When Scientists discover Sun Spores, an alien plague that instills a hatred so overwhelming that anyone infected won't stop until everything in their path is destroyed. Soon, the scientists decide that it's time to rid the Earth of the Transformers and plan to use Optimus Prime's lifeless body to lure every Transformer to their lab and infect them with the Sun Spores. When the Sun Spores outbreak rages out of control, the universe's only hope is to revive Optimus Prime. But even if Optimus recovers, he and his Autobots will need to rely on Galvatron and the remnants of his Decepticons to help reclaim the Autobot Matrix of Leadership from an infected Rodimus Prime and use it to unleash a new Golden Age of Cybertron.

For first time, Max Steel will face his three greatest enemies: Elementor, Extroyer and Toxzon! Troy Winter is alive! Troy, Max Steel's greatest rival on extreme sports circuit, has been transformed into the evil Extroyer, getting the ability to transform. Troy has returned in human form and has no memory of his evil past, can Max trust him? Will Troy become Toxzon's puppet to create a toxic storm that will sweep across the planet?

Ghost Recon: Alpha sees a team led by Ghost Leader infiltrate a trade at a Russian depot between a general and a mysterious other figure.

Tygrica, Had, Opica, Žeriav a Modlivka sa z obyčajných cudzincov premenia na legendárnu zúrivú päťku kung-fu.

A lethal assassin for a secret Chinese organisation, who sheds tears of regret each time he kills, is seen swiftly and mercilessly executing three Yakuza gangsters by a beautiful artist. She is captivated by the grace of his kill and later falls in love with him. An intense power struggle for the leadership of the Yakuza Clans ensues as they seek vengeance for the death of their leader.

Turbo-Charged Prelude is a 2003 short film, directed by Philip Atwell, featuring Paul Walker, reprising his role as Brian O'Conner, in a short series of sequences which bridge The Fast and The Furious with its first sequel, 2 Fast 2 Furious.

Starnúci manželský pár Alex a Ruth prežili štyridsať krásnych rokov v apartmáne v Brooklyne. Alex je úspešný maliar a používa jednu z izieb používa ako svoj ateliér. Ruth je učiteľka na dôchodku. Dnes sa však chcú presťahovať, pretože bývanie na piatok poschodí v dome bez výťahu už pre nich nie je úplne jednoduché. Ich neter Lily je realitná maklérka a cenu ich bytu odhadla na 1 milión dolárov. Zároveň rieši zdravotné problémy ich milovaného psa Dorothy. Aby ju zachránili, je nutná finančne náročná operácia. Do tretice obyvateľov New Yorku ohrozuje terorista v kamióne na Brooklynskom moste. Keď Alex a Ruth konečne nájdu vyhovujúcí byt na Manhattane, majitelia sa ukážu ako neseriózni. Zdá sa, že svet odráža ich vlastný chaos. Uvedomujú si, že puto lásky, ktoré ich drží pokope dlhé roky, im umožní nájsť cestu von z kolobehu problémov.

The lovably simple residents of peaceful Kikoriki Island are thrown kicking and screaming into big adventure, when their resident scientist invents an amazing device - a helmet called "the Improverizor," which takes personality traits from one person and swaps them with traits of someone else. But when spineless young Wally tries to use the untested device to cure his cowardice, he ends up even more spineless - by getting accidentally body-switched with a squirmy little caterpillar. Now he has even more to fear than he could have ever imagined, and so do his fellow villagers, as they're dragged into a madcap adventure packed with plane crashes, mistaken identities, erupting volcanoes and angry primitives on the warpath. Boy, do the Kikoriki Crew wish they could switch place now - with anyone.

School is in session for DC Super Hero Girls! This is where students master their super powers, brain power, and will power to become the Super Heroes of tomorrow. When Supergirl crash lands into the cafeteria, it's evident that though she has incredible power, she has a long way to go before she becomes a Super Hero. As Supergirl learn to harness her powers, the Junior Detective Club investigates a mysterious rash of security breaches. Could it all be because of reformed Super-Villain and Super Hero High Vice-Principal Gorilla Grodd - or something far worse?

Keď sa ostrieľaný štvanec Henry postaví do čela bandy zabijakov, ktorí sa chystajú spáchať riskantnú bankovú lúpež, očakáva, že im všetkým zaistí finančnú slobodu aj príležitosť začať nový život južne od mexických hraníc. Akcia sa bohužiaľ zvrhne v krviprelievanie a gangstri sú počas nej nútení zabiť amerického maršala. Kým je na ich hlavy vypísaná jedna z najväčších odmien v dejinách amerického Západu, vydávajú sa naprieč nebezpečnou krajinou smerom na juh. Polomŕtvy, bez koní, jedla a vody konečne narazia na dom Georga Tildona, jeho ženy a dvoch dcér, ktorý stojí na samote kúsok od hraníc. Členovia gangu nemajú na výber a tak sa pred prekročením hraníc rozhodnú obťažovať rodinu a prenocovať u nej. Nasleduje séria desivých udalostí. Na povrch vyplávajú rodinné tajomstvá, vytvoria sa nepravdepodobné putá a Henry sa postaví tvárou v tvár podivnej a nečakanej šanci na vykúpenie.

Mario and Olivia fall madly in love. One afternoon, considering that every relationship ends, they end up breaking up. During the big fight, Miamor, the street cat adopted by both, escapes and disappears, like the love that united them.

Claire sa spolu s manželom po smrti svojej matky presťahovala do rodného domu. Nebol to však najšťastnejší nápad, postupne na ňu čoraz viac doliehajú traumatické spomienky z detstva. A aby toho nebolo málo, je tu ešte nejaká maličká postava, ktorá sa ju snaží kontaktovať. Kto to je a čo chce?

An interstellar expedition is sent to study a strange planet. Despite the fact that creatures from various Earth time periods inhabit the world, the natives possess metal swords, even though they should have no knowledge of such weaponry.

Bill Williamson is back, alive and well and doing a recon mission around D.C. This time he wants to cause a major population disruption within the USA which result in devastating consequences reverberating throughout the world. His new mission this time to bring down The President of the United States and his Secret Service detail. Bill brings with him all the freak-in havoc and acidity of the previous 2 movies.

Neil Wistin je súkromný dodávateľ dronov a poskytovateľ ich rozmanitých služieb. V pracovné dni vysiela drony na tajné misie okolo sveta a neskôr sa vracia domov k rodinnému životu na predmestí. Manželka Ellen a syn Shane nemajú o jeho práci ani tušenia, až kým sa u nich doma nezjaví nepozvaný hosť – tajomný pakistanský podnikateľ Imir Shaw, ktorý je presvedčený, že Neil je zodpovedný za smrť jeho rodiny.

Počas rodinnej dovolenky na Aljaške začne vedec Roger Summers skúmať migráciu vtákov. Vďaka tomu narazí v lese na niekoľko zdochlín zmrznutých na kosť. Pretože si nevie rady, vyhľadá enviromentalistu Tima Hughesa, ktorý odišiel do ústrania, keď sa jeho varovaniam pred celosvetovými smrtiacimi mrazmi vysmiali všetci ostatní vedci. Roger presvedčí Tima, aby mu pomohol študovať nový, tajuplný prírodný fenomén. Spoločne sa im podarí odhaliť, že Timove predpovede boli pravdivé a došlo k najhoršiemu. Mráz je čím ďalej silnejší. Nepotrvá dlho a pokryje celú planétu. Ľudia zamŕzajú po iba niekoľkých minútach strávených vonku. Jedine Roger dokáže zachrániť svoju rodinu, mesto i celý svet. Čas beží. A vonku číha smrtiaci mráz.

The warrior Deathstalker is tasked by an old witch lady to obtain and unite the three powers of creation - a chalice, an amulet, and a sword - lest the evil magician Munkar get them and use them for nefarious purposes. After obtaining the sword, Deathstalker joins with other travelers going to the Big Tournament to determine the strongest warrior. The false king holds the true princess in captivity, and plots to have Deathstalker killed, and Deathstalker must fight to free the princess.

A group of college boys, bored with the every day "gay life" of LA, decide to skip Pride weekend in exchange for a camping trip in the woods. Quickly overcome with boredom in their new surroundings, the boys venture into a game that ultimately unleashes the vengeful spirit of a local legend known as Malice Valeria. Overcome by her deadly plan of tainted love and her thirst to take back what was lost long ago, the boys must now band together before they fall victim to the poisons of a broken heart.