Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

A balls to the wall action film about Fast, the fastest person alive, who is also named Fast.

Snímek, který byl původně zamýšlen jako domácí video a veřejnost ho vůbec neměla vidět, zachycuje poslední kapitolu tenisové kariéry legendy Rogera Federera.

Inspector Kei Mikhail Ignatov finds himself involved with an organization named Bifrost with the possibility of freeing his wife if he betrays Unit One. Koichi Azusawa coordinates an assault on the Public Safety Bureau tower using his hacker Obata, locking down the building and kidnapping Inspector Arata Shindo. Azusawa demands that governor Karina Komiya resign from her position.

In the middle of a karaoke contest, Saki and Mai find that time has suddenly stopped. Following some spirits, they wind up in the Land of Clocks where they find Sirloin, a warrior from Dark Fall who is keeping the Infinite Clock hostage. Naturally, Pretty Cure won't stand for this, and they begin to battle. But can they stop fighting with each other first?

A lot of things happened in the life of "Yolki" hepes during the last year, but here it's again - the New Year's eve...

Kapitánka Sara Bellaïcheová z toulouského protidrogového oddělení vyšetřuje akci pašeráků drog spojenou s případem vraždy dvou teenagerů, který má na starost Richard Cross z pařížské kriminálky. Navzdory svým diametrálně odlišným metodám musejí Sara a Richard spolupracovat. Čeká je závod s časem na silnicích Španělska a Francie.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

Medvídek Pú a Prasátko jsou zpět a tentokrát se k jejich pomstě přidávají i Tygr a Sova! Od masakru ve Stokorcovém lese uplynulo pět měsíců. Kryštůfek Robin navštěvuje psychologa a snaží se vyrovnat s hrůznými událostmi. Mezitím pátrací tým marně pátrá po domnělých příšerách v lese a nic nenachází, takže Kryštůfkovi Robinovi už nikdo moc nevěří. Psycholog se během terapeutických sezení snaží vyvolat vzpomínky z dětství, kdy si Kryštůfek Robin vzpomene na své páté narozeniny, což je výchozím bodem pomsty zvířat.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

Nesourodá dvojice policajtů se musí po deseti letech dát dohromady a vyšetřit vraždu ve francouzském městě, kde to mezi lidmi vře a kde hrozí nebezpečné spiknutí.

In "Haunted Pillow," TVB starlet Fala Chen is still obsessed with her lover (Gordon Lam) after their breakup and invariably suffers from insomnia. She gets hold of a Chinese herbal pillow that eventually helps her fall asleep again but it also draws her near something unexpected. "Hide And Seek" casts a group of young newcomers into an abandoned school campus where they meet longtime janitor Mr. Chan who takes shelter at the school. Playing hide-and-seek after midnight, the teenagers go missing, one after another. In his self-directed piece "Black Umbrella," Teddy Robin makes solving conflicts on the street at night his mission and marks each closed case with his signature black umbrella. Before he calls it a day, he meets a prostitute who forcefully pulls him upstairs for business and unfortunately things spiral out of control.

In 19th-century Papal Rome, Bartolomeo is a wealthy and greedy parvenu who craves a noble title. While trying to raise the money he needs to strike a deal with a prince for the hand of his daughter, he'll find himself caught in a magical journey between past, present and future. Assisted by some rather illustrious companions, he'll have to come to terms with whom he really is and give his life a new meaning.

Chirurg brání nemocnici před útočícími nepřátelskými silami v bitvě o Saipan během druhé světové války.

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

An ordinary high school student– with an incontinent grandmother and extremely horny dad, are visited by an extremely pretty avatar to preform a “mind transfer” on Grandma. But before too long, Dad’s sniffing round to get it on with the great-shaped avatar.

Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life over a span of eight months, from May 2002 to January 2003.

In an economically struggling small town, Jenny, a young married woman, begins an affair with June, her college-bound, African-American neighbor.