When their trip to San Lorenzo takes a turn for the worst, Arnold and his classmate’s only hope of getting home is retracing the dangerous path that led to Arnold's parents' disappearance.

Situated just above the awe-inspiring Ipanema beach in Rio is the Cantagalo slum. Every day, floods of Cantagalo residents make their way down the mountain, only to disappear into their surroundings as part of the invisible working-class that cleans apartments, works in restaurants, and sells food along the scenic, sun-drenched shores. Young Dé (Thiago Martins) is just such a man. Dé lives with his mother Bernadette (Cyria Coentro) in a cramped Cantagalo apartment, selling hot dogs on the beach in order to make the rent. His brother Beto was killed when Dé was just a young boy, and his adopted brother Carlão (Rocco Pitanga) has been jailed for a robbery that he didn't commit. One day, while working on the beach, Dé meets Nina (Vitória Frate). Nina is the only child of a successful lawyer named Evandro (Paulo César Grande), who's none to happy to discover that his daughter is dating a member of the lower class. How...

Јеврејски дечак који се одвојио од своје породице у раним данима Другог светског рата постаје немачко сироче и узимају га у срце нацистичког света као „ратни херој“ и на крају постаје Хитлерова омладина. Иако су немогућности и случајност камен темељац филма, он се заснива на истинитој причи.

All self-taught dancer Kate Parker has ever wanted to do was perform with the American Academy of Ballet. But when she doesnt make it after auditioning, she learns that it takes more than precision and perfection to succeed in the dance world.

A talented artist tries to curb her phobia of being in public places, only to be convinced that a malevolent spirit is haunting her.

While working a job at an exclusive ski resort to support her Dad, Kim learns to snowboard and is so good at it that she enters a competition with a huge cash prize. She has to dig deep to overcome her fears, but her life gets more complicated through her spoken-for boss, Jonny.

When partygoers at a deserted funeral home decide to have a séance on Halloween night, they awaken something evil with a thirst for blood.

Lillie, a determined American woman, ventures overseas to join Dr. Jude at a remote medical mission in the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). However, Lillie soon finds herself at odds with Jude and the mission’s founder, Woodruff, when she falls for the titular military man, Ismail, just as the war is about to erupt.

Пошто су им деца први пут отишла у летњи камп, Џеф и Карен Гафни се надају да ће провести мало квалитетног времена и распалити љубавну страст која је почела да јењава. Испоставља се да је то лакше рећи него учинити кад Каренину машту омете изненадни долазак нових комшија: Џоунсови, чији се феноменални изглед савршено уклапа са префињеношћу њихових живота. Тим Џоунс је успешни путописац, чији је хоби прављење скулптура од стакла, а његова жена Натали је консултант у области друштвених медија, пише блогове о кувању и права је јунакиња за сирочиће из Шри Ланке. Али чим је њихово пријатељство постало озбиљније, Гафнијеви су се нашли у срцу олује међународне шпијунаже која ће им пружити невероватну прилику да вирну у живот ван свог комшилука – а оба пара ће схватити шта заправо значи бити добар комшија.

Unfolding over the course of one very eventful day in his life, at 17-year-old preacher’s kid Henry's afternoon birthday pool party, the guests include an assortment of grown-ups from the family church, as well as Henry’s secular and religious teen friends — including the closeted young Logan, who clearly has eyes for Henry.

During a handover to the head of counter-terrorism of MI5, Harry Pearce, a terrorist escapes custody. When Harry disappears soon after, his protégé is tasked with finding out what happened as an impending attack on London looms, and eventually uncovers a deadly conspiracy.

Joe, a programmer and obsessive self-quantifier, and Emily, a budding comedy performer, are happily married until they decide to use one another in their work. A dark comedy about love, technology, and what can’t be programmed.

Inner city kids from a poor neighborhood go up against the undefeated Beverly Hills Junior National Karate Team.

Lauren must prevent fellow students from performing an exorcism on her best friend Chloe.

Након што је пљачка кренула лоше, Кејси Стајн се пронашао у бегу од немилосрдне банде предвођене мафијашким босом Хагеном који се неће зауставити док не поврати своје драгоцености које сада посједује Кејси. Без избора, Кејси се окреће свом бившем дилеру и кријумчару Џерену како би заштитио своју дугогодишњу девојку Џулијет пре него што је се Хеган дочепа. Кејси почиње адреналинску потеру аутомобилом на немачким аутопутевима како би спасио љубав свог живота прије него што буде касно.

On the most important day of his young life, a high school senior is forced to relive his failed attempt at losing his virginity over and over again, until he gets it right.

A small town loner and a rebellious punk rocker unexpectedly fall in love as they are forced on the run and soon discover violence follows them everywhere.

Carved from a lifetime of experience that runs the gamut from incarceration to liberation, Dog Eat Dog is the story of three men who are all out of prison and now have the task of adapting themselves to civilian life.

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.