Darius Weems, a 15-year-old with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, had never left his hometown of Athens, Georgia. In the summer of 2005, he and a group of young college students traveled across the country in a wheelchair-accessible RV to test accessibility in the United States. Their ultimate goal was to reach Los Angeles and convince MTV's hit show, "Pimp My Ride," to customize Darius's wheelchair. Along the way, they found joy, brotherhood, and the knowledge that life, even when imperfect, is always worth the ride.

Raise the voice, speak eloquently, construct and argue a discourse. Tools so necessary in life as exciting to build. In Paris, the date of Eloquentia, an oratory contest where young people —not exactly privileged— will measure their strength, is approaching.

Go behind the scenes and around the world with the "Sense8" cast and crew in this in-depth look at how the hit series is made.

In 1977, a book of photographs captured an awakening - women shedding the cultural restrictions of their childhoods and embracing their full humanity. This documentary revisits those photos, those women and those times and takes aim at our culture today that alarmingly shows the need for continued change.

”Splendoare americană” vorbește despre viața lui Harvey Pekar, un intelectual din clasa de mijloc din Cleveland, Ohio, care a creat ”American Splendor”, o serie de benzi desenate autobiografice. Mai mult de două decenii, paginile îndrăgitei ”American Splendor” au reflectat necazurile oamenilor, experiențele prin care trec, precum și entuziasmul cultural care colora existența de fiecare zi a lui Pekan. ”American Splendor” este saga unui om obișnuit din clasa de mijloc, povestea cuiva care, plictisit de munca de funcționar dintr-un spital, reușește să descopere iubirea, familia și creativitatea cu ajutorul acestor benzi desenate.

In 1870, Japanese ambassador Sakaguchi and his entourage travel by train to Washington to deliver a valuable sword to the President of the United States, a gift from the Emperor of Japan. On board the same train are two robbers, Link and Gauche, ready to make their move…

Patrick este un meșter în tabăra naturistă a tatălui său. În timpul liber, se dedică hobby-ului său, îi place să facă mobilă. Când Patrick își pierde ciocanul, pleacă în căutarea lui și ajunge în cele mai îndepărtate colțuri ale taberei. Când tatăl lui Patrick moare, căutarea lui Patrick devine una existențială. Bula sigură a băiatului se sparge și tot ceea ce lua de-a gata se schimbă. Este în doliu după tatăl lui? Sau se gândește mai ales la ciocanul pierdut? Între timp, ceilalți oameni din tabără încep să se îndoiască de abilitățile de lider ale lui Patrick temându-se pentru supraviețuirea iubitului lor sanctuar.

A washed-up musician befriends a reclusive artist with an unusual name.

Todd is a hyper-articulate, obsessive compulsive gay twentysomething whose fear of dying alone leads him to a baffling conclusion: he might not be gay after all. When he meets Rory, a whip-smart struggling actress with her own set of insecurities, the two forge a relationship that’s all talk and no sex.

Această adaptare cinematografică a romanului lui Emily Brönte urmărește relația condamnată dintre doi îndrăgostiți, dar și reverberațiile sale de-a lungul generațiilor.

Angèle, a beautiful young woman with a past, arrives in a small fishing harbor in Normandy. She meets Tony, a professional fisherman, who finds himself attracted to her although he dislikes her blunt ways. Tony hires her as a fishmonger, lodges her and teaches her the tricks of the trade. The relationships between Myriam, Tony's mother, and Angèle are far from easy but the young woman gradually adapts to her new environment and little by little Tony and Angèle manage to tame each other.

Dorind să fie erou, ca tatăl său, Nicky pornește în căutarea dragonului ce era ținut captiv de o vrăjitoare. Pe Tărâmul Magic, își face mulți prieteni, o veveriță kamikaze, un liliac vorbăreț, dar mai ales pe Rocky, care-l învață să călărească melci viteziști cu trei ochi și să zboare cu țânțari prietenoși. Cel mai curajos dintre ei va vedea primul dragonul. Și-l vor putea face prieten?

A coming-of-age tale that turns on three teenagers who are having a vacation by a lakeside.

Based on the life of a legendary capoeira fighter from Bahia, "Besouro" spins a fantastic tale of a young Brazilian man of African descent in search of his mission.

A translator working for the police gets involved in the other side of drug dealing.

În timpul unei vacanțe cu familia, Pedro are tot mai multe bănuieli că o serie de incidente nefericite de la un complex hotelier sunt parte dintr-un plan sinistru.

She was sweet, she was cute. But just before her 14th birthday, Daddy’s little princess mutates into a petulant pubescent nightmare. Journalist Hannes Wenger decides to take a time-out from work to guide his daughter Carla through this difficult phase in her life and, above all, to keep her away from alcohol, boys and other temptations. This is easier said than done, however, and when his wife Sara goes back to work, Hannes proves himself entirely inept at raising a teenager. Whether it’s Carla’s birthday party, her mobile phone contract or her first time, Hannes makes one awkward blunder after another. The fact that other teens have embarrassing fathers provides only faint consolation; Hannes’ best friend is a war reporter named Holger who prefers to be shot at in war zones rather than stay at home and be driven crazy by his own teenage nightmare.

A recent college graduate decides to sell marijuana on the streets of Manhattan after losing his job at a consulting firm. He soon meets the girl of his dreams. With an unsupportive girlfriend, an increase of clienteles, and the growing threats of being caught or killed, he soon realizes he is in way over his head.

Kati has had her dream man at home for five years: attractive, loyal and professionally successful as a doctor. Unfortunately, "her" Felix now spends so much time at work in the hospital that Kati too often feels alone. When she met the good-looking, charming artist Mathias, it hit her like Felix did back then. Shortly before her last inhibitions fall, fate shuffles the cards in an unbelievable way: after a car accident, Kati wakes up in the past - exactly on the day five years ago when she accidentally met Felix