Video installation showing the film "A Clockwork Orange", reduced to its colour.

A man who moved away from his hometown engages in deep conversations with his friends and family while toasting, eating and celebrating life.

The gallery attendant in an art gallery or museum is a fundamental piece in its mise-en-scéne, his main role is to see and be seen. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy implies the spectator in an infinite gesture of circular observation — to observe the observers. A passive lens that fluctuates between the subjects and the neo-classical and post-modern architectural spaces they occupy, in a balance between silence, introspection, noise, repetition, intervals and waiting — small gestures of a fragmented post-modern flaneur.

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

Il sindacato internazionale del crimine, noto come "Spectre", sta progettando il suo più grande colpo: impadronirsi di bombe atomiche e ricattare le potenze della NATO. Dall'Inghilterra vengono messi in azione i migliori agenti segreti, tra cui James Bond, il quale viene ben presto a contatto con Largo, il numero uno dell'organizzazione. Sfuggendo a diversi attentati ed avvicinandosi sempre di più all'individuazione dell'intrigo, Bond conquista una giovane donna, Domino, amica di Largo. In base alle indicazioni ottenute dalla ragazza, Bond penetra nel deposito sottomarino nel momento in cui gli uomini della Spectre si apprestano a trasferire le bombe sullo yacht di Largo. Tra costoro ed una folta schiera di sommozzatori aviotrasportati, chiamati sul posto da Bond, viene ingaggiata una battaglia che si conclude vittoriosamente per questi ultimi, e Largo viene ucciso da Bond mentre con lo yacht stava per sfuggire alla flottiglia inseguitrice.

A man is hired to compile the definitive history of human existence before the planet is blown up by aliens.

Created to mark the two-year anniversary of Alien: Covenant's home video release, the film is a sequel to the movie in which a Weyland-Yutani team arrives to investigate David's laboratory on Planet 4. One of the explorers enters David's laboratory to document the rogue synthetic's scientific discoveries. After carefully recording the specimens and records within the lab, including dissected Neomorphs and a vial of black liquid, he sets up his camera to analyze an egg-like object in one corner of the room while he continues his visual examination of the room. As the analysis continues, the Egg begins to show signs of life.

Un miliardario megalomane progetta la distruzione del mondo, ma ci pensa l'agente 007.Uno space shuttle viene rapito da una misteriosa organizzazione capeggiata da Hugo Drax, anche proprietario dell'impresa che costruisce le navette spaziali. Per risolvere l'enigma viene mandato in missione James Bond, che si trova a dover collaborare con una spia della Cia, ovviamente bellissima e affascinante. Le indagini di 007 lo portano addirittura a volare nello spazio. Uno 007 minore, quasi ricalcato dal precedente La spia che mi amava. Fu un successo e, primo tra i film occidentali, incassò vertiginosamente anche in Asia. Ma la vicenda è stantia. In epoca di effetti speciali, i produttori trasformano Bond in una specie di Flash Gordon. Certo la prima parte, meno rutilante del viaggio nel cosmo, riserva momenti divertenti.

Captain Kirk. T.J. Hooker. Denny Crane. Big Giant Head. Alexander the Great. Henry V. Priceline’s Negotiator. These are but a handful of the innumerable masks worn by William Shatner over seven extraordinary decades onstage and in front of the camera. A peerless maverick thespian, electrifying performer, and international cultural treasure, Bill (as he prefers to be called), now 91 years young, is the living embodiment of his classic line “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” In unprecedented fashion, You Can Call Me Bill strips away all the masks he has worn to embody countless characters, revealing the man behind it all.

Spaak is a movie about a talented track cyclist who is caught up in the world of drugs.

In un continente parallelo iniziano ad accadere eventi terrificanti. Gli ortaggi e i frutti iniziano a ribellarsi agli uomini, gettando il terrore tra la popolazione incredula. Il regno viene assediato da strani soldati maligni fatti di frutta che rapiscono gli abitanti (prediligendo i bambini) per darli in pasto a un tenebroso capitano di un vascello fluttuante. I ribelli sopravvissuti trovano rifugio presso il nascondiglio sotterraneo di Asteria, una brutta ma amabile fattucchiera che offre loro non solo asilo, ma anche una possibilità di salvezza: grazie all'ausilio di una magica radice parlante, infatti, i bambini sopravvissuti alla mattanza possono richiamare un eroe che li soccorra (in quanto tutti gli adulti sono stati imprigionati e trattenuti come ostaggio nel galeone del capitano antropofago)...........

Vasily Muravin, 50, a teacher at the Moscow Institute of Management, is experiencing a crisis. At work, the place of the head of the department is replaced by the more pragmatic, but limited person Valentin Romanovsky. At home, his wife Lida, who earns at work more than her husband, habitually reproaches him for indecision. It’s hard for Muravin to come to terms with his established attitude to himself, but he is most worried when his wife shows disrespect for his main hobby - playing the guitar. Once, unable to bear the bullying, Muravin suddenly leaves the family (wife and daughter) and from work.

Stefan Pielek a florist wants to commit suicide but has no official permit. He signs an official application, While he waits to get the permit he falls in love with a young girl Ophelia.

Il guerriero Kameen, Brocheet, si reca a Rockachie, per trovare una fiala che ringiovanirà il suo mondo natale con acqua potabile sostenibile, ma il pericoloso pianeta e i suoi abitanti, i Lokkein, non lo lasceranno andare senza combattere.

Yul-i, who has an excellent beauty enough to become a girlfriend after being selected by a famous celebrity, goes on a suicide trip with Seul-i, who has the same troubles as her, and cannot hide her depression when an unwanted video begins to float.

Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude towards them. Through the seven “wandering” characters that we follow at different ages, from birth to old age, we witness their dignified struggle for survival. At the cemetery, in an abandoned factory, in an asylum, in a landfill, in places full of sorrow, our heroes search for love and togetherness. By combining documentary material, animation and acting interpretation of the thoughts of our heroes, we get to know lives between disappointment and hope, quite similar to ours.