Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (涼宮ハルヒの激奏, The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya) was a live concert event held at Omiya Sonic City on March 18, 2007 that featured songs from the anime as well as interviews and skits performed by the voice actors.The MCs for the event were Minoru Shiraishi and Megumi Matsumoto.

All alone, Yellow Guy tries to stop a lamp from teaching him about dreams. While Red Guy finds out the truth about the puppets' existence.

A woman's child is kidnapped and killed after paying the ransom. 15 years later, a mysterious figure is seen visiting the site of killing and another kidnapping occurs using the same methods. The woman teams up with a detective to catch the killer once and for all.

The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.

France, 1963. Anne is a bright young student with a promising future ahead of her. But when she falls pregnant, she sees the opportunity to finish her studies and escape the constraints of her social background disappearing. With her final exams fast approaching and her belly growing, Anne resolves to act, even if she has to confront shame and pain, even if she must risk prison to do so.

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

Лондонският музикален продуцент Дани пътува за Корнуол за уикенда, където се среща с местната група Friends of the Fisherman, състояща се от истински рибари, които пеят в свободното си време. Той прониква в музиката им и решава да подпише с групата за неговия музикален лейбъл. Самите риболовци обаче не жадуват славата на поп звездите, доста са доволни от славата в Корнуол. Дани остава в града и се опитва да убеди групата да замине с него в Лондон.

Two couples with the same surnames pursue in-vitro fertilisation and wait for their upcoming babies. Trouble ensues when they find that the sperms of each couple have been mixed with each other.

A man will become a criminal to save his family.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

The war between Euro Britannia and the European Union continues. New orders are given to the W-0 Unit. To land in the middle of the enemy territory as a diversion. The pilots of the W-0 Unit consist only of the commanding officer, Leila, the only surviving Japanese from their last battle, Akito, and the three that escaped from the Eleven ghettos and lived in the underworld, Ryou, Yukiya, and Ayano. With everyone holding their respective expectations, the operation moves forward. On the other side in Euro Britannia, Shin, who made his benefactor commit suicide with the mysterious power of “Geass”, is appointed the leader of the Knights of St. Michael. As Shin steadily advances for the sake of his own ambition, he and his subordinates in the Ashura squad are given orders to deploy. The one that lives in order to fight, and the one that fights in order to live.

What if you could answer any question and eliminate all doubts before making the most important decision of your life? What if, by some sort of magic, you could live your life pursuing your wildest and deepest desires? That’s what’s about to happen to Andrea, a thirty-year-old man on the eve of his wedding with Laura, the girl he met in college and with whom he built a life together. Andrea starts waking up everyday in a different life and a different self, in realities where he and Laura never got together in the first place. Exploring the many paths his life could have lead him on to, from unapologetic womanizer to acclaimed musician, Andrea will have to face the void Laura’s absence left in his many different “iterations”. Will he try to break the spell?

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

Leyre lives a quiet and comfortable life which ends abruptly when an act of rage of her teenage son leads her to protect him by any means necessary.

The energetic Peas-n-a-Pod siblings teach Forky about reading and how it is done, with a little help from Mr. Spell

Клеър е млада жена, преминала през кървава война в Близкия изток и се е прибрала благополучно. Тя е професионален войник, умееща да държи оръжие и знае как да убива. Когато младата майка се връща от служба, научава тъжна новина. Местна банда е отвлякла 13-годишния й син. Скоро осъзнава, че бандата се ръководи от човек, когото всички наричат „Баща“. Без да му мисли много, отива в бърлогата на бандитите, но бандата вече е успяла да се премести на ново място. Клеър успява да хване един от похитителите, от когото научава за новото място на базата им.

50-годишен художник на име Лоренцо решава да възстанови живота си след трудни времена. Загрижена за сина, който ще има с новата си съпруга, тя започва да има известно натрапчиво и злонамерено поведение, което прави отношенията между тях напрегнати. С раждането на бебето връзката достига нови нива на опасна враждебност и някои нездравословни поведения, които правят двойката изключително нестабилна ситуация, от която не може да има връщане.

Когато самотна майка приема помощта на мистериозна жена, след като дъщеря й е ухапана от гърмяща змия, тя се оказва, че прави немислима сделка с дявола, за да се отплати на непознатата.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

Sami works in a children's home which is set to be closed. The young man is an enthusiastic stadium usher and has convinced the president of the Olympique de Marseille football club to help them keep it open.