After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.

The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.

Bridger is a young outsider who's always wanted more. He and his mother flee an abusive home, eventually finding a small town in the middle of nowhere. Once there, Bridger finds true acceptance with another misfit.

Kad Atriebēji tika iejaukti pasaules mēroga incidentā ar graujošām sekām, valdība nolemj izdot likumu par supervaroņu reģistrāciju un kontroli. Saskatot tajā cilvēktiesību pārkāpumus, Stīvs Rodžerss un viņa domubiedri iestājas pret jauno kārtību. Taču, esot vienisprātis ar jauno likumu, Tonijs Stārks nostājas citādi domājošo vadībā. Atriebēji piedzīvo šķelšanos un jauna Pilsoņu Kara sākumu starp naidīgajām pusēm, kamēr šīs situācijas izmantošanai plānus jau kaļ kāds noslēpumains ļaundaris.

Damian Wayne is having a hard time coping with his father's "no killing" rule. Meanwhile, Gotham is going through hell with threats such as the insane Dollmaker, and the secretive Court of Owls.

While awaiting the next fuel truck at a middle-of-nowhere Arizona rest stop, a traveling young knife salesman is thrust into a high-stakes hostage situation by the arrival of two similarly stranded bank robbers with no qualms about using cruelty—or cold, hard steel—to protect their bloodstained, ill-gotten fortune.

An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store.

Street dancer Skyler comes out of the shadow of her trained dancer sister, Tosha, & joins a dance competition with the Honey dance studio; the prize is a college scholarship.

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

Redzot meitu augam, šķiet neviens puisis nebūs viņas cienīgs, bet agrāk vai vēlāk pienāk brīdis satikt viņas mūža mīlestību. Tas brīdis ir pienācis arī Flemingu ģimenes galvai Nedam, kurš dodas iepazīties ar meitas Stefānijas izredzēto Lērdu - ekscentrisku bagātnieku, kurš neskopojas ar piparotiem vārdiem sarunu laikā. Kāpēc no visiem iespējamajiem puišiem, meita ir izvēlējusies tieši šo?

Futūristiskā Čikāga ir sagrauta drupās, starp kopienām aug spriedze un briest karš, tikmēr Trisa kopā ar Tobiasu (Četri) bēguļo, meklē sabiedrotos un cenšas rast atbildes uz jautājumiem. Kā vārdā Nesavtīgie ziedoja savas dzīvības? Kādēļ Mācīto līderi dara visu iespējamo, lai viņus apturētu? Trisu vajā pagātnes izvēles un vada izmisīga vēlēšanās aizsargāt savus mīļos. Trisa pārvar arvien jaunus šķēršļus un izaicinājumus, pamazām uzzinot patiesību par pagātni un galu galā arī par pasaules nākotni.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

Populārās filmu sērijas, kas veidotas pēc ne mazāk populārās video spēles "Nezūdošais ļaunums" motīviem, pēdējā nodaļa! Alise ir vienīgā, kas izdzīvojusi šķietami pēdējā kaujā pret zombijiem iepriekšējā sērijā. Taču tagad viņai nāksies atgriezties tur, kur viss šis murgs sācies – Rakunsitijā, jo draudīgā korporācija "Umbrella" mēģina apkopot savu dēmonisko spēku atlikumus, lai piebeigtu Apokalipses ugunsgrēkā izdzīvojušos cilvēkus.

In the shadowy world of drone warfare, combat unfolds like a video game–only with real lives at stake. After six tours of duty, Air Force pilot Tom Egan now fights the Taliban from an air-conditioned bunker in the Nevada desert. But as he yearns to get back in the cockpit of a real plane and becomes increasingly troubled by the collateral damage he causes each time he pushes a button, Egan’s nerves—and his relationship with his wife—begin to unravel.

Tempted away from Newcastle United to join Real Madrid, rising star Santiago Munez finds this latest change of fortune the greatest challenge yet - personally as well as professionally. He is reunited with Gavin Harris, though they must compete to be on the team, and estranged from fiancee Roz, whose nursing career keeps her back home.

Tēvocis sūta Džeku uz tirgu pārdot zirgu un nopirkt niedres mājas jumtam. Puisis satiek daiļo princesi Izabellu un izglābj viņu no huligāniem. Džeks atgriežas mājās tikai ar dažām pupām, kuras viņam iedevis kāds mūks, kurš apgalvo, ka tās ir svētas, taču tēvocis nav sajūsmā par šādu lietu pavērsienu un izmet pupas. Pa nakti ierodas princese, kura ir aizbēgusi, lai viņai nebūtu jāprecas ar Roderiku, kurš kāro kļūt par karali. Itin drīz pupas izdzen saknes, un milzīga garā pupa aiznes projām princesi un Džeka māju. Tagad Džekam jādodas ceļā kopā ar karaļa sardzi, lai izglābtu princesi un uzzinātu, ka teiksmainā milžu zeme patiešām eksistē.

A lonely otaku is fired from his job. He is rescued in a ruined building by a strange girl in a sailor suit. When he wakes up, the girl becomes a figure. The young man and the pretty figure begin to live together.