Lost cinema. Lost culture. Lost country. Lost people. How to recreate the past with nothing? Cinema of the impossible. The silent past is a horror film. The smell of nitrate in the morning. How many ghosts can the cinema contain? 75 films. 22 years. What is the numerological significance? Too late. Never too late.

Film about an unemployed, socially handicapped bachelor who lives in a very small world. For his birthday, his mother gives him a young dog. The touching pup brings about a pleasant change in his lonely life. But the growing up of the small dog forces him to make a radical choice.


Fugitive convict Aldo seizes a car, taking policeman Giacomo and civilian Giovanni hostages. While chased by the police all over Italy, they will eventually become friends.

  1967年法国特工休伯特突然被指派去巴西里约热内卢追查二战漏网纳粹高官的下落。几经周折终于跟踪到了嫌疑人,休伯特本以为可以一发子弹顺利交差,却又接到新指示,此人是重要情报线索,需要从他身上获取二战期间协助德国纳粹的法国叛国人员名单。所以休伯特只得一边和他觥筹交错,一边暗中设计。与他同时行动的还有另外一家情报机构的漂亮女间谍杜萝兹。两人起初还针锋相对,但一夜春宵后立刻化敌为友......   幕后制作   英国有个邦德007,法国则出了个特工117。而且这个117早在1949年就活跃在银幕上了,比第一部邦德还早4年。不过这个117的长处是搞笑而不是枪战和特殊武器。影片整体格调轻松、诙谐,很有法国风味。   这部系列间谍电影混合了法式讽刺和故意为之的智慧把法国喜剧的精神再次展现在世人面前。曾经风靡50-60年代的OSS间谍系列在今天还有一大批铁杆粉丝。系列中新作邀请了出演过《押运人》和《劳斯一家》等诸多影视作品的法国影星让·杜雅赫丹扮演间谍。OSS间谍出场和007有着几分雷同,和007背后有强大的科技力量相比,OOS117却连装备也是自己亲手秘密研制,片中OSS117从造型到习惯动作都和肖恩·康纳利版的007神似,就连117女郎都酷似邦女郎。


Charilaos (Orestis Makris), a retired officer with very strict and conservative principles, raises his four daughters with... military discipline, taking care of their culture, their appearance and their good behavior. Despite all his desire to marry them, he does not leave them anywhere alone, as a result of which no man approaches them. His wife, Efterpi (Eleni Zafiriou), as well as his friend and neighbor Xenophon (Pantelis Zervos), make remarkable efforts to convince him to change his tactics, but he insists on his very conservative behavior. But when the conversation reaches the well-to-do sister of Kalliopis (Georgia Vassiliadou) who has been living in Chicago, USA for years, everything turns upside down. She returns to Athens and undertakes to modernize the general's house, as well as help the four girls (and her nieces) to be rehabilitated.

Live stage recording of the stand-up comedy show, with sketches and videos of old skits from 'Mai dire Gol'.


一天,美国太空船遭到了不明飞行物的攻击,美方怀疑是苏联的阴谋,目的是想独霸太空。美方测出了不明飞行物的降落地点是在日本,于是英国军方派出007(肖恩•康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)前往日本替美方调查此事。由于007的身份特殊,直接进入日本容易被敌人察觉。为了掩人耳目,007先是在香港假死,然后用新的身份进入了日本。另一方面,苏联的太空船也受到攻击,苏联同样认为是美国的阴谋。007在经过一番调查之后,发现整个阴谋的幕后主脑竟然是日本一家化学公司!007能否及时粉碎它的阴谋,化解误会?



In the led-up to the 1989 WWE Survivor Series, top WWE Superstars strive to Survive!

When Catherine Terris's career in Hollywood hits the skids, she heads back to the site of her first great triumphs...Broadway! She takes the lead in a play which is being directed by Gordon Evans, the man who was both her Svengali and her lover. Evans is still bitter that she walked out on him to become the toast of Hollywood years earlier. Can Terris and Evans put aside their mutual animosity long enough to make a go of this production. The way things start off, it doesn't seem likely.

When Max (Eric Stoltz), urged on by "Risk Management," a self-help book for the hapless, decides to approach his fellow ferry-commuter Rory (Susanna Thompson), he hopes simply saying hello might change his life for the better. But Rory only accepts contact by contract. Max finds he can play along. As the two negotiate a whirlwind relationship on paper, Rory slowly lets down her guard; but when her unresolved personal life intervenes in the form of Donald (Kevin Tighe), Max must manage a little more risk than he bargained on.

Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.