through the Hollywood hype to solve the case?

Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences.

Dvije godine nakon što je spasio kita ubojicu Willyja iz ljudskog zatočeništva i omogućio mu da se vrati majci, dječak Jesse i dalje živi s usvojiteljima Glennom i Annie Greenwood. Oni su saznali da mu je majka umrla i da je iza sebe ostavila dječaka Elvisa, Jesseova mlađeg polubrata, što mu i kažu. Glenn i Annie preuzimaju brigu i o Elvisu, no dvojica dječaka u početku se baš i ne slažu najbolje. Krstareći brodicom s iskusnim Indijancem Randolphom i njegovom unukom Nadine u koju se zaljubi, Jesse ponovo susretne Willyja. Sve je idilično do trenutka kad nasukani tanker ispusti naftu i opasno ugrozi Willyja i njegovo jato kitova ubojica...

Five puppies are shocked to find out that their parents, Buddy and Molly, have been abducted and face obstacles while trying to rescue them.

In his homeland of Alagaesia, a farm boy happens upon a dragon's egg -- a discovery that leads him on a predestined journey where he realized he's the one person who can defend his home against an evil king.

After accidentally killing a bear cub while celebrating graduation in the woods, four teens become the target of a seemingly unstoppable Grizzly.