Računalniški heker Neo odkrije pretresljivo resnico: življenje, kakršnega pozna, je digitalna simulacija, ki jo vodi zlobna kiber-inteligenca. Pridruži se odporniškemu gibanju, ki se trudi uničiti iluzijo sveta, v katerem so ljudje sužnji.

August Pullman se je rodil s hudo deformacijo obraza. Do desetega leta ni hodil v šolo, ampak je imel zaradi številnih zahtevnih operacij in dolgotrajnih okrevanj pouk doma. Z vstopom v peti razred osnovne šole je zdaj njegova edina želja, da bi ga sošolci imeli za navadnega. Toda novi sošolci ne morejo prezreti njegovega nenavadnega obraza. Poleg Augusta, ki izredno duhovito pripoveduje o sebi, svoji družini in svetu, ki ga obdaja, svoja razmišljanja o tem nadarjenem fantu razkrijejo še sestra Via, njen fant Justin, novi sošolec Jack, prijateljica Summer in Viina prijateljica Miranda. Vsi njihovi pogledi se združujejo v boju za sočutje, empatijo in sprejemanje drugačnosti. Ta nepozabna zgodba v naša življenja prinaša srčnost in upanje.

Po smrti njune matere Nawal se dvojčka Jeanne in Simon Marwan zglasita pri notarju Lebelu, da bi jima prebral oporoko. Tam ju čaka veliko presenečenje, saj prejmeta dve kuverti - eno za očeta, za katerega sta mislila, da je mrtev, in eno za brata, za katerega nista vedela, da obstaja. Jeanne je nemudoma jasno, zakaj se je njena mati v zadnjih tednih svojega življenja povsem zavila v molk. Odloči se odpotovati na Bližnji vzhod, kjer bo raziskala preteklost svoje družine, ki ji je nenadoma postala neznanka. Simona posmrtne miselne igrice njegove matere, ki je bila vselej odsotna in hladna, ne zanimajo. Njegova ljubezen do sestre pa je premočna, zato se ji kmalu pridruži pri razkrivanju materine zgodbe, ki je povsem drugačna od tiste, ki sta jo poznala. Z Lebelovo pomočjo dvojčka sestavita zgodbo ženske, ki jima je podarila življenje, njeno tragično usodo, ki so jo za vedno zaznamovali vojna, sovraštvo in pogum.

A captured French Resistance fighter during World War II engineers a daunting escape from prison.

Imate radi detektivske, misteriozne uganke? Predstavljamo vam detektivko, kot je še ni bilo posnete! Stopite v čevlje detektiva, ki poskuša razrešiti skrivnostno smrt v patriarhalni, ekscentrični in sprti družini. Zjutraj, dan po praznovanju svojega 85. rojstnega dneva, na tleh na svojem posestvu leži mrtev Harlan Thombrey. Priznani detektiv Benoit Blanc sumi zločin in v trenutku osumi vse prisotne na posestvu – Harlanovo družino. Bolj kot se bliža branje oporoke, bolj padajo maske in jasno postaja, da je vsak član družine nosil velike skrivnosti. Zapleti, preobrati in napetost vodijo v šokanten zaključek in s tem zaključijo detektivsko uganko, kot je še ni bilo.

A cameraman wanders around with a camera slung over his shoulder, documenting urban life with dazzling inventiveness.

When the wife of a 17th century Kyoto scroll-maker is falsely accused of having an affair with his best employee, the pair flee the city and find themselves falling for one another.

After the earthquake of Guilan, a film director and his son travel to the devastated area to search for the actors from the movie the director made there a few years previously. In their search, they see how people who have lost everything in the earthquake still have hope and try to live life to the fullest.

The film consists almost entirely of an interview with the elderly He Fengming, recounting her experiences in post-1949 China.

Jacques, a young man with artistic aspirations, spends four nights wandering Paris with a young woman, whom he rescued from suicide.

A mild-mannered man becomes a local hero through an act of violence, but it brings forth consequences with connection to a dangerous world, one which will shake his carefully constructed life to its very core.

The dysfunctional Chinese justice system allows citizens with grievances against their local governments to petition the court to clear or correct their record. Yet in order to do so, the petitioners must travel to Beijing to file paperwork and wait an indefinite period to plead their case. Following the saga of a group of petitioners over the years of 1996 and 2008, Petition unfolds like a novel by Zola or Dickens. This was filmed surreptitiously from the point of view of the petitioners, and not the justice officials, the police, or those heavies sent by the municipalities.

A retired widow has her daily routine derailed when she starts receiving mysterious, anonymous phone calls.

To bo najboljše poletje doslej!!! Tara, Skye in Em prispejo v grško žurersko letovišče Malia na počitnice svojega življenja – popivanje, druženje v klubih in flirtanje – obredno potovanje, ki ga mora pred vstopom v odraslost odkljukati vsako dekle. Tara je še zadnja devica, ki bi to rada na vsak način spremenila, njeni prijateljici pa z veseljem sodelujeta v kaosu...

A star of the Taiwanese student movement, a celebrity Chinese student who loves Taiwan, and a Taiwanese documentary filmmaker passionate about politics. Each of them shared dreams of rebellion and building a better country. In the wake of the biggest social movement in Taiwan in recent years, they reflect on how close they came to realising their goals, how they were let down, and whether it is still possible to continue fighting for ideals.

Pet neznancev se prebudi, da se ujamejo na krovu vesoljske ladje, za katero se zdi, da izkorišča njihov teror za napajanje ladje. Začnejo razumeti, da te vrste že desetletja in morda stoletja ugrabljajo ljudi.

The rivalry between two former college friends comes to a head when they both attend the same glamorous event.

Six Drummers take over a retirement home. They perform a cheerful X-mas tune on the various items inside.

An epidemic of ritual abuse of children from infants to teenagers is sweeping through the country. According to recent TV and radio broadcasts 2 million children a year are reported missing, many too young to be runaways and 5 thousand unidentifiable bodies of children are found each year in the US alone. "Devil Worship: The Rise of Satanism" takes you behind the scenes into actual black witchcraft and satanic rituals. Former Satanists, practicing witches and law enforcement experts explain the vastness and diversity of the movement. Experts tell why people join and how Satanists recruit their members as well as their victims. Parents are given clues to determine if their children are involved. Most importantly, dangerous doorways into the occult are exposed.

A futuristic drama about five survivors trying to make sense of a New World after a devastating urban catastrophe challenges their basic human needs. Set in a bleak, post-urban landscape in the aftermath of the Third World War, the film presents a strangely limited environment where a single woman and four men are forced to communicate without words as a result of destructive gasses from the war. When their pasts are erased by the war, they are forced to recreate their lives both individually and collectively.