Tom Ripley is a talented mimic, moocher, forger and all-around criminal improviser; but there's more to Tom Ripley than even he can guess.

A lonely Parisian woman comes to terms with her isolation and anxieties during a long summer vacation.

Four women in their thirties reevaluate their relationships, both shared and private, after a startling revelation concerning one's marriage forces each of them to ask one of life's biggest questions: "Am I who I want to be?"

An upper middle-class French family celebrates a birthday in a restaurant. In one evening and during one meal, family history, tensions, collective and separate grudges, delights, and memories both clash and coalesce.

Tėvas James (Brendan Gleeson) yra nedidelio miestelio kunigas, kuriam parapijietis išpažinties metu pagrasina nužudymu. Tėvas James, nežinodamas ką daryti ir toliau gyvena lyg nieko nebūtų nutikę. Tačiau savaitę jo laukia pradingusios dukters ir parapijiečių išbandymai, ir laikui bėgant jo gyvenimas pradeda byrėti į šipulius.

A wanna-be director is given 48 hours by a producer to find the best groan of pain, worthy of an Oscar, as the only condition to back his film.

Smulkaus narkotikų prekeivio Fransua patėvis (akt. Vincent'as Casselis) ką tik grįžo iš kalėjimo, mama (akt. Isabelle Adjani) yra Paryžiaus kišenvagių gaujos vadeiva, o širdies draugė – tai pačiai gaujai priklausanti vaikystės meilė. Visų jų laukia dar viena nešvari misija, kurios pasekmių nuspėti neįmanoma.

He invents puzzles. He’s committed body and soul to his work and needs silence to be able to concentrate. She is an accomplished pianist and can’t live without music. She must prepare for a competition that could change her life. They are going to be forced to coexist without seeing each other.

Emilie is a bright young workaholic manager in Human Resources, working for a huge French agro-food company. But, one day, one of the employees commits suicide at the company in front of her. While an investigation is underway, stuck between her traumatized colleagues and under pressure of a powerful hierarchy, she will have to get by on her own.

Afghanistan, 2014. As the withdrawal of troops approaches, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his squad have been assigned a surveillance mission in a remote valley of Wakhan, on the border of Pakistan. Despite Antarès and his men’s determination, control of the secluded valley will slowly fall out of their hands. One dark night, soldiers begin to mysteriously disappear in the valley.

A young woman makes a surprising discovery about the husband of her late best friend.

Pagal tikrus įvykius sukurtoje jausmingoje dramoje „Išdavystė“ pasakojama visoje Prancūzijoje pagarsėjusi kontraversiška meilės istorija. Žanas (aktorius Guillaume Gallienne) yra pavyzdinio moterų kalėjimo direktorius. Trisdešimt devynerių metų vyrui sekasi ne tik karjera, jis turi mylinčią žmoną ir nuostabią dukrą. Tačiau į jo gyvenimą tarsi liepsna įsiveržia jauna kalinė Ana (akt. Adèle Exarchopoulos), kuri Žano valdomame kalėjime laukia nuosprendžio už visuomenėje rezonansą sukėlusį nusikaltimą. Tarp gerokai jaunesnės, seksualios ir laukiniu veržlumu spinduliuojančios Anos ir kalėjimo vadovo užsimezga aistringas ryšys. Neįveikiam aistra priverčia Žaną rinktis tarp brangiausių jam dalykų – šeimos bei darbo ir jokios ateities neturinčių santykių su teisiamąja. Puolęs į neviltį vyras mėgina atsiriboti nuo Anos ir grįžti pas šeimą, tačiau neištvėręs vidinių kančių vėl metasi į kalinės glėbį. Beprotybė apėmusi abu įsimylėjėlius kėsinasi prasiveržti tragiškiausia savo forma.

Alex, Antoine and Manu meet Jean, a loner who ignores the pleasures of friendship. Little by little, they learn to know each other, to appreciate each other. Jean is moved by the complicity and affection that fuels the relationship with his new friends.

George Kuffs didn't finish high-school, just lost his job, and his college-age girlfriend is pregnant. To top it off, George's brother Brad is killed and George inherits Brad's "patrol special" privatized police district and all the problems that come with it.

Far’Hook is a 20-year-old rapper. Following a violent dispute with a rival, he’s forced to leave Paris for a while. His producer, Bilal, suggests that Far’Hook acts as driver for Bilal’s father, Serge, on a tour of French ports, following in the footsteps of the classic painter Joseph Vernet. Despite the age gap and culture clash, an unlikely friendship forms between this talented rapper and a bricklayer from the north of France during a road trip that concludes in Marseille for a final concert, one of reconciliation.

Marc Elbichon, a novice private sleuth, is investigating a wave of assassinations bearing a particular characteristic: the perpetrator, dubbed the "telephone killer" always strangles his female victims with a telephone cord.

Hoping for a fresh start, Julia moves to Los Angeles with her boyfriend. After settling into a fancy new home, it seems her demons have come back to haunt her when mysterious things begin to happen.

Dany, the king of petty thefts, did not wait until the end of his prison sentence to reunite with his 13-year-old son Sullivan. The only thing he now needs is a job and an apartment to regain custody of his son.

Forty-year-old Paul-André is a timid, rather introverted man. Rich but alone, he is deeply bored and ends up concluding that what he needs is a family. Violette, a forty-year-old full of energy, is threatened with eviction and is afraid she'll lose custody of her two children. Paul-André then proposes a totally above the board contract to rent the family in exchange for him paying off Violette's debts. For better and for worse..

Three sisters, Stella, Luce and Aria, live in an isolated house, immersed in the shadows, submitted by a violent and authoritarian father, a religious fanatic obsessed with the end of the world, who keeps them prisoners behind locks and closed windows, under the pretext that the Apocalypse has finally arrived.