Šéf rímskeho detektívneho oddelenia vrážd je mocný človek. Ale to, čo následovalo po oslave jeho povýšenia, nemôžu zamaskovať ani tý najmocnejší. Alebo je realita iná? Muž, ktorému nikto nepovie inak ako Inšpektor a ktorého vynikajúcím spôsobom stvárnil Gian Maria Volonte, išiel hneď po večierku za svojou milenkou a úplne v kľude a bez emócií jej prerezal hrdlo. Bol totiž presvedčený, že jeho nikto nikdy nebude upodozrievať. Že on je ten, ktorý stojí nad zákonom. A celý čin vlastne spáchal len preto, aby mohol svetu dokázať, kto mu skutočne vládne.

There's no better time of year than Christmas, especially in South Park. So, stop fighting with the family, gather 'round the fire and watch these classic South Park episodes. Join in as the citizens of South Park sing many of everyone's favorite holiday classics like, "Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo" and "Christmas Time in Hell". See the boys bring Christmas to Iraq and learn how hard it is to be a Jew during this holiday season. Christmas is a time when we all can put aside our differences and agree on what the holidays are really about: presents!

A naive young man witnesses an escalation of violence in his small hometown following the arrival of a mysterious circus attraction.

African-American Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs is arrested on suspicion of murder by Bill Gillespie, the racist police chief of tiny Sparta, Mississippi. After Tibbs proves not only his own innocence but that of another man, he joins forces with Gillespie to track down the real killer. Their investigation takes them through every social level of the town, with Tibbs making enemies as well as unlikely friends as he hunts for the truth.

The relationships among two pre-pubescent brothers and their estranged father are tested on a trip into the Russian wilderness.

Monika from Stockholm falls in love with Harry, a young man on holiday. When she becomes pregnant they are forced into a marriage, which begins to fall apart soon after they take up residence in a cramped little flat.

A drought has brought the town of South Park to the brink of disaster.

As the president of a trashy TV channel, Max Renn is desperate for new programming to attract viewers. When he happens upon "Videodrome," a TV show dedicated to gratuitous torture and punishment, Max sees a potential hit and broadcasts the show on his channel. However, after his girlfriend auditions for the show and never returns, Max investigates the truth behind Videodrome and discovers that the graphic violence may not be as fake as he thought.

Harry Angel dostal od tajomného Louisa Cyphera slušne zaplatené za to, že objaví úkryt speváka Johnnyho Favorita. Rutinný prípad sa ale čoskoro zmení v neprehľadný labyrint nadprirodzena a smrti ...

A penetrating study of a marriage on the rocks, set against the backdrop of a small Mediterranean fishing village. Both a stylized depiction of the complicated relationship between a married couple and a documentary-like look at the daily struggles of the inhabitants of Sète in the South of France.

Claiming that he doesn't know his own past, a rich man enlists an ex-con with an odd bit of detective work. Gregory Arkadin says he can't remember anything before the late 1920s, and convict Guy Van Stratten is happy to take the job of exploring his new acquaintance's life story. Guy's research turns up stunning details about his employer's past, and as his work seems linked to untimely deaths, the mystery surrounding Mr. Arkadin deepens.

A radical student is adopted by a group of young New Yorkers, serves as a catalyst to alter his and their lives. Gathering in a Manhattan apartment, the group of friends meet to discuss social mobility, Fourier's socialism and play bridge in their cocoon of upper-class society - until they are joined by a man with a critical view of their way of life.

Ema is a magnetic and impulsive dancer in a reggaeton troupe. Her toxic marriage to choreographer Gastón is beyond repair, following a decision to give up on their adopted child Polo. She sets out on a mission to get him back, not caring who she’ll need to fight, seduce or destroy to make it happen.

A group of friends - a tomb raider, a chatty salesman, a naughty journalist, a lazy nerd and the shy assistant of a mysterious blind and silent shopkeeper - meet again in the quiet small town where they had shared a terrible secret. When a skeptical policeman discovers the link between a weird animals slaughter and some occult practices, strange things start happening. Together, they will discover the ancient curse of Kaisha and have to face the demons of the past.

Two young women and their friends spend spare time at an exclusive nightclub in 1980s New York.

Vo vysokých zasnežených horách americký satelit fotografuje presun sovietskej rakety. Veliaci generál dá príkaz, že sa rozdelia na dva tímy: jeden bude plniť úlohu a druhý bude slúžiť ako návnada. Najskôr absolvujú špeciálny výcvik, a potom sú vysadení nad Pakistanom, odkiaľ sa po strastiplnej ceste, plnej nebezpečenstva a kurióznych situácií, na príkaz špionážneho centra dostanú cez Pamir až do Dušanbe. Na hraniciach stretnú doktorku Karen Boyerovú, ktorá je tiež špiónkou. Rozhodnú sa teda zjednotiť sily a ďalej pokračovať spoločne. Pokiaľ by sa misia nepodarila, hrozí vypuknutie tretej svetovej vojny...

When Maureen Coyle, a suicidal nun who resembles Norman's former victim, Marion Crane, arrives at the motel, all bets are off and "Mother" is less than happy.

Šťastným manželom Jindřichovi a Eliške sa narodí dcérka Terinka. Všetci sa z dieťatka radujú, dokonca aj čertík s vodníkom. Tí sa medzitým stali vernými ochrancovia mlyna. Jediný kto sa neraduje, je knieža pán. Nemôže sa zmieriť s tým, že Eliška dala prednosť chudobnému chlapcovi pred jeho bohatstvom. So svojím sluhom Zane vymyslí lesť a pošle Jindřicha do vojny proti Turkom. Myslí si, že má cestu k Eliške otvorenú ...

In this second episode Dalmazio and Egisto come, respectively, from the prison and the insane asylum. They risk a second arrest for their awkwardness so they return from their "uncle" who is willing to help them.

When students in the town of Cherry Falls hear that a serial killer is targeting virgins, they realize that the only way to protect themselves is to begin planning a "Pop Your Cherry" party.