Shot in Kyiv, Bucha and Gostomel in May 2022, the film shows eyewitnesses of the beginning of the full-scale invasion and the following Russian occupation. The protagonists share their impressions of those days and their thoughts about the present and future.

Solomon Northup(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 饰)本来是一个自由人,以演奏小提琴为生,有一个妻子和两个孩子,生活其乐融融。不料他却被两个白人以为马戏团表演伴奏所骗,去了华盛顿,一觉醒来发现自己成了黑奴。起初他被卖给了Ford先生(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰),在庄园里当奴隶。不久又被卖给了素有“黑奴终结者”之称的Epps先生(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰),他在种植园里日复一日地采摘棉花,也目睹了许多黑奴的悲剧。12年过去了,他始终没有放弃重回自由人的希望,直到遇到了一个思想进步的人士——木匠Bass先生(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)。Solomon是否能结束他身为奴隶的命运?本片根据Solomon Northup的真人真事改编。

This is the very first silent slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. What's more fun: fishing with worms, or dynamite? Three friends decided to have a blast! Unfortunately their dog Barbos just loves playing fetch. And this time that stick was used for blast fishing. Barbos saw people throwing a smoking stick in a water, and fetched it right back to his owners. The "unusual cross" part begins when owners try to outrun the dog with dynamite.

Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

Yvette Marcel asks her godfather Control and McCall for help dealing with her irrational father, who is intent on locating Manon, the mother she believed had been killed years before. Created by editing 2-parts of episodes of the TV series, The Equalizer.

  故事发生在一艘名为“尤金·奥涅金”的货轮上,这艘货轮运送着一批特殊的货物——动物,它的目的地是位于奥德萨的一家马戏团。仿佛是上帝开的一个玩笑,一只黑猩猩从笼子里溜了出来,聪明伶俐的他决心让伙伴们也尝尝自由的滋味,就这样,他打开了所有的笼子。一时间,封闭的甲板成为了大型的野生动物园,骇人的狮子和老虎竟然在其上闲庭信步,而身为“自由斗士”的黑猩猩俨然将自己当成了一船之主。面对着充满了野性的动物们,船长和船员们手足无措,正当一帮大男人们被吓得瑟瑟发抖之时,一个名叫玛丽安娜(玛格丽塔·娜扎罗娃 Margarita Nazarova 饰)的妙龄女子以救命稻草的形象出现在了众人的面前。


The ostensibly calm and courteous Gerald Ballantyne lives in and embodies modern suburbia. But he is haunted by the memory of a recent car crash and hounded by his estranged wife and her demands for divorce. Slowly, a festering insanity takes over and unwilling to face the outside world he embarks on a lunatic experiment. Confining himself to his middle-class home, he eschews contact with others and survives entirely off 'food' which he can find in his house. Based on JG Ballard's The Enormous Space.

Disney's animated adaptation of Prokofiev's masterpiece, in which every character is represented musically by a different instrument. Young Peter decides to go hunting for the wolf that's been prowling around the village. Along the way, he is joined by his friends the bird, the duck and the cat. All the fun comes to end, however, when the wolf makes an appearance. Will Peter and his friends live to tell of their adventures?


  高一生涯结束,野猫队的所有成员都准备好迎接美妙的暑假。暗恋特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron饰)已久的夏培(阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale 饰)利用她父亲的影响力帮特洛伊在自家经营的豪华俱乐部中弄到一份工作,和藉机让他获得大学篮球奖学金的机会。而条件是特洛伊必须放弃野猫队,并和夏培搭档参加俱乐部一年一度的才艺比赛。同时,这也是夏培让特洛伊远离女朋友盖比瑞拉(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Hudgens饰)的计谋。可特洛伊让盖比瑞拉被同时被俱乐部录用,让夏培十分气愤。夏培的弟弟莱恩和没了特洛伊的野猫队合作,排练曲目参加比赛。不料被夏培知道,强行取消了他们的资格。盖比瑞拉伤心地从俱乐部辞了职,并开始与特洛伊产生裂痕,野猫队的成员也开始把特洛伊排除在外。   这一次特洛伊到底该选择哪一边的阵营?这个夏天到底会有怎样不一样的抉择?

An archival investigation into the imperial image-making of the RAF ‘Z Unit’, which determined the destruction of human, animal and cultural life across Somaliland, as well as Africa and Asia.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Three escaped prisoners return to the site of a robbery to find the stolen money that was never recovered. Western.

A group of kids embarks in a macabre adventure, full of characters from the Brazilian popular imaginary - the werewolf, a witch, a ghost, monsters and The Saci.


A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the chaotic streets of Istanbul, 40 is a story of three strangers making their way in a city of 12 million, all searching...for one bag. Shot entirely on location, '40' combines intense story telling with documentary style cinematography embarking on a synchronistic journey dealing with faith, love, luck, destiny, human trafficking...and a bag of cash that falls from the sky.

  在一个阴阳交接的地方有另一个洛杉矶,茹毛嗜血恐怖生物把那里的一个街区的人们逼向了生死边缘。。。。超年轻的:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 在里面饰演了一个帅气的小孩~

Terror strikes teenage pranksters armed with a video camera.