Într-un oraș mic din Maine, șapte copii cunoscuți sub numele de The Losers Club se confruntă cu probleme de viață, agresiuni și un monstru care ia forma unui clovn numit Pennywise.

This 2017 movie follows the original dance academy TV show and tracks where the characters are in their lives now.

An intimate conversation between filmmakers, chronicling De Palma’s 55-year career, his life, and his filmmaking process, with revealing anecdotes and, of course, a wealth of film clips.

Olivia and Matthew Grey, 18-year-old twins born into a world of privilege and high expectations. There are almost no boundaries between them - even their dreams are connected.

An agoraphobic hip-hop prodigy and a disgraced former music manager cross paths in Chicago’s South Side and help each other face demons of their pasts.

Ansari headlines the iconic Madison Square Garden and delivers his most hilarious and insightful stand-up yet. Filmed in front of a sold-out audience, Ansari's latest special is an uproarious document of the comic in top form -- covering topics ranging from the struggle of American immigrants to the food industry to relationships to gender inequality.

On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all: a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by surprise when her ex- boyfriend (and family favorite) suddenly shows up after disappearing from her life completely. Torn, Clara must decide between going back to the past or open her heart to new and unexpected possibilities.

Urmărit de autorități, un bărbat își amintește de misterioasele evenimente și de vagabondul ciudat care i-au declanșat neobișnuita lui transformare.

Bob Muldoon and Ruth Guthrie, an impassioned young outlaw couple on an extended crime spree, are finally apprehended by lawmen after a shootout in the Texas hills. Although Ruth wounds a local officer, Bob takes the blame. But four years later, Bob escapes from prison and sets out to find Ruth and their daughter, born during his incarceration.

A funny story about two brothers, Pietro and Francesco, and what happens with them and their families after Petro loses his memory.

A groom and his three best men travel to the Australian outback for a wedding.

După ce pierde 50.000 de dolari care nu erau ai lui, cartoforul Eddie începe să-și refacă viața. O surpriză nedorită îl împinge însă către vechile obiceiuri.

A rock star general bent on winning the “impossible” war in Afghanistan takes us inside the complex machinery of modern war. Inspired by the true story of General Stanley McChrystal.

Two wealthy businessmen are about to get away with $5 million in ill-gotten money until their plans are revealed by an uninvited house guest.

Arnaud Mustier, lawyer and brilliant philosopher, arouses the annoyance of his younger brother Jules, age sixteen. One day, Arnaud is a victim of a late adolescent crisis. Helped by Jules, he is going to catch up this phase of the life which he did not live.

A young woman fights the spirit that is slowly taking possession of her.

Francesco, a young man who wants to be a comedian, insults his girlfriend to make his public laugh; she will break up with and so he will think of a crazy plan to win her back.

Seiful (2017) este un nou film horror care sosește pe marile ecrane cu o poveste pe care am putea să o numim uzual, un jaf la o bancă, însă se dovedește că nimic nu este ceea ce pare. Două surori înstrăinate sunt obligate să jefuiască o bancă pentru a-și salva fratele care a ars un depozit deținut de un gangster notoriu. Doar că, aceasta nu este o bancă obișnuită. Lovitura începe fără probleme, dar haosul începe să se dezlănțuie atunci când managerul sfidător al băncii îi trimite către o criptă de la subsol, la ceva cu adevărat rău. Cu toate acestea, totul o ia razna atunci când grupul care comite jaful se confruntă cu evenimente supranaturale în subsolul băncii. Destabilizați, aceștia încearcă să afle răspunsuri și să dezlege misterul din spatele fenomenelor stranii care le amenință jaful, dar mai ales viața. Oare vor reuși să facă față tuturor amenințărilor?

A group of eccentric assassins are fed up with Gunther, the world's greatest hitman, and decide to kill him – but their plan turns into a series of bungled encounters as Gunther seems to always be one step ahead.

Five deadbeat, sex-crazed friends forge their resumes to enroll in the prestigious University of Oxford to help one of them end up with the girl he's in love with.