Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

Kika, a math teacher, accidentaly becomes a child again after eating a magic cupcake. This leads her in a journey of self-discovery, while also helping Juju, a 10-year old girl chasing her dreams.

Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar’s plaintiff so as to stop the execution.

An accident in the butchers shop leads Norman Pitkin and Mr Grimsdale to the hospital where, after causing the normal ammount of chaos, Pitkin finds Lindy, a little girl who hasn't spoken or smiled since her parents were killed in an aeroplane accident. Pitkin decides to help.

Malé vtáčiky usalašené na telefónnom drôte len ťažko znesú prítomnosť veľkého, škaredého a neohrabaného operenca, ktorý si k nim zrazu prisadol, aby sa s nimi spriatelil. Napriek ústretovým gestám nevítaného hosťa sa ho malé vtáky snažia vyduriť z ich milovaného bydla. Aké však bude ich prekvapenie, keď veľkému, komickému a trocha pripečenému operencovi dôjde trpezlivosť a veľmi vážne sa rozhnevá?

Sane Man was filmed before Bill recorded ‘Dangerous’, his first comedy album, and is a turning point in Hicks’ career. It was the first complete Hicks show ever filmed and Bill pulled out all the stops for the cameras. Completely focused, a newly-sober Hicks paces the stage like a wild animal riffing effortless.

Priest Don Camillo blackmails his friendly rival Peppone into letting him join a Communist delegation visiting the Soviet Union.

A dramatic story, based on actual events, about the friendship between two men struggling against apartheid in South Africa in the 1970s. Donald Woods is a white liberal journalist in South Africa who begins to follow the activities of Stephen Biko, a courageous and outspoken black anti-apartheid activist.

A high school student is haunted by thoughts of "The Matrix" and a person named "Neo".

Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything is going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian.

After regaining his manliness, he escapes from hell Satan for embezzling Secretary of infernal hacienda, being chased by a couple of poor devils good for nothing, and took refuge in the cabaret ends up working as a transvestite.

Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the game, Solo. Tormented by the memory of his fled girlfriend Lisa and begged by Solo to end its useless "life", Jimi begins a search for people who can help him both to discover what happened to Lisa and to delete his game before it is released.

Krásna a hrdá princezná Fantaghiro chce za každú cenu vyslobodiť kráľa Romualda a vrátiť ho naspäť do sveta živých. Tomuto rozhodnutiu, na ktoré sa sama podujala, je ochotná podriadiť všetko a podstúpiť i nemožné. K vytúženému cieľu však existuje len jediná možná cesta - cesta prekážok, nebezpečenstiev, nástrah a príkoria. A tak odvážnu princeznú Fantaghiro čaká v jej živote najťažší a najnebezpečnejší súboj, aký kedy podstúpila.

Young journalist Sebastian Zöllner is writing an article on artist Manuel Kaminski. Zöllner hopes that Kaminski dies soon, so that he can cash in on his article.

Car salesman Gerry Schartl is on his way to dream holidays in an all-inclusive club at Cosamera. He´s a smart guy, great in his job, and his life is perfect - well, nearly perfect...

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

Amy Walsh returns to Philadelphia after 10 years to visit her ex-cop, current-con father and to join a stick-up crew. After a job gone wrong, Warren Mercer, the cop who put her dad in prison gets on her trail.

Two hooligans attach lengths of sausage to a running motorcar, setting off a city-wide chase.