A deaf man and his girlfriend resort to desperate measures in order to fund a kidney transplant for his sister. Things go horribly wrong, and the situation spirals rapidly into a cycle of violence and revenge.

After serving prison time for a self-defense killing, Sailor Ripley reunites with girlfriend Lula Fortune. Lula's mother, Marietta, desperate to keep them apart, hires a hitman to kill Sailor. But he finds a whole new set of troubles when he and Bobby Peru, an old buddy who's also out to get Sailor, try to rob a store. When Sailor lands in jail yet again, the young lovers appear further than ever from the shared life they covet.

Star, o adolescentă dintr-o familie cu probleme, fuge de acasă pentru a se alătura unei echipe de vânzări a unei reviste, care călătorește prin Vestul Mijlociu din SUA, și este prinsă în stilul lor de viață plin de petreceri și încălcări ale legii.

The story of Dulce, a mother who has encounters with apparitions inside her old house. She must decipher a mystery that could trigger a prophecy: the death of her family.

When the future empress Wu Zetian's two courtiers die in a mysterious fire, she gets Di Renjie, a former detective and rebel, released from prison to solve the mystery of the fire.

A vampiric doctoral student tries to follow the philosophy of a nocturnal comrade and control her thirst for blood.

Teenagers Zach and Josh have been best friends their whole lives, but when a gruesome accident leads to a cover-up, the secret drives a wedge between them and propels them down a rabbit hole of escalating paranoia and violence.

Filmul “Anonim” își propune să facă lumină într-unul dintre cele mai controversate subiecte care au intrigat academicienii și personalitățile culturale de-a lungul a mai multor secole. Întrebarea la care nimeni nu a reușit să vină cu un răspuns este: cine a fost adevăratul autor al operelor semnate de William Shakespeare? Experții au avut dezbateri aprinse, cărți au fost scrise și intelectualii au făcut tot posibilul pentru a demonta aceste teorii apărute în jurul celor mai cunoscute opere ale literaturii engleze. Plasat într-un context politic instabil, în care nobilii avizi de putere luptă pentru succesiunea la tronul Elisabetei I, filmul “Anonim” renaște vechi controverse, aducând un posibil răspuns la delicata întrebare.

Un fost pușcaș marin care lucrează ca paznic la mall intervine pentru a proteja o fetiță vânată de niște mercenari înarmați până-n dinți.

To survive harsh economic times, Calvin and Angie have merged the barbershop and beauty salon into one business. The days of male bonding are gone as Eddie and the crew must now contend with sassy female co-workers and spirited clientele. As the battle of the sexes rages on, a different kind of conflict has taken over Chicago. Crime and gangs are on the rise, leaving Calvin worried about the fate of his son. Together, the friends come up with a bold plan to take back their beloved neighborhood.

Thirty-something Elizabeth must decide whether to salvage her disappointing relationship with Drew. Meanwhile, Bea, a worrisome teenager, reconnects with her introverted childhood friend, Andy, at their high school prom. Past and present collide as two couples explore love over the course of one night at a hotel.

Terri (Taraji P. Henson), o soție devotată și mamă a doi copii, are o viață perfectă, dar lucrurile se schimbă când casa și familia îi sunt amenințate de Colin (Idris Elba), un străin fermecător care se preface că are probleme cu mașina. Când vorbele mieroase ale lui Colin o fac pe Terri să-i permită accesul în casă, atitudinea bărbatului se schimbă complet: familia terorizată va trebui să înceapă o o nemaipomenită luptă pentru supraviețuire!

Reimaginat de cei mai buni artiști din Japonia, Batman își înfruntă dușmanii în Japonia feudală după ce o mașină a timpului defectă îi transportă pe toți în trecut.

In the town of Cutter, most people keep to themselves. But when John comes home to find his girlfriend missing, he sneaks into his neighbor's house, finding his girlfriend and several other kidnapped people tied up in the basement. When the neighbor come home, John is forced to get out of the house alive and lead the group to safety.

California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited zones of the Californian desert in search of clients.

Two college grads return to their hometown, where a hypothetical question -- whose dad would win in a fight? -- leads to mass mayhem.

Smooth advertising executive David is in a relationship with yoga teacher Juliette. Then his eye is caught by Sophie, the girlfriend of his best friend Wim, a fashion photographer. Things get completely out of hand during a campaign for augmented reality-glasses, for which David designs an avatar of the coveted Sophie.

Emma is a young and beautiful graduate student just starting a new life in New York City. Like most people her age, she is always connected - her phone and laptop are constant companions, documenting her most intimate moments. What she doesn't realize is that she's sharing her life with an uninvited and dangerous guest. A hacker is following Emma’s every move. When the voyeuristic thrill of watching her digitally isn't enough, the situation escalates to a dangerous and terrifying level.

During the Cold War, an organization called "Patriot" created a super-hero squad, which includes members of multiple soviet republics. For years, the heroes had to hide their identities, but in hard times they must show themselves again.

Zack Connors and Rachel Meadows were born with incredible psychokinetic capabilities. When word of their supernatural talents gets out, they find themselves the prisoners of Michael Slovak, a deranged doctor intent on harvesting their powers.