Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a movie based on the life story of world-renowned neurosurgeon Ben Carson from 1961 to 1987.

У овој комедији о 70-годишњем пензионеру Бену, који је притом и удовац те се осећа веома бескорисно живећи тако монотоним животом, Роберт Де Ниро је још једном показао своју сјајну хумористичну страну. Како би се укључио у друштво, осећао се корисним и повратио живахност у свој живот, одлучи да се запосли као приправник уредништва модног часописа!

Прошло је двадесет година. Много тога се променило, али много тога је остало потпуно исто. Марк Рентон враћа се на једино место које је икада могао назвати домом. Сви га чекају: Спуд, Сик Бој и Бегби. И други стари пријатељи такође га чекају: туга, губитак, радост, освета, мржња, пријатељство, љубав, чежња, страх, кајање, самодеструкција и смртна опасност… Сви су се скупили како би му пожељели добродошлицу. По други пут.

Вече уочи Дана D, амерички падобранци искрцавају се иза непријатељских линија, како би одрадили задатак од суштинске важности за успех инвазије. Али, како се приближавају својој мети, схватају да се ту дешава нешто много више од нацистичке окупације села и обичне војне акције. Тако ће се наћи у борби са натприродном силом, која је део нацистичког експеримента.

When Claire goes home to save her dad's annual Fall Fest on her family's pumpkin farm, sparks fly with an old rival – the opposing lawyer she now faces in court.

Искусни геолог Кристиан Еикфјорд прихватио је посао изван града. Када заједно са колегама измери мање подземне геолошке промене, спреман је иселити се са породицом из града Геиранџера. Кристиан постаје забринут, његове најгоре ноћне море почињу се остваривати, а катастрофа је неизбежна. Има мање од десет минута да реагује те у трци са временом настоји да спасити што више људи, укључујући и властиту породицу.

Bestselling author Angela Young needs to get away from the media circus surrounding her book, but her boyfriend/manager Brad is too busy making deals to listen. Determined to take a break, Angela pulls a disappearing act and drives off to see the fall foliage.

When Lucy’s childhood sweetheart plans to tear down the Gilded Age estate and replace it with a golf course, Lucy fights to preserve the historic mansion at all costs. As Lucy and Duncan set out to find a compromise, they learn that embracing the past may be the key to protecting the future.

Tom Jacobs is Mr Christmas! He's built an entire business around helping clients find the perfect gift. But what happens when he falls for one lucky recipient?

He invents puzzles. He’s committed body and soul to his work and needs silence to be able to concentrate. She is an accomplished pianist and can’t live without music. She must prepare for a competition that could change her life. They are going to be forced to coexist without seeing each other.

Жена је избачена од стране мушких агената у њеној професији. Али добија неочекивану предност над њима када добије способност да чује њихове мисли …

Прича прати пилота хеликоптера и спасиоца Реја који након стравичног потреса креће из Лос Анђелеса у Сан Франциско са својом супругом, с којом није у најбољим односима, како би спасили ћерку јединицу. Али, њихово путовање само је почетак ужаса који природа спрема.

Lucinda Price is sent to a reform academy under the assumption that she has killed a boy. There, she meets two mysterious boys, Cam and Daniel, to whom she feels drawn to both. But as the love triangle unfurls, it is Daniel that Luce cannot keep herself away from, and things begin to take a darker turn when she finds out his true identity.

After fast-paced New York City high-end real estate broker Fiona Rangely gets dumped by her boyfriend, she escapes to her family’s quaint Vermont Inn for a few days to slow down and evaluate her life. When her ex-boyfriend Nate shows up at the Inn with a brand new girlfriend, Fiona quickly devises a plan to win him back: pretend the handsome and very laid- back head chef Derek is her new boyfriend! Much to the surprise of Derek --and to Fiona herself-- in pretending to be in love, she realizes that she’s been thrown a curveball: sometimes the best things in life are worth the wait.

Claire, an ambitious pastry chef, is busy running her new restaurant, but her meddling mom is preoccupied with her lack of love life. Without her knowledge, Claire’s mother finds her the perfect man, but when Claire finds out it wasn’t fate that brought them together, it could ruin the relationship.

As three young professionals chase their wildly different dreams, their relationships with each other indelibly impact their journeys of self-discovery.

Romance book editor Eve agrees to housesit for her bestselling novelists, sharing the home with Jake, a self-help coach who needs the space to host romantically themed workshops for Valentine's Day.

Newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, Wes Robinson, is looking for new ideas to boost the company's sales. Vivian Blair, a program developer, shares a dating algorithm she has been working on called My Perfect Match. Wes sees potential and an opportunity to turn the company around and launches the service. When the pair is challenged to use My Perfect Match themselves to find love, this algorithm shows some interesting results.

A successful wedding planner is trying to make dreams come true for brides by organizing fairy tale weddings. But when she is paired with a financial advisor at a wedding expo, she soon realizes that he is giving the exact opposite advice to their audience by telling them to save their money. When they are forced to spend a lot of time together, they find out that they have more in common than they think.

An intense new marijuana strain named “Black Forest” is taking Los Angeles by storm, and Gretel’s stoner boyfriend can’t get enough. But when the old woman growing the popular drug turns out to be an evil witch, cooking and eating her wasted patrons for their youth, Gretel and her brother Hansel must save him from a gruesome death — or face the last high of their lives.