Lost cinema. Lost culture. Lost country. Lost people. How to recreate the past with nothing? Cinema of the impossible. The silent past is a horror film. The smell of nitrate in the morning. How many ghosts can the cinema contain? 75 films. 22 years. What is the numerological significance? Too late. Never too late.

Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Ghanshyam (Mithun Chakraborty) lives in a small coastal town of Raipur, where he makes a living as a fisherman. He sells his sells his catch to a man named Mahesh Manna who gives him half the price which he has to bear as there is no other buyer in the village. Mahesh is greedy, lecherous, and crooked and has been swindling money from Ghanshyam. In the midst of sorrows, a sweet romance blossoms between Ghanshyam and the village beauty, Kadam(Rozina). But Mahesh cannot stand their love as he wants to make Kadam his own. He tries his best to impress Kadam but Kadam pays no heed as she is lost in the love of Ghanshyam. A jealous Mahesh takes a vow to finish Ghanshyam and plots a lethal plan to do so. Can Ghanshyam escape the odds stacked against him?

Shishio sets sail in his ironclad ship to bring down the government. In order to stop him, Kenshin trains with his old master to learn his final technique.

On July 9th GCW presents Fight Club Houston straight from Premier Arena in Houston, Texas. The lineup is almost completed, check it below: AJ Gray vs Bryan Keith Nick Gage vs Sadika Joey Janela vs Dante Ninja Mack vs Jack Cartwheel Effy vs Gino Jimmy Lloyd vs Carter Lucha Scramble .... more to be added soon!

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Barbie ja Teresa kertovat sadun, jossa parhaat ystävykset Liana ja Alexa jakavat kaiken ? mukaan lukien rakkautensa musiikkiin. Eräänä päivänä heidän elämänsä muuttuvat, kun he saavat haltuunsa lumotun peilin ja ystävystyvät sen sisään vangitun tytön kanssa. Pelastaakseen uuden ystävänsä Liana ja Alexa lähtevät vaaralliselle seikkailulle mystiseen Timanttilinnaan, ja heidän ystävyytensä joutuu koetukselle. Musiikin voima tukenaan ja kaksi uskollista koiranpentua seuranaan tytöt kohtaavat seikkailun haasteet ja oppivat, että ystävyys on harvinainen ja arvokas aarre.

Four very different people inherit a percentage of a fashion house but in order to make it work they have to get along with each other.

Palaa Puolen hehtaarin metsään tässä sydäntälämmittävässä alkuperäiselokuvassa ja tapaa jälleen rakastettu nalle ja hänen hassut mutta uskolliset ystävänsä tässä taianomaisessa koko perheen elämyksessä. Kun surullinen Ihaa kadottaa häntänsä, Pöllö lähettää koko joukon, eli Puhin, Tiikerin, Kanin, Nasun, Kengun ja Ruun villille matkalle auttamaan Ihaata ja pelastamaan Risto Reippaan arvoitukselliselta Pahkolta. Loppujen lopuksi päivästä tulee hyvin kiireinen nallelle, jonka oli tarkoitus vain käydä hakemassa vähän hunajaa. A.A. Milnen kirjojen viiden tarinan innoittamana ja Disneyn legendaarisella käsin piirretyllä tyylillä tehty uusi klassikko esittelee eräät maailman vaalituimmat hahmot upouudelle sukupolvelle. Tämä uusia lauluja pursuava ja ihastuttavan hassunkurinen elokuva täytyy nähdä.

When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.

In this animated follow-up to Fairytopia, Elina enlists the help of a mermaid, Nori, to save her friend Nalu, a merman prince who has been captured by the wicked Laverna.

The Author, i.e. J. R. R. Tolkien himself (played by Zinovij Gerdt), tells "his" story: the life of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and enjoyable hobbit, is turned upside down when he decides to join the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves in an attempt to regain a treasure stolen from the latter. [Soviet television movie adaptation of "The Hobbit"]

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

Tintin is out on a peaceful walk. But the comfortable atmosphere will not last long. When an aircraft with an engine failure lands, Tintin does his part to help, but he is shot and ends up in hospital.

Jaa ihmeet ja lumous, kun Walt Disneyn rakastettu klassikkotarina jatkuu. Kaunottaren ja Kulkurin ilkikurinen Pepi-pentu on aina koirankopissa. Nyt vapauden jano saa hänet lähtemään suureen seikkailuun. Pepi liittyy kaatiksen koiriin, tunnettuun jengiin, johon kuuluu myös hänen idolinsa, katuelämää tunteva Kusti sekä herttainen ja järkevä kulkukoira nimeltä Enkeli. Valitseeko Pepi kaulapannattoman elämän uusien kavereidensa kanssa vai omaksuuko hän sen hemmotellun elämän, joka hänellä oli kotona?

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

After failing in his love life, Dev finds company in alcohol. In his state, he often sees an old man who gives him hints on how his day is going to turn out. One day, he accidentally bumps into a young boy from a shelter home. He realises there is an uncanny similarity between the boy and his ex-girlfriend, so he decides to get to know the boy further only to uncover something Dev didn't wish he knew in the first place.

Following the presidential run of Dr. Massouda Jalal in Afghanistan's initial democratic election, this compelling documentary details her experience as the first woman to run for the highest office since the exile of the Taliban.