Blushing Beauty - A Dose of Kajal Aggarwal is 2022 docudrama film focuses on leading actress Kajal Aggarwal. The documentary provides a deep dive into actress daily life events. The film features actress former Events, Vacations, Photoshoots, etc.

She watches him through the window as he loads the final pieces of furniture into the truck. They are counting down the last hours in their home. Their seven-month-old baby is asleep, unaware of the trouble brewing. They will either vacate the apartment peacefully, or they will be forcefully evicted. Their home, her father's legacy, used to be their safe haven, their family nest. Now, corrupt courts, greedy bankers, and unscrupulous real estate investors have turned it into a site of their worst nightmares. As tension rise, they struggle to preserve their relationship. In the morning, as police knocks on their door, their future seems uncertain, but their options are very clear: either accept injustice or show resistance.

Luce, quatre-vingt ans passés, ouvre pour la première fois à son fils la malle aux archives de ses parents, morts quand elle était enfant. Son père était le cinéaste Jean Vigo.

The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

Finland’s first nature documentary. The filmmakers’ expedition leads them all the way to the Åland Islands and the Karelian Isthmus.

There are always companies that get attention for one thing or another. Bar Wrestling is the new company of Joey Ryan, founded last year and has so far 20 events under his belt. It stands out for being simply wrestling, in fact they still do not have titles, and as its name says, it is usually done in a bar (this is done in a theater). The fans are on the edge of the ring in a way very similar to how is Beyond Wrestling or the Irish OTT Wrestling.

When George Carlin is asked which HBO concert is his favorite, his answer is always, "Jammin’ In New York." The show, taped at the Paramount Theater in Madison Square Garden and winner of the 1992 CableACE Award, is a perfect blend of biting social commentary and more gently-observed observational pieces.

Laurence Anyways, c'est l'histoire d'un amour impossible. Le jour de son trentième anniversaire, Laurence, qui est très amoureux de Fred, révèle à celle-ci, après d'abstruses circonlocutions, son désir de devenir une femme.

Durant l'été 1976, la ville de Basse-Terre est évacuée car le volcan de la Soufrière est sur le point d'entrer en éruption. Werner Herzog parcourt la ville déserte et décrit la situation.

A hardened criminal is transformed into a responsible member of society after he undergoes plastic surgery.

A British policeman (John Gregson) tries to find a rich man's (Alec Clunes) son before a kidnapper's (Robert Shaw) time bomb blows.

Yochi, a selectively mute Mayan kid, tends a nest of endangered parrots in the pine savanna of Belize. When his beloved older brother, Itza, returns from the city, Yochi learns that he has become a poacher.

Inventif et sûr de lui, Robert Kensington Landsford est devenu un maître dans l'art des relations publiques. Fort d'une carrière déjà brillante, il décide de prouver une nouvelle fois son talent en redorant l'image de John P. Dillingwell, un millionnaire terriblement mesquin, dont la réputation est désastreuse. Il convainc l'homme d'affaires de devenir son client et entreprend de faire de ce triste personnage un homme respecté et estimé. Il en vient naturellement à croiser le chemin de la fille de Dillingwell, Lorri, une pétillante brunette. La jeune femme succombe vite à son charme. Les choses se compliquent quand Robert rencontre une jolie journaliste...

Two families on neighboring farms on the border between Brazil and Uruguay. Decades drive these people away. The physical proximity is separated by a fence and the set of prejudices, inexplicable hatred and lack of generosity. In the end of the year, between Christmas and New Year, the families gather on their respective farms. What nobody knows is that a love between two young people is about to break this barrier that is much bigger than the fence that divides the fields. The passion between Rodrigo and Juliana could be the point of recovery for a relationship marked by so many years of hatred, but, like Shakespeare's original story, the human being is much more complex and inexplicable. Whether in Verona, Italy, or on a border farm. Tragedy lives inside people and is sometimes impossible to control.

Susan Winter est à la recherche de son fiancé, Bruce Barton, disparu depuis trois ans dans une expédition en plein cœur du Mexique. Pour le retrouver, elle est accompagnée par un bactériologiste, Russ Bradford, Martin Melville, un profiteur qui veut utiliser l'expédition pour rechercher de l'uranium dans la région et Lee Brand, qui pilote l'avion de reconnaissance...